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Workplace stress how to do? Six tricks to teach you to improve the ability to resist stress

The modern white-collar workplace is stressful, with problems at work, private competition between colleagues, overload workload, etc. often leaving everyone breathless. The best of the best, the survival of the fittest, in the workplace jungle, if there is no good anti-stress ability, but really can not survive in the workplace. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem.

1. Get connected with others

The venture capital community often says It is not without reason that “winter comes to hug for warmth”. Newcomers to the workplace will encounter many difficulties when they start working and tend to question their abilities, but through communication with many other newcomers to the workplace, you will find that they are facing the same problems and have the same pressure. So your stress is instantly reduced.

2, learn to be grateful

When you feel like you can’t hold on anymore, you’ll be especially grateful for working together. When you feel like you’re not going to make it, you’ll be especially grateful to the people you work with, and you’ll be more confident in their encouragement as you watch them tackle the tough issues and help the whole company fly forward together. Or, you can choose another approach: helping others. You might say, “How do I have time to help others when I’m so stressed out?” That’s where it gets interesting. When you go to help others, you are less stressed instead because the process gives you a sense of accomplishment and efficacy.

3. Keep exercising and have a good healthy body

A healthy The body and mind are the foundation for our sunny mindset. Learning to relax our muscles, breathing deeply, exercising more, getting enough complete sleep, staying healthy and nutritious, etc. should all be included in our usual work-life plan. By keeping you healthy, you can increase your energy and stamina and help you resist the onslaught of stress and negativity.

4. Develop humor to diffuse

Training humor to diffuse Designed to develop one’s ability to adjust one’s mind with humor and wit. Humor dissolves worries, releases emotions, and allows a person to constantly experience a pleasant mood. In foreign studies of humor, humor has always been seen as a prominent expression of a healthy personality. Unfortunately, the Chinese have not paid much attention to the importance of humor to health since ancient times, and there is an urgent need for Chinese people to strengthen humor training and learn to use humor to sublimate life’s troubles. Humor can improve not only one’s ability to press bombs, but also one’s creative thinking.

5. Create a positive self-concept

People with a positive self-concept have a moderate amount of self-concept. People with a positive self-concept have moderate self-confidence and are not pretentious; they also have a clear cognitive assessment of themselves and accept themselves in an affirmative manner, accepting not only their strengths but also their weaknesses and even their flaws. The way to create a positive self-concept is to engage in practical activities and strive to achieve success. Success enhances one’s sense of self-efficacy, value, and self-confidence, and facilitates a positive self-evaluation of oneself, so that individuals gradually appreciate and delight in themselves and are grateful for life.

6. Proper attribution enhances the sense of control

According to American psychologist Weiner’s theory of motivational attribution, success and failure can be attributed to four factors: ability, effort, luck, and task difficulty. Attributing failure to subjective factors can make people feel guilty and helpless, and attributing success to objective factors is not conducive to personal achievement motivation. Therefore, when attributing, people should make special efforts to avoid these two wrong attribution patterns, make an objective and calm analysis of their successes and failures, and gradually develop their sense of control and get rid of the feeling of helplessness. For success attributed to their own efforts, for failure attributed to objective factors. Another good point is that success is the result of a combination of four factors: one’s ability, effort, difficulty of the task, and luck. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the feeling of helplessness.

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