Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Women have three major complaints after marriage

I often hear wives or husbands complain that “physical intimacy has grown, but spiritual distance has grown, as if, we have become the most familiar of strangers”… …

Sweet words that slip away

Husband’s view: We are a family now, I love her and she loves me, we both know this in our hearts, so why repeat it?

Couples in love seem to have endless whispers and vows after vows that are always touching. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public, such as the Internet, the Internet, and the Internet.

Life after marriage is indeed a lot more realistic, but the only way to keep things fresh in the mundane is to continue the heat and enthusiasm of the relationship and make both spouses feel happy in their trivial daily lives. Otherwise marriage can really become the grave of love.

Learn to pillow talk at night

Social competition is fierce and everyone There is a lot of pressure on everyone. When you get home, you just want to rest and are too lazy to say anything more to your loved ones around you. But you can let yourself gossip with your lover before going to sleep. It doesn’t have to be an earth-shattering vow, it can be a small thing that happened around you today, something interesting you saw and heard, which contains care and thoughtfulness, which will surely move each other more than sweet words. And the bed is a good place to solve many problems.

Wake up fond memories

Pull out the yellowed love letters, the doll you were given for the first time, and let the love letter be the first time you’ve seen it. The dolls you were given for the first time, the movies that made each other hold hands, the group photos of trips around, these are all memories of when you were once in love. As life tends to dwindle, we need to keep these passages in play. It’s important to look back at the days we’ve walked together, and the sweetness and hard work that went into it will surely make each other stronger in our relationship and more appreciative of what we have now.

Continue to express affection

Be open to your spouse’s loving actions Have feedback and express what you really feel inside. For example, if your wife can’t rest after work and cooks a big table, your husband should give his wife praise, “Honey, I love your cooking the most. If you do this again, you will make me fat!” The wife’s fatigue will be gone when she hears such words.

Communication is the most important tool in a marriage, and the essential element of communication is language. The most important thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of the situation. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Family life taken away by career

Wife’s point: He spends far more time at The company’s time far exceeds the time he spends at home, he always has endless projects to write reports, and he has to go out to meet clients on both days off. He also wants the family or not.

Husband’s view: I work so hard so that she can eat well and use good food. Not only does she not understand me, but she also plays with me.

Both before and after marriage, we all want our loved ones to spend as much time with us as possible, and that’s human nature. But love is not the only thing in life, not “bread”. Any marriage needs a material foundation, and the way to get money is to work. What can we do when our spouse is particularly focused on work?

Understand and support

Being ambitious, having a career and pursuing it is a good thing. It is a good thing to be proud to have such a lover. Just because your spouse is focused on his/her career doesn’t mean he/she doesn’t love you; he/she is fighting for a better family life and the other spouse should show understanding and support to the greatest extent possible. The other spouse should show the utmost understanding and support when he/she is having a hard time, and share the joy when he/she is successful.

Making the Marriage “Covenant”

Forgetting family responsibilities for the sake of career is also not advisable. The couple can make a “covenant” to clarify their responsibilities to the family, such as one partner taking on more chores, having to do some things together, and so on. Agree on the family development plan and then work together. The efforts can be different, the husband may be more outside the fight, the wife is more “logistical support”. And vice versa.

Never forget your role as “husband” or “wife”

In the company, you are the director and the boss, but at home, you are the “husband” or “wife” and have to Do your duty as a “husband” or “wife”. The company’s business is a good example of how to make a difference in the world.

There’s a story about former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher: One day, Mrs. Thatcher came home and knocked on the door for her husband to answer. Her husband asked, “Who is knocking at the door?” Mrs. Thatcher didn’t even think about it and answered, “The British Prime Minister.” But after waiting for half a day, her husband did not open the door, so she knocked again. Her husband asked, “Who’s that?” The first time she answered, “Your wife,” and within seconds, her husband opened the door with a smile.

Friendship or marriage, which is more important

Wife’s view: After marriage, he still likes to be with people who are “married”. After marriage, he still likes to hang out with those “friends”, either to drink or to play pool. Is it that boring to be with me?

Husband’s view: Getting married doesn’t mean I have to cut off my friends, I already eat and sleep together, can’t I spend some time with my friends? The life of a person is very colorful, although marriage is a more important part of life, but people will still form relationships with other social people outside of their spouses. For young people, this is especially true.

Meeting his/her friends

Having a group of mutual friends can be very helpful in maintaining family relationships. Do you know his/her friends? Do you know what they do together on a regular basis? If you are not sure about each other and want to be with each other, why not get involved in his/her facebook and become friends with more people. The fact that he/she is good with his/her friends does not mean that friends are more important than lovers. He/she must have something in common with his/her friends, otherwise they wouldn’t be friends.

Moderate distance

Couples should each keep a free space in their hearts and minds. A piece of free space for activities, no one should try to dig in to transform each other, but try to adapt to each other, so that each other have an independent personality, unique personality and a moderate free circle of life. This is what “a small goodbye is better than a new marriage” is all about.

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