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What kind of man is suitable for you?

What kind of man is a good man? What is the standard of a good man? Many women in the object will want to pick a good man, so that the future of love marriage on the road to happiness. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

One, he has the right advantages for you

Some girls choose Men, at first, are extremely harsh: not good-looking, not good-sounding, not good walking posture, not picky eating, not tasteful talking …… Although a high threshold may seem like it will allow you to be choosy, it’s actually much riskier because a high threshold will allow you to put many potential opportunities to waste. Many girls are selected from the age of 20 on the super high standard, selected to the age of 30 is not one can be in the eyes of the law. The first thing you need to do is to get a new one.

On the other hand, even if there is someone who does meet your high standards, is that man necessarily right for you?

Choosing a man isn’t about how many flaws he has or how many strengths he has, it’s about which one of his strengths is right for you. For example, you like romance, he happens to be able to say love words; you like loyalty, he happens to not love going out; you like spending money, he happens to be able to earn money for you …… as long as there is an advantage to meet your main needs, then this is a good man. The other disadvantages, as long as they do not offend the bottom line do not need to be counted.

Two, look at the future during a man’s downturn

As you know. Now even with a monthly salary of $20,000, it’s unlikely that a 25-ish year old boy can afford a house in the city. It’s important to measure a man’s material base through the lens of development.

Usually a man around 28 is the lowest point of his life, and neither his career, nor his life, nor his love will be particularly satisfactory. Of course, here is talking about ordinary boys, rich second generation, official second generation are not included in this. Therefore, do not use his income and property at the age of 28 to judge his life career. At that time income of three thousand, the future may be three million; then income of 10,000, the future may be a million …… please focus on the “sense of responsibility” and “whether to love you” above. The first thing you need to do is to get the best out of it.

How can you tell if a man can get out of a slump? It’s actually quite simple, you don’t need to care how much he loses or how he loses, you just need to care about the timing of his down time. If he spends all his time learning or looking around for new opportunities, he’s sure to succeed; conversely, if he spends all his time playing and gambling, he’s toast.

So when a man is at a low point, you should have the easiest time picking out one that is bound to succeed in the future.

Three, good men are good in the details

Girls tend to have two ideas: one is to find the other’s flaws in the details of the man, and the other is to try to find a great strength in the other directly.

We have found in our cases that the vast majority of men who are able to grow old with their wives are actually quite ordinary. They are bound to have many flaws and at the same time don’t necessarily have any great virtues. Men are an animal that does not pay attention to details, so observing the details of a man’s dealings with people can reveal a person’s shortcomings. But more importantly, the details can reveal a person’s strengths.

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