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What is the matter with women cheating after marriage

When a relationship becomes stable, women often stay with a man because of their dependence on security and fear of loneliness. In a married family, being faithful to the marriage is the foundation of that family’s happiness. But now more and more reports are pointing out that there are more and more women who cheat. So what is it about women who cheat after marriage?

Enjoy the romance

Women need understanding and support but husbands are sometimes not the best match. Love between couples often fades away in real life, with little time for communication and a lack of calm atmosphere. When one meets someone outside of the marriage who can give comfort, it is easy to go off the rails and the lover makes the woman always feel in love.

Mental imbalance

Now that the world has changed, women are also starting to The world has changed and women are starting to squeeze into the workplace to make money. When women come home from work, they have to take care of all the household chores and tutor their children’s homework, while men are playing with their computers and drinking wine. When the man’s various pleasures and women’s excessive work after a long time of precipitation, how can women exchange a willingness? More virtuous women will also have a temper. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Lack of companionship

The reason behind a woman’s complaint that you don’t spend time with her It’s because she’s really lonely. As a husband if you are not able to drive away your wife’s loneliness in time, then, in exchange for countless cold wars, cold wars behind will certainly be the woman to drive away loneliness with the help of outside forces. When a woman thus has a cheating move, the man should blame himself for not understanding it, or blame his wife watery?

Disappointment in husband

What I fear most when my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are at odds The most important thing is that the man is a “wallflower” who will help his mother scold his wife, and then help his wife scold his mother. The most important thing is that you can’t be sure that you’re going to be able to get a good deal on your own.

Husband not looking for advancement

In real life there are always some The man in the work does not seek to advance, and even the cause of their career stagnation will be blamed on others. This kind of man is usually very difficult to be on his own when things go wrong, and even when things go wrong, he will push his wife down in front of people. Women also need a broad shoulder to lean on, but that person is definitely not their own little husband, so can they not cheat in this situation?

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