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Workplace mature women’s 7 “love killing power”

The love killing power of high salary women in the workplace who dare to block, the society of gender equality, etc., women have become the workplace first hand. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

There’s no man you can’t chase

This used to be said by men There is no such thing as a woman you can’t chase.

If I wanted to be a vase, I would have done it a long time ago. Efforts for so long, finally fixed their own ability to master the direction, so wantonly happy, how to give up? So many high-paid women are mostly not destined to do the vase, or find an honest man, or a fancy boy. The comments of others no longer matter, their own happy is.

Say no to a man when you need to, turn around when you don’t like it, and buy him a gift to show your love. Choose your own way of living, dressing, talking, and calm eyes to take responsibility and pay for yourself. Men unnecessarily feel humiliated because high-paid women simply don’t think in that direction.

I’m the one in control

Men say: You’re a really hard control woman. The highly paid woman smiles and doesn’t say anything, but in her mind she replies: Because I’m the one in control.

Overtime is more important than dating. Nothing can change a man’s work ethic and values, and the same goes for highly paid women. Never be one of the other’s choices. When that happens, immediately make him one of the choices as well, so the game is fair enough.

Refusing to disclose more

Men will They become well-behaved and don’t look at women as if they are in the bag and less interested.

Jealousy is also calm on the surface. Because smart women should understand that men will often be interested in other women, it’s just a habit of theirs.

Women also need to prove to themselves from time to time that they are still attracted to other men. There is no need to feel apologetic about it, men do it all the time as if they don’t have a girlfriend at all. In fact, the truth in this is that meeting new people keeps the need for the old relationship alive and helps you to revisit it.

The ace in the hole for well-paid women to attract men

Making money is an Ability to earn a high salary in office force is not a straw man among women. A woman who can always spark in a conversation with a man must impress men. Believe me, beautiful women may not have this killing power.

Often old-school women can’t get over a 2-year relationship in 20 years, and men can get over it in 2 days. Highly paid women compromise just a bit, 20 days.

The allure of “busy”

“Taking the initiative” becomes an art

Women in their 30’s are not as shy or stalkerish as they were in their 20’s when pursuing men. A simple look, an ambiguous pun can test the other side of the mind. Interesting? Well, we continue; no meaning? That’s okay, we’re all still friends.

There’s only love in love

A highly paid woman who is in love After that, she can have the strength to relax her demands on each other in terms of money, status and strength. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

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