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Unmarried cohabitation Trial marriage you can afford to spend?

Some people say that living together before marriage is a kind of trial love, trying to see if two people are fit to live together. Women, this statement is only suitable for men in today’s society. For women, it’s an expensive luxury and comes with a veneer of love on the outside.

What is cohabitation

That is, a man and a woman living together as husband and wife before marriage The relationship is similar to the concept of “trial marriage”, in which both parties live together openly or secretly in the name of marriage, with the goal of possible marriage. However, this concept is milder and more neutral than “cohabitation”, “unmarried cohabitation”, “illegal cohabitation”, “premarital sex”, etc. The concept is gentler and more neutral than “cohabitation,” “unmarried cohabitation,” “illegal cohabitation,” or “premarital sex,” and is therefore more popular with cohabitants, especially women who are under more moral pressure.

There are two points that need to be brought to the attention of people who are interested in cohabitation:

First, such relationships do not exist in China. First, this kind of relationship is not protected by law in China. The current law does not interfere with cohabitation where both parties have no spouse, and cohabitation where one or both parties have a spouse is illegal and can constitute bigamy in serious cases, which is sanctioned by law.

Second, trial marriage, can marriage really be tested? The truth is that cohabitation and marriage are two completely different mental states, and marriage cannot be tried. Either you get married logically, or you break up miserably. The facts show that the latter is much more likely.

What does it cost a woman to live together before marriage

What does it cost a woman to live together before marriage

What does it cost a woman to live together before marriage

strong>Cost One: Wasted Youth

Women age earlier than men, and their bodies start to go downhill at 25. The woman has been living together for several years, but the man is still young, still majestic in his room life, and his career is on the rise, but the two sides may not necessarily go into marriage.

Cost Two: Waste of Money

When in love, most men will take the initiative to pay the bill, and of course AA is a very reasonable and fashionable way to do so. Once you live together, the two parties are transformed into an awkward relationship that is neither in love nor in marriage, with less of the romance of love but more of the financial burden.

Cost 3: If you don’t get married, you’ll be severely traumatized

After cohabitation, men are bursting with psychological confidence because they know better how to please and deal with women and are more experienced with women; whereas, when a relationship fails after cohabitation, women are usually left with psychological shadows and become less and less confident, and are more inclined to get married rather than enjoy love when dealing with their next relationship.

Cost 4: Facing everyone’s strange eyes

Currently, the Society may be tolerant of cohabitation, but tolerance does not mean certainty. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

The same is not true for women, who are often thought of as “watery” and “broken”. “

Cost 5: Increased risk of infection

Body characteristics of men and women It is decided that after cohabitation, women are prone to contracting gynecological diseases and other conditions. If a woman is accidentally pregnant, it can be very damaging to her health and can easily leave after-effects if not handled properly. The risks of pregnancy are almost entirely borne by the woman.

Many people think that outside opinions don’t matter as long as they don’t think they’re at a disadvantage. However, social culture is tolerant of men’s flirtations, but harsh on women, and when women fall in love again or go into marriage, they have to bear a lot more social opinion than men. It’s not fair, but it’s the reality, and it can’t be changed, at least not yet.

Reality: cohabitation isn’t that great

Overdrawn passion only leaves an empty shell that resembles marriage, but it’s not marriage.

She: living together is the sublimation of love

He: living together is less expensive than dating

The advance consumption of material things we can afford to repay, this experimentation and advance consumption of marriage has obviously exceeded many people’s ability to repay, the passion and happiness of marriage is prepaid, what remains is only exhaustion and boredom, the intervention of various realistic factors, resulting in two people feel that life together It is no wonder that survey data shows that couples who marry after cohabitation are more likely to divorce than those who marry without cohabitation.

The next step in cohabitation is marriage?

Women: Cohabitation It’s two people working together toward marriage.

Men: The main purpose of living together is to address each other’s needs, and for a man like me who has no plans to get married, finding a woman to live with is the most cost-effective way to do it.

Review: You are not his wife

Differences in thinking between men and women The difference between the thinking of men and women is the opposite of the ending. Women should not easily take cohabitation as the first step into marriage, because once it is easily available to men, it will only cut their sense of responsibility. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem.

He didn’t have to split the property when we broke up

She: Except missing that piece of paper, we are no different than a normal couple.

Him: Without that piece of paper, all the promises are just playing house.

Review: A wedding letter is still necessary

No matter how strong your Don’t think your relationship is as solid as a marriage just because your name and his are on the mailbox together, and a marriage license is much more reliable than a man’s commitment, without which you are playing house.

Preparing for walking into cohabitation

If you really feel like living with

If you really feel that living with this man for a period of time is something you can fully afford, then we still want to remind you to consider the following issues:

1. Nowadays, when a young couple is in love, they will inevitably choose to live together before marriage. The two results are possible, but living together before marriage is one of the processes of trial marriage, during which you do not have any legal protection, but living together can understand whether the other party is suitable or not.

2. When two people live together, how to allocate living expenses is a more realistic problem, at first the man may take more, but when there is no money, you also need to take money out, it is not possible that only the man spends money, you are only responsible for The first thing you need to do is to get the money out.

3, young and strong two people, living together, it is inevitable that there is physical contact, a small baby in case it comes, you choose to get married and have a baby or think of another way, before living together, the girl must think about this problem, to think about it, because this thing If you get hurt, it’s still you.

Everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions. This is also true in love. Although you love each other, your choices are still something you need to pay for yourself. This is true, for example, when you stay with this man, live together, and go into marriage.

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