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Women in bed do not do these things

Pillow talk can make couples closer and marriages happier, and it can also be a good foreplay. But say the pillow talk should also speak skill, if you say what should not be said, or do what should not be done, may be the “good” to “spoil” the. So what is the most important thing that women should not do in bed? The most important thing to know is what you should do in bed.

Tracing the root of the mistake

1. “You’re always in such a hurry, like you’re standing in the office for a regular department meeting.”

Don’t complain constantly like a whiner; every man is afraid of a woman complaining to him about his sexual dissatisfaction. The more you stress to him endlessly that you need more time to have pleasure, it will make him think that “slow” is to give in to you, is a kind of give and sacrifice. In fact, slowing down brings equal pleasure to both parties, so why not justify slowing down?

2. “It’s the man’s job to control the pace of sex, and he has an obligation to keep me satisfied.”

You can’t expect him to just stand in the middle of the road and wait for your orgasm to come, can you? If you think so, slow lovemaking may be a solo act for him to sing, something so heavy that he’ll get bored with it a few times. Men are sometimes stupid in bed and need clear orders from women. In fact, it’s not even hard to get a man to slow down. Try to impress him and lead him with your tenderness, and the pace of lovemaking is completely under your control.

3. “It’s so unfair that he climaxes every time and I have no fun at all.”

Don’t be so hard on yourself, no woman can orgasm every time she has sex, it’s God’s plan. Even when you don’t have an orgasm, you’ve enjoyed the pleasure of sex.

6 taboos during sex

1.Calling out someone’s name< /p>

It’s unbelievable! It’s dizzying to have sex with your partner and have someone else’s name come out of your mouth! Unless you and your significant other have already agreed to engage in a “role-playing” game. Of course, this has to be a ridiculous game to “spice up” sex if you are feeling particularly good about each other and want to add something new. But no matter how close you are, if you call someone else’s name too naturally, it will undoubtedly hurt your significant other’s feelings.

2. The woman keeps asking if she’s done

Getting to the point It didn’t take long for the woman to start asking each other over and over if she was almost done.

Such questions can cause distress for the man. There are two reasons for this. First, this immediately gives the impression that you are not willing to have fun and just want to get it over with. And, for men, it can be frustrating if you let him stop before he gets to orgasm.

3. The woman moans too often

During sex There is nothing more exciting than hearing the moans of a loving partner. But everything has a limit, if you scream too often or disguise it too obviously, trying to please the other party can only be counterproductive. Once the other person sees through your charade, they are not interested in doing it anymore.

4. You have to pay attention to the serials or novels you watch or even mull over your work every now and then. The other half is waiting expectantly for you to get into this hot “sport”, so you should focus on it.

5. Play a special role

Bland sex is no longer fun. Want to have a “role-playing” game? Of course, this is great, and many couples enjoy pretending to be a cop or a police officer, a nurse or a doctor, or some other more interesting role. But it’s important to get the scale right. If you accidentally get caught thinking of him as some former sexual partner, you could get into serious trouble.

6. Don’t take it too seriously

Sex is a game that allows both partners to The most important thing is that you have to be able to get a good idea of what you’re doing. It’s better to talk and laugh and create a relaxed atmosphere to bring each other closer.

Learn to be an autonomous slow woman

“I don’t care to pay that much for sex, it’s a man thing.” If you think so, unfortunately, I think you will never be able to experience the art of “slow”. In SEX&theCITY, almost all women are self-sufficient and autonomous. The first thing you need to do is to lose the stereotype that “he’s in charge of the pace of sex” and be an autonomous, slow woman in bed.

Can you get him to slow down a little? Could you come talk about slowing down on one of your walks or outings. Walk each other half a beat slower than usual, or even reminisce about those leisurely, slow afternoons of childhood, without having to rush the conversation hard to bed. To borrow from Milan Kundera in a novel, slow is a kind of pleasure that is being lost, and there is a strange secret connection between slow and memory, fast and forgetting. For example, if a person is walking on the road, when he wants to remember something, he will unconsciously slow down his pace; on the contrary, if he wants to quickly forget what just happened, he will shake his head and stride forward. Starting in such a metaphysical way, he will let his guard down. Well, now that he has started to listen to you carefully and even resonate with a certain nostalgia, you can slowly cut to the chase.

How the art of “slow” makes for a wonderful three-step slow love process

How the art of “slow” makes for a wonderful three-step slow love process

1. Foreplay

Talk to him about slow. Describe a wonderfully slow sex session, either one that you experienced together or one that you heard about. Bring a look of reminiscence or yearning that is provocative enough to impress him. If you feel that this is too whiny in person, you can write an E-MAIL to him. Even during work hours, men won’t refuse to read a colorful letter, and they usually think it’s erotic.

2. Midway

You can think of ways to slow it down. down. For example: wear more complicated lingerie and play a game of undress; make a pact with him to work together to challenge the time of lovemaking, which men love to play and knowing exactly how long they have and how long it takes to extend is something they are passionate about; kiss him all over at the slowest pace you can stand. The truth is that the progress must be slower than expected because he will take a certain amount of time back to you; keep a tight control and don’t be soft. If he wants to speed up, you can get out of bed and fetch him a glass of milk or stop the action and sing a nursery rhyme in his ear. Calm down for a few seconds and he can last longer.

3. Afterwards

Slow love is indeed beautiful, and its greatest effect The best thing about slow love is that it allows you to remember it and look back on it from time to time, such as those heartfelt moments when you are in love, which may support you through your life together, however, if you want to keep that kind of love hot all the time, it is probably also nuts. So don’t expect every time to be that slow and that good. The pace of the city itself already dictates that we can’t make every sex session last two hours. All you have to do is not to let sex be forever in sync with the rhythm of the city, and plan a slow love at intervals, at moments when everyone is very relaxed.

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