Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Who is the husband of whom the third

In the second half of 2006, my senior year, I entered the internship stage. In accordance with the arrangement of my family, I went home to enter a large local enterprise internship, refused the internship opportunity provided by the school, and officially returned to the city from school to start the internship on November 10.
In college, I majored in automation and took business management as an elective. Both studies required examinations and thesis submission at the time of graduation, so I started the miserable mode of studying while doing my internship. During this period, the life of love and confusion, drunkenness and dreaming of death began.
The main female character in this article is called LH, the main female character is called ZJ.

Because of the professional counterpart, a unit was placed in the equipment team as an assistant.
The equipment team has a wide range of age levels, from 18 to 58 are there. I was arranged to follow an electrician in his early 40s, Master Wang, to follow the study. Those who have been in the factory all know that there is a saying in the equipment maintenance group: “stand dead turner, tired clampers, rest dead electrician”.

Master Wang is thin and tall, very talkative, because people are upright, low education has not been to rise, only in the workshop to do their part of the work. But he got along well with the workers in the workshop, especially the female workers. In the workshop we are in charge of, there are 15 cranes, most of them are old cranes with high failure rate. The operators are female workers, so Master Wang always likes to take me to inspect and repair the cranes when there is nothing to do. One after another and the sister and aunts on the line car are considered familiar with. (Chemical company girls are in the office)

After two months, Master Wang to see my inspection basic no problem, the inspection work left to me regardless. This I am happy, every day nothing to the line inspection, while and sister, aunt bragging and chatting, all kinds of jokes, all kinds of amusement. Occasionally open a small yellow joke, ask me if I am still a virgin or something, anyway, I also take the opportunity to fight back, mooching, eating tofu from time to time to a back.

State-owned enterprises, mixed with time is a long time are some of the old grease, male and female workers mixed with time, are outside the home, but we are unspoken, these are the back into the system for a long time to know.

One day inspection 3 # traveling car, the equipment works normally when the power suddenly cut off, I am driving, immediately troubleshooting, check down is the control part of the insurance overcurrent burned out. Then use the walkie-talkie to call the depot, ask to take the material over, it happens that the depot does not have the same type, need to go to the city after the purchase to bring, on this in the car and LH sister waiting for the material to. Leisurely and LH sister bragging and joking, chatting about the sister’s family, LH said that her son does not listen to study, her husband often play mahjong, drinking, etc. Blah blah blah a lot of pouring family bitterness, all talk about the family, the husband’s dissatisfaction. After a number of good words, the materials of the warehouse also arrived, after repairing the line car to go down the equipment group office. This why LH sister for the first time, press not.

During this period I interned while preparing a thesis for graduation. Which time did not buy a laptop, are working after the paper is written on paper, calculate after work to go to the Internet cafe to edit into a document, often go to an Internet cafe next to the unit, which time the Internet is cheap, 10 yuan from 9 pm to 6 am the next day can cover the night. That is, during this period, met ZJ, and later became his own daughter-in-law.
In 06 years, the Internet cafe, Internet access is basically chatting QQ, play CS, and other games. I don’t like to play games too much, to the Internet cafe will open QQ and then edit the paper, while writing the paper while chatting with classmates, the paper editing is finished after the machine back to the unit dormitory.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. The first thing I said was
The first thing I said was, “I see you writing here every day, and I never see you playing games, so special, handsome.”
“Oh,” I replied
“The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items.

“The actual fact is that the actual fact is that the particulars of the actuals are not really a lot of.

Then this beauty got off the computer and immediately came to the computer next to me.
During this time, I was writing my paper and chatting with her, but I didn’t use QQ, I chatted with her directly.

When I finished entering my paper for the day, it was already 1:00 am. When I got up to get off the plane, the beauty asked me where I was going, and I said I was going back to bed. The beauty said I’m a little hungry, or I’ll take you to eat a snack, I said I’m not hungry, eat what snack, to eat you go eat. After finishing straight back to the unit dormitory to sleep.

