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Why dating always fails dating tips to make you successful dating

Now there are many older men and women left, but because they are busy at work and don’t have time to make friends, many of them will choose the dating method to find the other half. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a good deal on your own. What is the reason for the failure of the blind date, why the blind date is not successful. The following is a list of the reasons why blind dates fail and the problems to be avoided on blind dates.

The reason why blind dates always fail

1, very strong self-esteem

The stronger the self-esteem, the more fragile it actually is. The more people love to save face, the more easily they will be hit. So, everyone who is dead shameless is doing well, while those who want to be strong are miserable. The stronger a person’s self-esteem is, the less they can afford to fail when it comes to dating. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

That is to say, the vast majority of people will have failed blind dates. And in our statistics, the average person has at least three failed attempts to have a successful relationship. The number of more extreme cases has no upper limit, with hundreds of failed blind dates over several years.

2, serious literary complex

Literary young women or literary young men are also not very suitable to go on a blind date, unless the object of the blind date is also literary hanging. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are just looking for a job, and they are asking about their salary and whether they have a house or a car, which is very offensive.

But such people, instead, are the mainstream of the matchmaking world, and they can naturally be justified. If you don’t ask, how can you get married? So for literary men and women, if you fantasize about a romantic encounter, the beauty of love at first sight, then matchmaking is really not a good fit.

3. People who don’t look good and don’t want to take care of themselves

The four words “don’t look good” are actually dynamic. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are getting into. And the rest, all belong to the ordinary and quite good and so on. There are not many who really say ugly.

There is no shame in attracting people with your appearance, and a woman’s own good looks determine her aesthetic level, because a woman herself is her own best work. If you really aren’t interested in dressing yourself and don’t want to represent someone outside of yourself, then there’s no need to go on a blind date. As mentioned above, matchmaking is a pure game of appearance.

What you should pay attention to on a blind date

1. Dress

Tidy and simple, choose a set of clothes that best suits you and best reflects your own merits, this will first bring confidence to yourself, you have confidence to be natural and not pretentious, in order to make the other party have confidence in you. The other party has confidence in you. The woman’s makeup should not be too exaggerated, a little light makeup can make you look better.

2. Be natural

Talk naturally, listen more, and try to extract more information from the lesser words of the other party, such as whether the other party has a good feeling for you or not, whether the other party is slow or introverted.

2. Talking

When chatting, first introduce yourself and show your characteristics hobbies and tastes. When the other party is talking, be sure to listen with a smile on your face and don’t interrupt each other. The whole process of communication should look the other person straight in the eyes and show sincerity.

3. What to talk about

If your friends around you usually tell you that you talk too much, then you need to properly restrain some of them, and if you usually don’t like to talk, then this time you need to be slightly more active and slightly ……

4. Gentleman

Whether you have a good feeling about her or not, you should take the initiative to offer to send her home after the date, and if it’s nighttime, you should not let her take a cab alone.

5. Don’t make small movements

When you’re on a blind date, don’t change your sitting position too often, don’t shake your legs, shake your head, don’t look left or right, these small movements are very easy to cause others to resent.

6. Don’t just go on a blind date

Since the blind date is for the purpose of marriage, many people say that since they are already on a blind date this way, they should of course go on a blind date and learn all the information they should know at the time of their first meeting and decide on the spot whether to continue the relationship. I tell you, this idea is very often wrong. It is this mentality

Dating tips for a successful blind date

1. Pay attention to your appearance

People who know how to date will put thought into their appearance. This is certainly not an artifice, but rather an intention to make a good impression on the other party with the way they dress. Sometimes vision can also greatly influence the other person’s impression of themselves.

2. Create a conversation without getting cold feet

When you’re on a blind date, instead of letting others talk to you awkwardly, create some conversation yourself. After all, finding a reason to talk is difficult for both sides. You can prepare a little prop beforehand, a book, wear a nice pin, a new phone you just bought, or bring a question to ask him …… all of which can be a conversation starter. For each other, getting acquainted as soon as possible is like a political task. All you do is make that task go without turning each other off.

3. Have a candlelit dinner

Unrequited love is painful, so try to get the other person to like you too. One way to do this is to have a candlelit dinner, but the key is not in the food, but in the candles. Candlelight dilates the pupils and is a surefire way to stir up affection.

4. Try to find the intersection in the conversation

When talking to someone, it’s important to find the “intersection” as quickly as possible so that the conversation becomes a “two-way street,” for example. For example, if he talks about being in a donkey group and climbing a mountain every week, you can talk about climbing, travel, and scenery, rather than being bummed out and saying, “My favorite thing to do is sleep at home on the weekends.”

Of course, this isn’t about pandering against your will. If you can’t find a crossover and you’re bored, the best thing to do is to be a good listener and respond to what they say in moderation, nodding your head as you listen, which is a minimum of social courtesy that will also make them feel good about you.


Everything also depends on fate. Many people are too deeply invested in a relationship they are obsessed with, even to the point of dying, when in fact the right person really meets the right person without any fuss at all, and naturally gets together, then gets married and has children and lives happily ever after.

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