Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Watching a female teacher masturbate in class

It was my first year of elementary school. Our biology teacher was a beautiful young woman. Actually, she was not very pretty, but she had a good taste, like the type of Wang Xifeng, a bit spicy. One day at noon, at the end of the fourth period, she said that no one could leave without turning in their homework. Everyone complained, but they were too angry to say anything. When she went out, many of them cursed out, “Fuck you. She suddenly turned back. Since I was sitting in the first row, I could see her clearly. When she came in, she yelled, “Who was yelling at me? Everyone was quiet. That’s when she suddenly got angry: “Whoever calls me names is a son of a bitch. And then, in a loud voice, she talked about how she and her husband were so close to each other. How well she did for her husband. She said that sometimes there were only a few cents left in the family’s money jar, but she never complained to him about anything. I guess she was pointing fingers at her husband to make him listen. Because she lived less than ten meters away from our classroom.
At that time, I looked at her red even suddenly had an urge to masturbate. But technically speaking, it was not called masturbation, because I didn’t use my hands. Because I didn’t use my hands, I just used my legs to hold the swollen penis between my legs and then moved my legs slightly. I stared straight at her. She probably noticed my little action and stared at me with her eyes too. Haha. After a while, I had a good time. But it didn’t flow because I was still young. Now when you masturbate again, you can only use your hands. Because it’s been a long time, I can’t find the pleasure anymore when I use my legs. By the way, I had just learned how to masturbate at that time. But my experience with masturbation should be very long. When I was in kindergarten, I used to like to climb the pole of the basketball frame and sit on it to show off. Sometimes I would find that it felt good to have my penis rubbed against the iron pole as I climbed. I’ll do that sometime in the future. It wasn’t until I was in middle school that I understood the meaning of masturbation. It was only when I was in middle school that I understood the meaning of masturbation and realized that I was also masturbating. Who, may I ask, has an early history of masturbation with me? I’m 26 now, and it’s been twenty years since I started kindergarten.

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