Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

What is the experience of a man wearing a cuckold?

We often hear women’s hearts, and that’s because women naturally like to talk, and crying and spitting are good ways for women to de-stress. Relatively speaking, the heart of the man will rarely hear, especially some embarrassing things, such as wearing a cuckold. What are men’s thoughts on this?

Men are prone to cheating, but there are also many women who cheat on their husbands after marriage and cuckold them. At this point, what is the man’s first thought? Most men don’t believe their wives are having sex outside of marriage, yet for those men who have thought about it, or perceived their wives having sex outside of marriage, most of the feelings are negative.

The first category feels hurt

“I would be extremely frustrated and outraged if my wife was cheating on me outside the home, which is the most damaging thing to a man’s ego (I know women have egos too, and they would be sad to find out about an affair). In my experience with 83 women having an affair, there were a few experiences where I was jealous as hell. A few times I found my lovers having sex with other men while they were still my women, and each time it was an unbearable insult that hurt my idea that I thought I was the greatest man ever in bed. At one point I ‘forgave’ and let her back in (we had been friends for 5 years) and we remained intimate until she passed away 12 years later. But I never forgot it, and it was a heartbreaking hurt.”

“The thing that hurt me the most was her affair. Now that I’ve recovered, there’s only some sadness left. I don’t want to know if she still meets with that guy or has rendezvous with any other men. We endured a sad summer that year, and I think we’re both glad that it’s behind us now and that we made it through.”

“If she slept with someone else, I would be jealous as hell and angry. I would be cold and I wouldn’t want to hear any explanations. I would slit her neck and not regret it one bit, except to be angry that I fell in love with such a castrating bitch of a man – any woman who wants to make a man jealous is a sadistic little bastard who can fuck off.”

“My wife had several affairs, and I didn’t have one. I was really freaked out when she told me one by one afterwards, more because of our dismal sex life and the deepening sense of impotence 100 times over. Her affair didn’t have a huge impact on the marriage, and I separated from her for other reasons.”

“My first wife had a very serious affair that happened about a year and a half after we were married, and it was a major cause of our divorce. I didn’t want to be jealous, but I was. I felt rejected, but she continued to sleep with me and also with him until other issues arose. I told her of my suspicions, and in fact I was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that she finally admitted it.”

The second category is more about confusion and struggle with the relationship than the other half’s cheating

“I, the real me, have a sex life that comes from outside of marriage. My wife is informed, she has less desire to have sex, I don’t care if she has an affair, I really don’t care about her at all. The effect of the affair on me was confusion, intense internal struggle – I was really completely stuck. Now that the kids know about us, they don’t necessarily approve, but want to understand why I have a lover. I’m honest with them, which sometimes isn’t easy, but I do it and things seem to be going well so far. I’m happy to be back to celibacy.”

The third category feels relieved

“Married for 7 years. I really love married life, and marriage is the backbone of my life. Without my wife, I wouldn’t have gotten very far in life – both emotionally and intellectually. I had an affair and I told my wife and she was a little shocked, but she graciously accepted it. Now my wife has maintained a sexual relationship with a friend of ours for two years. My wife is increasingly attracted to him, and I encourage them to stay together. Believe it or not, she seduced him and he would never dare to cross the line. For the past two years, she spent the night at his house while I volunteered in the community two nights a week. It didn’t bother me in the least, in fact I found that knowing she was sleeping with another man expanded my lust and enhanced my appreciation for her sexually. Throughout the whole process, I never had to worry that my wife would leave me. She loved the man, but in a different way than she loved me, and she could live with me, but not with him. I never had to worry about it overshadowing our relationship. My wife and I know each other very well. I’ve never used the openness of marriage to chase an affair, I just haven’t had my eye on anyone yet. What’s supposed to happen is going to happen, and I’m willing to do it.”

“I’ve been married for 16 years and have found that marriage can stifle life, including sex. My wife had a brief affair with a young co-worker. She didn’t know I knew about it and was furious when she found out I knew about it. I don’t let things like that bother me, and I’m really glad someone gave her some love, because I sure didn’t love her.”

Men must wake up to this reality

Must wake up to see: whether men admit it or not, there is certainly a significant percentage of gay men who are going to be cuckolded.

A decade ago, a sex educator’s book identified more than 4 million women in the sex industry in China, and today that number has grown by an unknown amount. How many. The young women, of course, have to marry (some have husbands), and then her husband wants to 8 cuckold can not. Many things are not by personal will. And now that the ratio of men to women is out of whack, a significant number of men are going to be bachelors, and some bachelors in poor, backward places are seeing women with straight eyes, and just 8 care about the color of their head hats.

Whenever I see a practice room, a lady, I wonder: will their husbands know about this in the future? Can they accept it? Will they be happy with their lives?

What’s more, the proportion of virgins among female college students is plummeting, and they will soon be looking for a date, and most of them will be looking for men who are the right kind of men.

So gay men are facing an unprecedentedly tough situation. They are faced with an increasingly open era, and female students who are in sync with or even ahead of the times, and the options are increasingly narrow oh. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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