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Why do girls treat you as a spare tire?

There are many bad men in the world, and bad women exist. For the interaction between men and women, some girls will not like you and not willing to lose you and take you as a backup. So what are the reasons why women appear to have a foot in two boats? How can you tell when a girl sees you as a backup?

Reasons why girls are in two boats

It’s human instinct to like the old and the newA woman with two boats is not a bad woman, but a woman who is not happy with you.

A woman’s infidelity comes from a woman’s loyaltyA woman’s heart’s desire is to settle for a man and then treat him well so he can bring her happiness. If she chooses you, she will not choose again, and she will be faithful. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of the same things. It’s all about the phrase: people have the right to change their minds, and they also have the right to choose. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at what you’re doing.

There are two boats with one foot, but neither one wants to be put down

“I really can’t let go of either one!” In a test conducted by PsychologyToday, two-thirds of the more than 1,100 readers agreed that it is “possible to love two people at the same time. This means that a significant number of people believe that people can fall in love with two or more people at the same time. There are also some who believe that if you really love your partner, you won’t have an intimate relationship with anyone else. “It’s hard for one person to have all the good things that everyone has in them to meet all the needs that another person has within them. Also, as you grow, your inner needs increase, and when you have new needs arise, you need another person to meet them. So falling in love with more than two people is psychologically normal and understandable

Reducing marital stress through appropriate cheating

Reducing marital stress through appropriate cheating

=”text-indent:2em;text-align:left;”>Don’t blame women for being polyamorous. For a married woman, she doesn’t just live in a family relationship, she also lives in a social interpersonal and emotional relationship, and human interaction itself can be accompanied by many emotional interactions. Occasionally, cheating can fulfill women’s erotic fantasies and satisfy their emotional needs that they did not get within the marriage, thus reducing the psychological pressure that marriage puts on them.

How to tell when a girl sees you as a backup

< strong>Dates are always excused

Does the date with her get changed on short notice, often for reasons that don’t make sense? The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem of the problem.

Never really commits to the date

Sometimes it feels like she’s not really into it The two of them often don’t have much to talk about on dates. The two of them are always playing with the phone or her eyes never leave the phone screen, talking to you is also a reply, and then you feel embarrassed to chat with her in the cold, or always desperately looking for a topic of conversation, facing her without much response, you can only start to play with the phone as well.

Seldom talk about your dreams and future

When you are with her Only talk about reality rarely talk about ideals and future, feel that it is difficult for you to give her what she wants. Even if she chatted with you, she talked about mostly very realistic “bread” issues, for your ideal or weave a better future is simply disdain, and even laugh at you too childish not yet mature, look down or can not wait for you with potential stocks, at least for the moment you can not give her the most wanted “bread”, leaving you speechless!

Seldom speaks to you about her family

When they are together she is less willing to speak about her family

. When they are together she is not very willing to talk about her family and only sees you as a male best friend or a good friend. The two of you should be talking to each other, and, as a rule, should be most interested in your family situation and the environment in which you grew up, but she does not have much curiosity about these situations of yours, and is not willing to take the initiative to tell you about her family situation and personal situation, even if you ask, she is also a few short sentences to perfume you, so that you feel that she is too mysterious.

Evidently said she doesn’t want to be in a relationship but always ask you out

Some women For their own do not like, but like their own man refused always surface said I do not want a relationship or something. The actual fact is that many men are silently waiting for the day when the other person wants to be in a relationship, based on the guideline that a good man should wait silently. In fact, there is no woman who does not want to fall in love, which woman does not want to have a man around to take care of, to take care of themselves as a princess. So, the reason why women say they don’t want to fall in love yet is because there is not yet that man around who can really move her, which means it’s almost a death sentence. The reason why not completely do not reject you, is in the spirit of see you still look good, then keep the sucking mentality, anyway, a free labor don’t white don’t, just take you as a spare tire to raise it, so will always ask you out, you still foolishly think she is also good for you.

Meeting with you on a date is always late

It is normal for a girl to be a little late for a date, but every time you meet for a date, the other person will definitely be late and for more than an hour. When you call to ask, she will only send you two irrelevant messages. This shows that she is not interested in you, that she does not respect you enough, and that this girl is a procrastinator and has no concept of time. And maybe there are those kinds of girls who still think it’s an honor to agree to go out with you, that you’re just her backup, and that not having you wait an hour doesn’t show her status.

Getting along is more resistant to your intimacy

When you see her very enthusiastically, greet her with a hug or a passionate kiss, but when you get to her it’s like a stone sink with no response. You hug her, she will not take the initiative to hug you back, just a few taps on your back. All this is showing that she is resisting your intimacy, and the body is directly showing it, without hiding it. In fact, she really has no interest in you, probably not even a love backup does not like you but comes to you every time she is unhappyWe find that many Mary Sue heroines in film and television dramas are like this. Time and again, she rejects the male second’s love or confession of love for her. However, once there is any unhappiness, such as their favorite male lead broke her heart, immediately call to find the male two for comfort, the male two then bumbled to go, and thought they had a chance to come. But a turn, like the male lead to find her, and immediately kicked the spare tire away. This is a very selfish woman, and as a man don’t let a girl who just treats you as a spare tire like this make you feel free to do so.

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