Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Wipe the eyes away from the five types of “dangerous men”

When the flower of love first blooms, every man is gentle and considerate to his girlfriend, and may be obliged to give his heart out if you ask him to do so. However, as you get to know him better, you will find that in fact his character is not so perfect. If you fall into his trap because of his tenderness, it will be difficult to get out of it. Observe which dangerous breed he belongs to and find out early to leave him!

Cranky guy

Is he always cruel to animals or often violent towards others? Is his mood bipolar, kind when he is in a good mood, but quite irritable when he is in a bad mood? When he is angry, does he often break things, pound walls, or break objects? Does he interfere too much in your life, such as the small to control your dress and behavior, to interfere with your friends social? If your boyfriend does any of these things, it’s time to be vigilant; he’s likely to be violent.

Surveys show that in many cases, the seeds of violence are planted before the family is even formed. If one knows enough about one’s boyfriend early on to determine whether he has violent tendencies and whether he will become a violent person, then a lot of misfortune can be completely avoided. Men with a propensity for violence are not something you can easily change. Like bears, ferocity is in their nature and is hard to be penitentiated.

The man of lies

Love, which is predicated on two people trusting each other The The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you are sincere with him, and that you are sincere with him.

When the relationship is not deep, both sides of the relationship will more or less tell some lies, which is not wrong, after all, in front of the beloved person, who wants to cover up their shortcomings, highlight their strengths. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

A woman’s natural sensitivity, and legendary sixth sense, is a powerful tool to poke holes in a man’s lies. I’m not saying this to tell you to poke holes in your boyfriend’s lies directly based on your feelings, but to be more suspicious and watchful as a result, to find evidence of his lies, and then confront him when he reveals a bigger breach.

Men with bad habits

Some women report that their husbands have bad habits. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Yeah, once you have a family and a child, women have to think more about it for fear of the negative impact and the shadow it will leave on their children. If a woman can find out in time when she is in love, or the feelings are not deep decisive to leave, or find ways to help her boyfriend to quit, it will not lay a hidden danger to the future of married life.

In fact, there are bad habits of men, if they have a legitimate career, they also live a normal life, women can still help him quit. The only thing that I am afraid of is that he is not doing his job all day long, avoiding the reality of life, and living in the world only on these hobbies, so it will be very difficult to be saved.

Career man

A man with a career is a reflection of his own charm and the survival of many families. The company’s business is the embodiment of its own charm, but also the guarantee of survival of many families. However, a man’s career must have a degree. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing.

If your boyfriend is too career-minded, he will spend less of his mind on you. The time for shopping, watching movies, eating dinner, he is not willing to take out to you, after the marriage home, he also let you take care of all the things. The biggest damage to get along with a career-minded man is the spiritual aspect. If you care more about spiritual happiness, then don’t choose to continue to get along with him.

And a man who is intoxicated with his career will often use you as a pawn to do this and that for him, or use your money and connections as a springboard for his career. Therefore, you should also watch your money pocket and never be used by the other side.

Peachy men

Many men cheat not because he is no longer interested in The most important thing is that you are not interested in the world, but the world of flowers outside is too tempting for him to help himself. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

A woman wants to be the only one in her heart, and for a woman, cleaning up all the “peach blossoms” around her boyfriend is something she has to do for the rest of her life. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

If he still misbehaves after repeated reminders and warnings, you should consider leaving him. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The bad things in men, some of which are really irrelevant and can be corrected by women with a little coaching, and some of which are related to his long-term upbringing or congenital genetics, are not easy to get him to change.

The above only tells you which flaws in a man you need to be especially careful about, but it’s up to you to weigh the pros and cons and make a reasonable choice.

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