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You are more active? 5 performance to see if you are unrequited love

Still thinking of him as your boyfriend with a sweet face? Maybe you’re just in an unrequited love affair, too! If your relationship shows any of the following signs, beware!

1. He doesn’t care about you

A man who really cares about you will always listen patiently to you about the day’s events, and he will share with you the anecdotes he encounters. And if your significant other is unable to listen to you and take care of your emotions, it means that he is not interested in you at all.

2. You rarely go on dates

Dates play a very important role in communicating about your relationship. It builds intimacy between you, and if he rarely invites you and doesn’t want to do something fun with you, it means he’s not very interested in you.

3. He prefers to be with his friends

This means he doesn’t want you to interfere with his social circle, and in his mind friends are much more important than you. It’s more likely that he won’t introduce you to his friends.

4. Your conversations are always short

Whenever you want to talk to him, the conversation is always short, always acting like there is no interest. In the messages he sends you, he is also always shy about words.

5. You always take the initiative

You have to take the initiative in everything, otherwise you won’t be able to wait for any messages or messages from him. you won’t be able to wait for any news or response from him. But no matter what you do, you can’t be first in his heart.

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