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You do not know the laws of love are here

Everyone’s love story is unique, but the success or failure factors are similar, so often there is a pattern to love. Of course the law is not the same as the truth, can not say that every person situation can correspond, but most most cases are indeed so. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the following 15 laws of love and see if they match up with your situation!

Law 1

If most of your friends don’t like the one you’re with, the eyes of the masses are discerning, and then he/she is often not the real deal/the real deal either.

Law Two

Divide and conclude, divide and conclude, and eventually to be divided. Those couples who quarrel as a family routine and often split up, will eventually break up after a long time, and it’s okay not to hang on to the breakup, it will come true.

The law of three

Three months is a hurdle, a relationship in the end The three month mark is usually the time to see if a relationship should be treated as a dalliance or if it should be taken seriously.

Law 4

Disagreements should be spoken about, otherwise they will become The heart attack will then become a breakup trigger.

Law 5

A woman who has nothing to offer, but She will feel very good about herself and the people around her will feel good about her. A man who is not successful, but to get a very powerful woman, he will still feel that he is not successful, people around him will also feel that he is a loser. this is caused by the different attitudes of society towards men and women. It’s like how some people think a woman can change her fate by marrying a guy, while a man can only win his future with his own hands in the end.

Law #6

A man who does a sensational job for you The person who does a “big thing” for you is not necessarily the one who really loves you. For example: giving up his career, or even his marriage, or his possessions for you; or sending you 9,999 roses on your anniversary; or giving you a flash mob on your birthday, etc.

They probably do these things because of a moment of passion, or to get your attention and gain your heart. But the sad truth is that as romantic as he can be with you, he can be with someone else.

Whether a person loves you or not is reflected in the details, in the everyday. For example, he helped you pour milk in the morning; when it’s cold to go out to their jackets draped over you; when you’re upset, he patiently listened to you; the last piece of meat on the plate, always left for you to eat; summer when we drink beer together, always the cooler bottle to you; when you’re busy, remind you that today is your grandmother’s birthday; in the long-distance car, when your pillow, so you can sleep comfortably …… these things, so subtle that you hardly notice. Even he himself does not notice, silent to you, has become a habit of his. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

Law 7

If a person’s dating list is nothing but extreme, is stupid, then that person is either extreme or stupid.

Law 8

Sometimes we go out and hurt someone we love It’s not because we really want to hurt them, it’s just to prove to ourselves that they still care. If you don’t want to prove anything, but really want to hurt someone, the best way to do it is to make them feel that nothing they do can hurt you. The short answer is to make them feel like you don’t even care anymore.

Law 9

The way a person treats a waiter is The way he treats you after a few months of dating. If a person can be gentlemanly and forgiving to the waiter, treat their relationship with the object is also most likely so, a person who treats the waiter are yelling and screaming, faultfinding, treat their relationship with the object is not likely to be good to where. Of course, excluding those waiters who do have a bad attitude.

Law 10

Whoever wants to be serious in the early stages of a hookup loses.

Law 11

Frequent praise you, compliment you, but to you The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of days. The most important thing to know is that you should not listen to what he says, but to what he does.

Law 12

Two weak people together may become Two strong people together may become; two strong people together shall be divided.

Law 13

A man who really likes you will not initiate offer to get laid because they are afraid of ruining their image.

Law 14

Two unhappy people together will only more unhappy. Many novels and movies often depict how two unhappy people fall in love at first sight, and how life suddenly brightens up. The actual life is not like this, do not take it for granted that a partner will definitely be happy, unhappy people are generally more pessimistic, two pessimistic people together, pessimism affect each other, only to make two people more pessimistic, more depressed.

Law 15

If a relationship is at a stage where it needs to be “saved,” then it’s not far from the end.

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