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Wang Baoqiang divorce case opened the court marriage is prone to 7 major problems

On October 18, Wang Baoqiang sued Ma Rong for divorce and Ma Rong sued Wang Baoqiang for reputation infringement, two cases will be heard one after another in Chaoyang Court, and a large number of people and media gathered in front of the court. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of services to the public and the media, and the court had to send out bailiffs to set up a cordon.

It has been more than two months since Wang Baoqiang suddenly issued a divorce statement on August 14 this year, revealing that his wife Ma Rong had an illicit sexual relationship with his agent Song Zhe. The company’s personal life has become a social hotspot, and the trial of this case has reignited the attention of many netizens.

A lawyer analyzed that Wang Baoqiang, who is very concerned about the custody of his two children, is likely to be awarded one custody with Ma Rong. The case of Ma Rong v. Wang Baoqiang reputation infringement, if Wang Baoqiang does have evidence of Ma Rong’s cheating and the court can confirm that Wang Baoqiang did not defame her content, all the news released is true, then Wang Baoqiang does not constitute a violation of reputation.

How to solve: seven common problems in marriage

The divorce cases of celebrities bring their own attention, but what is more noteworthy is The high divorce rate in today’s society. Marriage is something that needs to be managed. In married life, the following 7 major problems are most likely to occur, so how can they be solved?

Poor communication

Whether you are a newlywed couple or have been together for The couple who have been living together for years may have conflicts due to communication problems. The lighter the quarrel, the more serious the divorce, the colder the war.


(1) Take a few minutes each day to talk to each other, no matter how busy you are. Avoid all distractions and focus your attention on the other person.

(2) Agree on certain rules, such as “One person should not interrupt when the other is talking”; avoid accusations and hasty conclusions, such as “You always. …” or “You never…” or “You never….”

(3) Think twice before you speak, and don’t let your emotions interfere with having a mature, constructive conversation with your spouse.

(4) If you say something that is not conducive to the existing scenario and is likely to add insult to injury, try to calm yourself down and keep your tongue in check. Many couples fail to do this and end up escalating arguments.

Disagreements over the division of household chores

Work, housework, parenting The many and varied household chores such as children can have a negative impact on a couple’s relationship. Many people have conflicts over who should do more housework and who should take care of the children.


(1) Communicate about this before marriage and tell your partner what you expect in terms of family, work, and childcare. caring for children your expectations.

(2) Make schedules and rules that apply to the whole family, not just one partner.

(3) Be willing to compromise and make concessions for the benefit of the other party and work to create harmony.

Financial woes

From wedding bills to bride price money, money The issue can leave a deep mark on the marriage relationship. With the ensuing costs of buying a house, doing renovations, daily expenses and children’s education, financial woes can put otherwise loving couples in a struggle.


(1) Sit down together and evaluate the financial situation. If neither party has the money to spare, negotiate a smaller budget and opt for a more economical lifestyle.

(2) Don’t let partner B bear the stress alone when you encounter financial difficulties, and don’t hide your financial situation from each other.

(3) Develop good habits of diligent accumulation, rationalize family income and expenses, and resume short- and long-term financial goals.

Feeling flat as water

When couples really start living their lives , the romantic promise of the beginning may gradually fade away. The love seems to fade and the days become bland and uninteresting.


(1) Talk to your partner calmly about your feelings and redo what you did when you first started dating. Things.

(2) Rekindle your love by giving each other compliments and appreciating the little things they do for you.

(3) Surprise each other by scheduling date nights and vacations.

Fights, disagreements, and misunderstandings

These three things are an inevitable part of marriage. inevitable part of a marriage, but if you keep arguing over the same things over and over again and settling arguments in irrational ways, it’s important to break that vicious cycle.


(1) Learn to argue in a constructive way, rather than tearing up or tearfully arguing.

(2) Look at your own attitude during the argument; is your approach trying to offer a solution or silencing the other person? If it’s the latter, you need to get your attitude right.

(3) Be selective in your arguments. Some issues of principle deserve you to stand up for yourself, but sometimes it’s just necessary for you to play dumb. Also, apologize when you do something wrong, even if doing so hurts your self-esteem.

Having resentment

There may be some deep-seated resentment in the relationship There can be deep-rooted resentments that build up and lead to chronic poisoning of the relationship and a loss of trust, understanding and respect between the couple.


(1) Find the source of the resentment.

(2) Instead of looking for your partner’s mistakes, think about what you’re not doing well.

(3) Don’t blame each other and take responsibility for your own behavior.

Infidelity and cheating

This is the number one offender that causes marriages to break up. The number one offender of marriage breakdown. Couples in strong marriages never use infidelity to fill an emotional void.


(1) If you are unhappy with your current relationship, see what you can do to improve, rather than looking for an affair right away.

(2) Look at the good side of the relationship, not the bad side, and remember the commitment you made to your partner.

(3) If you were the one who was cheated on, figure out what you want; if you were the one who cheated and want to fix the marriage relationship, you need to be truly remorseful and make an extra effort to rebuild trust.

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