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What is the trigger for most people to divorce

Nowadays, people’s living standards are improving day by day, but the divorce rate also seems to have increased with the improvement of living standards, which is the case in all countries. So what are the triggers for most people to get divorced?

Relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

The role of the man in the old mother and bride is important It is important that a bowl of water be level, not too biased which side, or the home will not be strong. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do. The wife and parents are both relatives, the parents should be filial, and the wife should be loved.

One party cheating

The affair is arguably the number one killer of marriages. It is also one of the most frequent causes of divorce. In modern society, there are many more opportunities for contact with the opposite sex, and some people spend more time with their colleagues than their spouses, and some people unknowingly let their feelings outside the marriage grow.

Economic pressure

As people’s material living standards improve in some major cities, expectations for marriage quality, emotional needs and love have also risen. It is also a cause of divorce.

Spouse’s bad habits

including alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, etc., which are a major problem in terms of money, time, and money-intensive. etc. These betray costs in terms of money, time and physical and mental, affect family life, and are likely to end in divorce when repeatedly not changed.

Domestic violence

Domestic violence severely damages a woman’s It is also accompanied by the mental destruction of women. Women who are subjected to violence live in an atmosphere of terror and tension for long periods of time, filled with fear and sadness.

Incompatible personalities

Personalities include one’s values, attitudes and temperaments, etc. If the personalities of two people are really too different, neither of them can accommodate the other, and with poor adjustment after marriage, it is likely to take the road to divorce.

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