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Why do you always meet scum?

Meeting a scum is a very depressing thing that takes energy and time and wastes the relationship. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re getting into. Women, have you thought about why? The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular types of men. Many girls miss their life because of the scum, and every time they think of the man she hates to the bone they gnash their teeth. But then start a new relationship, the feelings are still no end, so much so that you can never trust love again. What is the so-called scum? The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

These dregs are most common


Whether it’s cheating before marriage or cheating after marriage, such men are basically recognized by women as the most unforgivable scum.

2, close to you in order to use you

Don’t think that only women have greenhorns Women are the only ones who are green, and men are no exception. This society is realistic, much more social resources that men want to use to do diplomacy, he is with you, the benefits will always outweigh the love.

3, no initiative, no rejection, no responsibility

Some men look polite and courteous, but they know the tricks of lusting after women, he never gives you active commitment except in bed. You come, he gladly accepted, you go, he does not stay you. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Is there a responsibility for meeting a scum man or woman?

These three types of scum are only recognized as the most commonly occurring, and there are many more, so I won’t go into them one by one. Why is it always you who meet the scum? Girls should look at the following questions and ask themselves.

1. When you say others are scum, have you ever thought that you are actually scum too? Enjoy how much benefit, you have to pay the price. This truth is universal everywhere.

2. Because you are stupid. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3. You asked for it, you can only say you deserve it! Some men are obviously very philandering, you know yourself, why should the Virgin heart Mary Sue, naive to think that they are his last woman? The most important thing is that you have to be able to get the best out of the company.

4. The brain is confused and doesn’t know what it wants. It’s not that good-looking people are philandering, more ugly-looking people cheat, they cheat just to prove they are not ugly.

5. Too much reliance on others. Many girls want to find a man who is better than them in every way and who they can rely on when choosing a spouse. If you find such a man, enjoy the excellence of others and rely on, then one day when love is no longer, you will have to accept the possibility of people becoming scum. Nothing comes without effort, and neither does dependence.

6. No relationship experience. It is beneficial for a girl to have a few more relationships before she meets her lifelong partner, and she will naturally know how to tell the difference when she knows more about men. If you are afraid of getting hurt and afraid to fall in love, then your judgment of men will degrade, your reaction will be slow, you will not be able to recognize men’s motives, and the possibility of meeting a scum man will become greater.

Meet men with these signs must be alert!

Everything has signs, and a scum man is no exception. A man who really loves you, you will feel his true heart. A man who doesn’t want to have a future with you will also see the signs if you look hard enough.

First, always busy

There is a type of man who always talks about The company is how busy, to work overtime, to socialize, never home on time, once home but with a body full of alcohol, lying directly on the bed, too lazy to want to clean.

Second, often lie

Some people have said that after telling a lie But there is also a shameless kind of person who will rap a lie to you like a song.

Third, never pay for two people to be together

There may be some people who will live with their beloved one, so if he never pays for living expenses, then it means that he truly has no intention of treating you.

Fourth, always telling you “you should ……


“Called to come, waved to go” is generally a description of the call of the superior to the inferior, so now you are the inferior? No, you are his lover, lover, your status should be equal, but for this “call then come, swing then go” love, you still have expectations? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Fifth, no plans for the future

If you really love you The person who really loves you has to have expectations and plans for your future, but if that person has been with you for so long and has never thought about the future with you, what does that say? It shows that he has no heart for you at all, no heart enough to ever think about your future.

Sixth, can’t take the pressure around you

Some people say they love you so much while The other side says the parents are so and so unacceptable to you, so this kind of person who can’t make a decision for his own feelings, can you feel at ease with him? If he really loves you, he will not be able to break through the parents of that barrier? It is important to know that it is he who is choosing the lover for himself and not the parents who are choosing the lover.

Seventh, enjoy the flirtation with the opposite sex

Some people say. A three-hearted person, if you can make his heart stable, then it is not a bad person. So how many of these two-hearted good people can there be? The first thing you need to do is to have a good time.

Eighth, did not learn how to respect you

The person who is a scum is won’t think about others for a moment, he won’t be there for you when you’re in pain because he doesn’t know if you’re in pain or sad, won’t understand your tolerance for him because he won’t respect you at all.

Ninth, not responsible for you

A scumbag doesn’t have guilt

The scumbag doesn’t have a sense of guilt or responsibility, much less any principles.

Tenth, everything only thinks of himself

The scum man he does not know how to be grateful

The scum of the earth is a very good example of a man who is not willing to pay his own way.

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