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Tomorrow is tomorrow How to say goodbye to workplace procrastination

What do you mean by workplace procrastination? Tasks are always completed close to the time; you always don’t go to work when you have a lot of time; you are still in the middle of playing when you know your boss will be unhappy. If you have these habits, then it’s safe to say that you have a serious case of procrastination.

Signs of workplace procrastination

If you’re studying at work

I can see the head’s “debt” face when the task is right in front of me; I just have to raise my hand to dial a phone number or send an email with a mouse click. The mood of “wait, just a little bit” still dominates all actions… These bad working conditions are the famous workplace procrastination! If we keep thinking that we can continue tomorrow, then everything will not get done, and all we have to do is cherish each day and finish today.

What to do if you procrastinate

1. Motivate yourself with rewards

What you do today, you should do today, never put it off until tomorrow. The time and energy you use up in procrastination is enough to get that thing done. Procrastination is the enemy of career success. People who like to procrastinate always have many excuses: boring work, hard work, bad environment, unreasonable plan of the boss, etc.. In fact, there is nothing these can’t overcome. You can give yourself prodding and rewards, like treating yourself to a favorite meal as motivation to keep going if you insist on not procrastinating for a week!

2. Someone is waiting for your work

As an employee At no time should you be smart enough to design the work process with the expectation that work deadlines will be backdated according to your plans or expectations. Sometimes work in a team is not just for one person, but more often than not requires cooperation with others, or seeking support from others, and the habit of expecting others to cooperate with your work can easily lead to inefficiency in the whole team. So when procrastination is rife, remind yourself that teamwork takes precedence over individual consciousness, and use the angel of diligence in your heart to overcome the devil of laziness!

3. Don’t turn in your work last

Successful people are They know very well that in the minds of all their bosses, the ideal is “today’s work, today’s work”. This requirement is an indispensable factor for maintaining constant competitiveness. An employee who always gets the job done on time or even ahead of schedule will always be appreciated.

In practical terms, it means always remembering the deadline for work to be done and trying to overcome all the difficulties to get it done by that point in time anyway. In fact, this is also conducive to the development of a meticulous action process and practice step by step in accordance with the plan. It’s much more efficient to work this way than to fight like flies without a head!

4. Your boss is watching you

In today’s increasingly fast-paced business environment In today’s increasingly fast-paced business environment, companies and employees alike must work with a “get the job done yesterday” philosophy if they are to be invincible. Most bosses are anxious people, in order to survive, they hate to divide a minute into eight to use. So asking your boss to spend more time waiting for the results of your work will hurt him more than wasting money.

No boss can tolerate employees who procrastinate for long. The most practical way to get through the workplace is to have the work in hand digested in a timely manner, that is, you should be in the state of mind that “Rome should have been built yesterday” and deal with the work given by the boss in the first place, so that the work can be completed early and the boss can rest assured. The company’s main focus is on the development of a new product, which is a new product for the company.

When your boss gives you a tough deadline, don’t argue or complain. Putting yourself in your boss’ shoes, if you are the boss, you will surely also want your employees to treat the company as their own business and work harder, more diligently and proactively so that the work can be completed in the shortest possible time. If you aspire to success, then take the initiative to set yourself another more demanding work deadline based on your boss’s demanding work deadline.

5. Psychologically break procrastination

The world is neither There is no single explanation for “why people procrastinate” and no single way to “overcome this behavior. Various suggestions include setting goals, or splitting large chunks of tasks into a series of smaller ones, and energy planning – that is, planning to tackle harder tasks when you have the most energy, usually around 10 a.m. Some recommend complex systems of time management and organization; others strongly recommend that procrastinators focus on positive, positive goals, such as spending more energy on professional advancement or family reunion time.

“Procrastination is not good for people at all.” says TimothyPychyl, director of the Procrastination Research Group at Carleton University in Canada. That said, Mr. Pychyl appreciates Mr. Perry’s cynical approach and thinks perhaps the method is practical. “Maybe it doesn’t solve everyone’s problems, but …… some people may get a bunch of work done while refusing to do certain things.”

6. If there’s really no way out, then take the easy way out

People focus on their biggest and most important responsibilities and then waste their time on unproductive activities like surfing the web and watching TV. Perry’s website has a photo of “not doing work but still jumping rope with seaweed”. There’s a tricky way to make procrastination work for you in the workplace. Procrastinators are advised to make the most of their time with less difficult (and useful) tasks, such as following up with clients, completing expense reports or reading industry news. Smart procrastinators can get a good reputation for being “productive” while continuing to “give in” to their urge to procrastinate.

Workplace procrastination can be a serious drag on work efficiency, with the direct effect of making the quality of your work plummet. The indirect consequence will keep you from growing fast because you spend all your time swiping twitter and other playful behaviors that distract you. If you want to be a successful person, even one who allows yourself to grow quickly, find a way to get rid of procrastination.

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