The next day, again at a fixed time to the Internet cafe, did not stay five minutes, and the beauty next to the machine, and then pull me chat. By two o’clock in the morning after I finished, say hello to her and go back to the unit.
The third day, the same situation. The block off the plane when the beauty sent a direct message “has been waiting for you for three nights, want to invite you to eat a snack is so difficult to do”. I damn back a “huh” after disappearing in the dead of night back to the unit of the road.
The fourth day, did not go.
The fifth day, I went home from work to see my parents
The sixth day, I returned to the unit from work.
The seventh day, I have walked into the Internet cafe, before sitting down, the beauty came over. The first cavity speaks “handsome brother good high cold ha, a few days have not seen you”.
“Mm-hmm, went home, see the old dad and mom went”
“I’m afraid not, went back to see his girlfriend it”
“Mm-hmm, went back to see his girlfriend”
“Is your girlfriend pretty?”
“You want to see?”
“Yes, let’s see.”
“The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.
The actual “I’m not going to be able to get a lot of money.”
“The actual fact is that you will be able to find out more about this.
“The actual fact is that you’re going to be able to see it, don’t regret it.

I reached out my right hand, open the palm of my hand, placed in front of her, said “this is my girlfriend, see, than you beautiful not well”
The beautiful woman was confused for 3 seconds, and when she reacted, she laughed and called me a rogue.

After breaking the first embarrassment, that night invited her to eat a bowl of beef noodles, left contact information, but also know her name is “ZJ”

This person, as long as the first contact is cordial enough, the later things will be much better to do.
The latter began to chat frequently with ZJ on QQ and on the phone.
I learned that she had just resigned from Guangdong to go home, just lost love. The single-parent family’s father bar forced a blind date, every day at home with nothing to do is to go to the Internet cafe.
Then about dinner, shopping with her, everywhere and friends party, spirits.
She likes a lot of people, lively, I like quiet, independent thinking.
Follow her for the first time into the slow rock bar, bar.
Following her first time bouncing at a disco.
Watching her get drunk for the first time and play drunkenly.
Being taken around by her for the first time on a motorcycle in the middle of the night.
Accompanying her to swim in the Xiangjiang River for the first time.
In short, she seems to be the “devil”, and I am the “Buddha”; she is all “social”, I am full of “scholarly “. The two personalities are not similar to each other.

Accompany her to make trouble with her crazy half a year, during her friends, the main relatives have met, but always remain as friends.
Invited by her father, the first time to her home as a guest for dinner. After three rounds of wine with his father, her father asked me about my girlfriend, what the family situation is, how to plan after graduation and so on. When I left the house, her father took a good cigarette and asked me to bring it home to my father to smoke.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. I did not make a sound, the old man said directly, if the girlfriend, then I have to return the salute to others Oh.

The same day back to the unit, the evening about ZJ out, serious talk with her about friends, but also the first confession. The same night to determine the relationship, the same night to a hotel room, the next day to take home to meet their parents.

Three months later, ZJ was pregnant with my first baby, and I officially graduated from my college career.
In the parents on both sides of the walk, I got married as soon as I got out of school, at this time for 07 years.

ZJ has become a daughter-in-law. Or change your name to daughter-in-law.
After the marriage, the daughter-in-law from pregnancy to childbirth and then to the month. During the 8 months of abstinence, it was also the time when I got away with it.

The unit’s LH sister and her relationship has always been good, when I got married, came to attend my wedding.
Once their department dinner, invited the same car inspection equipment group to participate in, a dozen or so people in the vast, not a lot to drink during the meal. Of course, the shop operation team are sisters, aunts, not many male colleagues. Our equipment group came to three men, that night I was filled with a lot of wine, before the withdrawal of the field, I gave the car keys to LH sister, to drive me back to the unit. (LH sister because of body allergies, do not drink) other colleagues are one after another withdrew from the field to go.

That night, drinking was really not in the state, back to the unit on the road, more than ten kilometers, I threw up at least five times. The last time I threw up on the railing of the Xiangjiang River, I couldn’t throw up, and LH sent me to the unit dormitory, where I settled down and went back to sleep.

