Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

What kind of mentality would a person in an online relationship have?

With the development of the Internet, networked emotions, online romance also came into being. The so-called online love, is a telephone line, two lonely hearts, in the middle of the night, four eyes do not see each other, ten fingers to spread love. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

No need to take responsibility

It’s all a spur-of-the-moment act. The company’s main goal is to provide a platform for the development of a new product, which will be a new product.

Escape from reality

This is a situation where your own consciousness and the other person’s consciousness have a negative impact. This happens when your consciousness and the other person’s consciousness have a negative impact, when online dating is just an escape from reality, and most people who have online relationships have been through the wringer in the real world.


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There are online relationships that are dead-set against meeting, and this is what psychology calls a “security need This is a so-called “security need” in psychology. The need for security expresses the need for safety, order, and stability of life and property, free from anxiety and fear, and it arises on the basis of the satisfaction of physiological needs, and the Internet can give these people unconditional falsehoods.

Loneliness and emptiness

Single men and women seeking excitement, seeking a sense of being sense of being, choose online dating. Or some people are lonely because the couple is separated, or because one of the spouses has a physical defect and is physically unsatisfied, or because the couple is not getting along, and thus actively seek a third party or are happy to accept a third party to compensate, thus forming an online relationship.

Need support

Some men and women help each other at work because of In fact, a good helper at work may not become a good couple in life, but both sides help and support each other at work.

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