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Women in love are most likely to make five mistakes

Falling in love is a necessary and unforgettable event in life, but if in the process of falling in love, women are always low IQ and also prone to make some low-level mistakes. For example, always in front of the boyfriend chatter and so on. In addition, what other low-level mistakes are women in love prone to make?

1.Always chattering in front of your boyfriend

“What did so-and-so’s colleague wear today, what did she wear, what cosmetics did so-and-so’s colleague use recently, what did so-and-so add to her classmates’ party.” The girl’s purpose in saying this is actually very simple, she wants her boyfriend to understand that these things, which are gifts from their boyfriends, she also wants a gift, so she nudges her boyfriend and thinks that this is so simple and so logical that he should hear and understand.

But the man just didn’t get it, first he didn’t understand the brands at all, second he thought she was too vain and trivial, and third his self-esteem was hurt, he thought she was saying: how come you can’t afford anything, how come you’re so poor? And he kind of disgusted look irritated her, she still have to say, the more annoyed she said, until finally argued. The more annoyed she is, the more she says, until she ends up arguing. There is no symmetry in the information received between men and women, he has to wait for you to tell him: I am a woman, women like gifts, give me some gifts and I will be happy.

2. Too obsessed with boyfriend commitment

In the vast majority of cases, a man’s commitment is just a promise. In most cases, a man’s commitment is just a perfunctory one, a perfunctory promise without any consideration before reality sets in. Most girls are very emotional, and many men will be afraid to say what they really think because of a woman’s emotionality. In addition, most girls have another appearance, is to be reasonable, seize a little regardless of the rest, it would have been possible to make a big deal out of a small matter, they can not do, often the more you say, the higher things get more complicated, the more contradictions get more acute, until irreconcilable, parting ways to regret.

3. Ignore the differences between people

Differences are what make us are the reason why we are who we are and not someone else. It’s not that your significant other isn’t good enough, he’s just different from you. Unfortunately, once we start a relationship, we see two people as one. A beautiful poem like “exchange your heart for my heart, to know how deeply we remember each other” usually comes from the fact that you are thinking hard about him, thinking about him to the point of tears, while he is sleeping, while gnashing his teeth and drooling …… In fact, our hearts are not a flash drive. The truth is that our hearts are not a USB stick, and what is recorded inside cannot be read so easily by anyone, not even your lover.

4. The desire to dominate and possess is too strong

Women in a relationship unconsciously become

Women in relationships unconsciously become the weaker sex because the world has long set them up as the weaker sex, so they make themselves stronger by asking for it, by constantly demanding it, and such contradictions often confuse men, who are not good at catching subtle emotional changes, and women’s outbursts and fickleness can give even the smartest of men a headache.

5.5. Only the state officials are allowed to set fire to the people

The problem with intimate relationships is that we will say everything because the other person is close and trusting, and we will reveal our true selves, which is not wrong in itself, but if what you say and do is offensive and hurtful in many ways, then being your friend or boyfriend means being asked to be a very high level of tolerance. This is a very excessive demand, you are saying: because you love me, so you have to put up with everything, so you have to pay for me, so you can not counter me, otherwise you do not love me. This is the logic of most women’s thinking, they use love as a weapon to bind and punish each other.

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