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Why do men always forget their first love?

A malepersonwill meet someone he loves in his life. People who love you, and I’m afraid that not many of them will be important in your life. Formost men, there is only one woman whose status is unshakable, and that is the first love. A man is good to remember the old love, but it does not mean that you should not forget, a failed feeling to give you should not be remembered, but to get lessons from it, why it failed in the first place? It is important to change yourself from your own shortcomings so that the new epiphany is even better. So why do men never forget their first love? ?

First love isThe initial heartbeat

Human feelings are onlyfirst love is the purest, notwithany selfishness and distractions. The boy who has just entered adolescence is attracted to the opposite sex, evolving from haziness to love, a feeling so beautiful and unparalleled that it cannot be carried out in realistic terms. span>describeand render. At the time we were naive and didn’t know adult tricks, much less what ambiguity meant. Firstlovers,though and she is often not the one who makes it work,butshe is always a Butshe will always be a bright landscape in the memory and a driving force to move forward in life.

First love is only love when it is affection

First love The first love feelingsare really just simply becauselove, there is no concept of possession There is no concept of possession, no distinction of status, no confusion of house, no cartrouble, no good or bad job, no disturbance of power factor, just together because they likeloveand are together style=”text-indent:2em;”>. and togetherin the deepest sense of the word.

Grateful for first love

In men The most warm pool of water deep inside a man’s heart, which accumulates over time, will drip down in the most inadvertent tears. In the years of youth used to give you countless passion and magic, that soft figure accompanied your youthful years and growth of sorrow and joy, is this kind soul so that you suddenly grew up and became a confident, charming man, and finally the man with her blessing to go around the world. To her, a lifetime of gratitude and nostalgia.

That was a man’s first sexual impulse

A man’s first sexual impulse is generally dedicated to his first love, whether in a dream or in reality, the object should be his first love, the younger the romance the simpler it is. The kissing and hugging, although stopping at etiquette and age, should have been fantasized about countless times in the mind for a more intimate contact.

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