The next day at work, on the LH sister post with her to accompany not, invite her to dinner to express their gratitude. I was happy to agree and said I would make another appointment another day.

I went home over the weekend to see my old man, my mother and daughter-in-law.
Monday back to the unit, on the way to send a message to the LH sister said to invite her to dinner tonight, get consent immediately after the phone to book a downtown Western restaurant seat.
After work, I drove there, and LH sister took the transport into the city. I went to pick her up after arriving and took her into the restaurant.
LH sister said the first time into the Western restaurant, I said I also accompanied my daughter-in-law to come once or twice, we are not familiar with, right as an eye opener on the line.
Western restaurant environment, compared to the outside of the stalls, there is a world of difference, the small space, in the wine, music, atmosphere is easy to get lost, do not drink LH sister, I persuaded to drink almost a large glass of red wine, the remaining wine, all filled into my belly.
From the western restaurant, LH was slightly drunk. Said along the Xiangjiang River for a walk, I accompanied all the way, walked about an hour. During the period is to listen to the sister all the way to talk about what. I have to deal with a few words from time to time and try to please my sister with good words.
In August in Hunan, the daytime is hot, but at night the Xiangjiang River is still a little cool. After walking with her for a while, we went to the pebble beach along the river. The two of them just sat there and watched the night view. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.
At this point, I deliberately sat next to her. In the meantime, I deliberately sat next to her and hugged her, and said in her ear, “I’m afraid of being cold, I’ll hug you, so you won’t be cold.”
I’m fucking married less than three months, in the time of being abstinent, the small head commanded the brain, began to make cheap hook up with female colleagues in the unit.
Then she said to me “husband never walk with her, did not take her to the mall, did not eat with her western food, blah blah blah a whole lot”. I said “the first time are given to me,” she replied “no ah, the first time to the husband” hmmmm, was I set a hand. When she reacted, then she started to pinch me, saying that I deliberately set her up.
As soon as she let go, I dragged to my arms and pulled, lowered my head and kissed up, and my hands were dishonestly wiped to the chest. She was frightened, stood up and said no.
The good words persuaded to sit down, and then apologize to her, and then the same trick again. Several times, anyway, LH sister just do not go, I know tonight there is drama.

In fact, people and people, the layer of paper stabbed open, we all understand each other, is the most real friends.

On the way back, I drove the car all the way without words, halfway to the road, I suddenly asked LH sister “sister, your husband often behind your back to prostitutes, betray you. You don’t want to find one outside?”?
“Not looking, your sister is old, can not play your young man that set”
“You do not want to try to cheat on the feeling”
“Not out, you are full of ideas, is not trying to chase me”
“Yes, I just want to sister’s first cheating”
I was told to stop the car, silent for more than 20 minutes LH sister did not speak. Suddenly gave me a “back to the city, we go to open a room, sister figured out.”

That night, the downtown three-star hotel, and LH sister from the beginning of the room has been doing, to four in the morning, two are tired almost, and then fall asleep. The next morning call to take off work, did not go to work.

The first time I cheated on my wife, she was a conservative, subtle, traditional woman who was basically in a position to have sex. The first time I experienced what is called oral sex, the first time I experienced what is called tidal orgasm, the first time I experienced five orgasms in half an hour by my non-stop wild plugging experience, the first time I was pressed in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel to dry outside.
Later, kept a year, in the workshop of the warehouse; factory behind the mountains; dormitory; line car as long as there is an opportunity to do crazy. lH sister later told me, live 31 years, and I had sex before I experienced what is a real woman.

Well, I said yes, I am your little husband, to serve you well, but I’m just a temporary husband, a temporary worker only.

LH sister is not clingy, never ask me about my family, and never ask me for supplies, money, etc.. With me, it is to ask for sex, and keep doing it until you are tired of doing it, and both sides are tired.

This relationship was maintained for a year, during which it was also a love affair, wandering between the daughter-in-law and LH sister. It ended with my job transfer.
And I also did a year of LH sister’s small husband, just a temporary job.

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