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Why do men want to make a confidante

After his girlfriend and wife, there is one more woman that a man wants more than anything else, and that is his confidante. Just as women desire a male best friend, men also want to have a red face, to be able to confide in her can not confide in a lover words. The woman who can become a confidante, most intelligent and wise, not exclusive, but can be connected to the man’s heart, is the man’s inner listener. Although the confidant is not as emotional as a lover, but in the busy and tired soothe the hearts of men. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

A confidante is primarily a spiritual connection

“This is the definition of a confidante, which is a little more than a friend and a little less than a lover. In this regard, Shi Lin, an associate professor at the School of Psychology of Beijing Normal University, explained that a normal confidante is still more of a friend, a pure heterosexual emotion. For people of the opposite sex of similar age, they can be called confidants, while those with a large age gap are generally called “forgetfulness”. A confidant can be a listener of inner wanderings and a reader of the mind. “The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Redheads are the ones to talk to

In women’s eyes, men looking for a confidante can’t escape the suspicion of being a womanizer. In fact, many men just want to have an object to confide in, listen to the language (Beijing) counselor Song Yumei believes that men will also be vulnerable, but also need to care. “But in the family, the man is an umbrella to shelter the wind and rain, he must use a strong appearance to hide his exhaustion and weakness, and the confidant can allow the man’s negative emotions to be released.” In men’s eyes, womenhave a more delicate mind and are more willing to listen. Their bosom is like a mother’s, which gives men a sense of security.

Can show weakness in front of her

If he is depressed, he may get drunk, and if he has some strength and guts, he may find someone to fight. However, if there is a considerate female friend, he will probably find her to confide in or even cry. Male friends definitely not, even if others do not know, he himself can not be in front of the same sex to do pity. The same is not true for a confidante, who loves the occasional weakness of a man in front of himself, and prefers to genuinely experience that weakness.

She is smart and not exclusive, but she shares his heart

A A woman wants to be in a man’s life forever, either as his mother or as a “confidante” that he will never get. Once women become wives, they no longer look at men objectively, they like to be exclusive, confidant will not. The woman is usually very open-minded and smart to be a confidante of a man. In the end, a confidante encompasses a lot of things. Love is too short, marriage is too boring, only a confidante lasts. People in general have their own hidden personalities, and if a man’s significant other is a woman, it’s more likely to be that confidante.

Satisfying a man’s vanity

Some women are born to be friends. They like easy relationships and hate bondage as much as men do. This is certainly the type of friend that more men appreciate. So even if they are not so “confidant”, men also like to be friends with such women. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

It can inspire men to be more tolerant and understanding

For example, when drinking in a pub, a man can have a conversation with a woman of the same sex. When drinking in a pub, a man can fight a liquor lawsuit with the same sex, counting one or two glasses, but not with a woman. Friends of the opposite sex can inspire men to be more tolerant and understanding, and willingly. It’s a gender trait that the strong like to take care of the weak. So the woman is loved and cared for, and the man satisfies the male vanity, which is the most fundamental thing about a confidante, and since it is willing, how can we not get along wonderfully?

So what should a man’s attitude towards his confidante be?

Be honest with your wife about everything

For men The company’s main goal is to provide a strong, personalized, and personalized service to its customers. And Song Yumei said that if a man has a confidante, it is best to confess to his wife. “If you just take the confidante as a friend on a spiritual level, no heart; and your wife is a tolerant person, it is perfectly fine to confess.” As a wife, on the other hand, when you learn that your husband has a confidante, you have to give understanding and trust. “Since your husband is willing to tell you about it, that means it is unlikely that he is mentally betrayingand physically cheating. ”

Don’t contact too often

Don’t contact too often

In order to avoid the confidante to become a confidante “bogeyman”, men should also keep in mind that “gentleman’s friendship is as light as water”, such as, do not and confidante contact too often The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public. The confidant believes in the saying; true love spans the length of life, the breadth of the soul, and can exist in all forms.

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