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What men who return after an affair are thinking

After an affair, many men still choose to return to their families. After the affair, he returned to your side, but do not think that everything is all right. Experts warn that this time your relationship is still very fragile, many times, a little wind can be the previous efforts to lose everything. So it’s a good idea to find out what men are really thinking after an affair.

Greatly pleasing because of guilt

After all, an affair is a

The affair is, after all, a kind of hurt, and coming back to you, he will be pleasing and flattering to you because of the guilt, although these are also true feelings, but after all, not the whole truth.

A man is an aggressive animal, and only because of aggression does he glow with masculine energy and bravery. The fact that a man always deliberately suppresses his true nature means that he is at the same time accumulating repression and concealment, and that will one day completely explode.

So in this case, the wife may want to communicate openly with her husband, and only after we are both completely open with each other can we re-establish trust and unbroken intimacy.

Sex after an affair is all the more important to let go of the baggage and take it easy. Only when the guilt and gloom are off can your sex be revitalized and even sweeter.

He’s in Cao’s camp

After the affair is over, the man

After the affair is over, the man returns to the surface because of various pressures, but as Junichi Watanabe mentioned in “The Thing About Men”, very often, the reason why a man has an affair is because he can’t stand the life of a “fake couple”.

He went out in search of passion, and after he tasted the electric passion in the affair, he couldn’t resign himself to the sexual blandness of married life. So with you, he may still retain the excitement and thrill of cheating.

This will be too much for many wives to handle, and in fact, this is the most important time for wives to avoid revealing their scars, and all you need to do is be forgiving and wait for the man to adjust and reflect, and your tenderness and kindness is the best lubricant to help him adjust.

His sexual psyche has become fragile and sensitive

A man is an extremely fragile animal. One man mentioned that once when he and his wife were having sex, she jokingly said that some man was much stronger than him and he immediately lost it.

This kind of male sexual psychology has been corroborated by many experts, because a man’s sex is controlled by psychological intent, and he can’t fake it once he’s distracted. And after the affair is over, he becomes sincere and fearful, more concerned about your reaction and evaluation of him, a joking accusation, will become his unbearable lightness.

So, on the first night after an affair, don’t rehash old stories, and don’t judge his performance with sarcasm or cynicism.

You feel strange and raw to each other

Before the affair. You are intimate, but after the affair, after going through the psychological hurdles, the couple’s relationship undergoes some subtle changes.

There are two extremes that come into play at this point, one is getting back together, and the long goodbye is better than the new marriage, because you’ve rehearsed the “loss” episode once and you know you really can’t lose each other. The other situation is because of the psychological barrier, it is difficult to regain the old intimacy between the couple, instead of the rusty polite and formal.

The most important thing between couples is to be natural. Rediscovering that feeling of intimacy doesn’t necessarily require substantive sex; reminiscing about past times, cuddling and caressing together in silence are all lessons in moving from rawness to intimacy.

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