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Why do men have a virginity complex?

Virginity, a word that is all too familiar to the majority of fellow Chinese men. Even with how open society has become, men still care whether their women are virgins or not. As we often hear, “Men always desire to be a woman’s first man, while women want to be a man’s last woman.” This statement is in a sense a reflection of the difference between men and women in terms of…

It is also true that men do desire to be a woman’s first man. And such, is what we often call virginity. In the traditional ceremony, clothed in a white and flawless wedding dress, it symbolizes her pure and flawless mind and body together to her lover. This idea of honoring virginity is deeply rooted in men and has been passed down to this day.

Is a man’s virginity just a matter of that one membrane? The man demanded that the other is a virgin, in the depths of this complex, in addition to hope that the other has not been tainted, but also lurked the favorite woman only on their own brand of exclusive desire. Specifically, in his heart secretly hold such an expectation: with a virgin woman dating, perhaps in accordance with their own expectations to develop, shape her. But look at it another way, according to their own expectations of transformation or think you can transform the woman as you wish, which undoubtedly with a woman as a plaything of the abnormal mentality. It may be too much to say that it is a plaything, but at least it is a macho mindset that wants to be in a dominant position.

And this excessive reverence and exaggeration of “virginity,” including the idea that men could transform women at will, only emerged in the Middle Ages with the establishment of the warrior status. The idea that men could transform women as they pleased only emerged in the Middle Ages with the establishment of the samurai. It was especially prevalent after the Kamakura period, and can be said to be a product of a male-centered society. On this point, the poet who participated in the women’s liberation movement with Akiko Sheino has pointed out, “The veneration of virgin women was clearly imposed on women by men.”

She also concludes that so-called chastity and virginity are nothing more than the unilateral desires of men. Her point is obviously correct and there is not the slightest room for rebuttal. However, when we look into the inner world of men, we find that they yearn for virginity because of a hidden uneasiness in their hearts. The fear is that if the other person is not a virgin, that is, has had sex with other men, her sexual experience with is likely to form an inertia that is deeply engrained in the body.

But for any man, there is no way to tolerate a woman who compares her sexually to her ex. Such an approach will undoubtedly lead to a man’s loss of confidence in sex. Therefore, behind the man’s purity and longing for flawlessness and immaculateness, it actually implies that the man is uneasy and childish about sex. Therefore, it cannot simply be equated with a yearning for pure love.

Even though men have a very serious virginity complex, there are far fewer women in today’s society who must hold on to their virginity before marriage. It is not uncommon to see women who have had sex several times before and with multiple men. On the other hand, while many men still want to date women who are preferably virgins, they have come to realize that it is increasingly difficult to find such women in real life.

Even so, it still doesn’t put men’s virginity complexes to rest. Men are still very obsessed with a woman’s virginity and always want to make sure that the other person is a virgin. However, this is not easy, except for experienced men, less experienced men want to distinguish this point is almost impossible, because some of the women will consciously pretend to be virgins. (Let’s ignore the fact that this is right or wrong, each person’s opinion varies, right or wrong depends on each person’s subjective judgment.) So, while most men actually still want their partner to be a virgin, they are able to accept the reality that they don’t have much hope anymore if they don’t get what they want.

Whatever the virginity complex may be, one thing is certain: neither men nor women want their lovers or spouses to still have the image of their previous lovers in their minds, and especially not to have the memory of real sex with their former significant others. For men, no matter how beautiful the other person is. For men, no matter how beautiful and intelligent the other side, this alone will not forgive her. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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