Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Wipe your eyes You are his main meal or fast food

With the development of the economy and society, there is a difference between proper food and fast food in love. Women, do you know if the man next to you is treating you as fast food or as a proper meal? And you, in turn, want to be his main meal or fast food?

With the accelerated pace of life, people no longer treat their diet with the same serious attention as before, fast food has quickly entered people’s lives with its fast characteristics and has been loved by the masses. The attitude toward relationships is also evolving toward a food culture, where the original wife is likened to “proper food” and the affair is likened to “fast food”.

Generally speaking, women want to be the main meal for the man they love, and the main meal for life. But for a variety of reasons, perhaps unknowingly or half-heartedly, you will be his fast food it. If it is fast food, it is the proverbial mistress. This term is once carried, a lifetime of stains can not be washed away. It is also the deepest hurt to your own feelings.

You want two people to have a long-lasting relationship, but are you sure he thinks so? Is that what he’s doing? Even if you have now progressed to a certain stage, you should not take it lightly, because men are very good at hiding their hearts, making it difficult for you to recognize the hidden meaning behind his actions. To identify what his true intentions really are, to protect yourself from getting hurt less, and to help you get deeper into his heart, come see if your man is treating you like a fast food.

1. Think carefully about the time you spent together: was it more recreational activities in restaurants and the wilderness, more pleasant conversations and exchanges of ideas …… or more time fighting in bed? The most important thing is that you have to be able to get the best out of it. Does he actively care about you? The first thing you need to do is to take care of your moods, remember your preferences, try to make you happy, and share the unhappy things together, that’s what love is, that’s what real relationships are.

People treat fast food as a quick meal and don’t savor it. However, people will spend a lot of time to savor the taste of a proper meal. If he only treats you as a fast food, how will he spend so much time with you to discuss a certain topic in depth? How will chat and exchange ideas? Because you do not want to be with you for a long time, so you have any change of mind he will not feel at ease. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

So one obvious difference is that fast food is only about getting laid, he’s more concerned about how well you can satisfy him, he doesn’t pay much attention to how happy or unhappy you are, how much you like or dislike it. If you are sincere in your identification, it is easy to see.

2. He is always on the lookout and seems to have a lot of things to do during the day, so he can only go out with you at night. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

His work, his friends, his other things all take up his time. In his heart, you will never occupy an important position, below work, below friends or wife. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

There is no denying that there are workaholic men out there, but the vast majority of times when this excuse is used is when dysfunctional situations arise. So we have to guard against it, and the moment he shows the first signs of it, it’s time for you to be suspicious.

3. He’ll always be with you just as a couple. He won’t take you out to meet his friends or relatives because he’s afraid that people will see it and then reveal your relationship, which then affects another relationship that he values more.

Whenever a relationship is deep and intimate, it is bound to be integrated into each other’s tiktokko and family relatives. This is because humans are herd animals and always want to be affirmed by those around them, which is also an affirmation of the relationship with each other. Only if it is immoral or if he simply does not want to be with you, will there be a situation where he has a hundred excuses just not to bring you out in public.

The kind of relationship people expect is one in which they love and cherish each other with the world’s blessing and publicity, not one in which they sneak around. If he truly loves you and wants you to be his meal, he can’t wait to let you into his life.

4. His true identity seems like a mystery, and he’s reticent to talk about his family, parents, friends, and previous situations, even changing the subject in a roundabout way when you accidentally ask him about it, like he’s being secretive. So you don’t know anything about his situation. This is because of his deliberate concealment so that he can dazzle and be happy.

Because he doesn’t pay enough attention to you, because he doesn’t want you in his life, he will lie to you and make himself look like a mystery to you. If you ask in a hurry, he will get angry and divert your attention. Don’t try to fit into his life. As you get to know him better, it’s time for you to separate.

5. See what your name is in his phone contacts. If it’s a simple nickname or a nickname that doesn’t attract much attention, you should know what that means, right? Don’t let your feelings blind you.

Because the phone is the place that holds the most secrets for a man, he will be afraid that his wife will check his phone to see if there are names of people in some ambiguous relationship in there. If he named it with an intimate nickname, it would easily attract his wife’s suspicion, which would lead to the east to end in divorce.

If he really wants to be with you for a long time, intimate nicknames or meaty names like wife and wife are the norm.

6. Even though you’ve had sex, he hasn’t spent a full night with you together. Sometimes you’d love to see his face when you first open your eyes in the morning, but unfortunately, not once.

His time is not yours alone, he has to allocate it to someone else, maybe his wife, maybe his kids. So he can only be with you for a short time. Don’t expect him to stay with you all night one day, unless he has decided to divorce and stay with you. He cannot ignore the eyes of outsiders and what he has in front of him.

Even if you spend the night with him, but he is often not there. The fact that he is always busy when he needs to face friends and family together, especially during holidays, is a very dangerous sign. What do you want from a man who can’t keep the storm out for you?

When you find out that you are just a quick meal in his life, or a quick meal that he never gives up, he just wants to have it every day, but he won’t give too much for you.

If you find out that your beloved one only sees you as fast food, sadness is inevitable, but understand that it’s a bout of pain. You should be glad that you know that it is still early, this kind of man is not worth your whole heart to pay, early to close and he said goodbye to it. Then go find your true happiness.

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