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Tips 6 phrases to counter the man’s mantra

For women, most men are plain water, light is a little light, but life is not missing. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

There is a kind of man women must not drink, this kind of man is poison. After the woman tasted, the light will be cloaked, the heavy will be the soul to fly away. This kind of men are distributed at all levels, as if they were born with the sole mission of playing more women.

Men like this should be swatted to death with a fly swatter when they first appear. They use some of the same dialogues for all women for various purposes and it has almost become a mantra for such toxic men. When you hear one of the men around you say these things to you, beware!

Mantra #1: “You look a lot like my first love!”

Good girl comeback: “No way? I think I look more like your mom!”

Toxic men make confessions like this about a target when they first lock on to that target. Women will always naively think that a man’s heart put the first love, that this man is very long love, and the feeling of first love is the most beautiful, since they are like his first love, it means that this moment, in his eyes, they are the most beautiful! He will certainly cherish himself like his first love ……

Wake up, how do you know if this man in front of you has a first love, or if his first love is not a foot tucked away after he gets bored with it? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Mantra #2: “I’ll buy you anything you want, as long as you’re happy!”

Good girl counters, “I make enough to buy anything I want, you might as well save your money for a retirement insurance policy!”

Toxic men who are financially well off don’t say this kind of thing at all, and go straight for the gift offensive until they smash the woman unconscious. Usually put out this kind of words, are low-end toxic men, the wallet is not enough bulging, also want to learn the noble son of a thousand gold to buy a smile. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

After all, it’s just a blank check to make you happy, and when you get serious and ask him to cash it, he’ll say, “I can’t believe you’re just a materialistic woman…”

In short, women who don’t care about money won’t ask them to realize this phrase, and the women who want them to realize this phrase they know they can’t get on, so they can’t eat mutton and get you all fishy, putting you on a “gold-digging” charge. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

Mantra 3: “Do you like me? I dare to chase you only if you like me!”

Good female comeback: “I don’t have the effort to tease you, you love to chase or not!”

What kind of bullshit logic is that? The first thing you need to do is to get the best out of it. This kind of shameless man first asked the woman to give him a guarantee, he was willing to start? The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

He’s just trying to get to your bottom line and take advantage of your good feelings for him. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Mantra #4: “I’m very sincere!”

Good girl comeback: “Why don’t you just say what you really want?”

He only said half of the sentence, and the second half should be “I am very sincere in wanting to sleep with you. But in the understanding of the woman who took the bait, they may be followed by the phrase “I am very sincere in wanting to date you (marry you)!” It’s especially funny that toxic men always cite “Look how many texts I’ve sent you, how many meals I’ve bought you, how many things I’ve bought you ……” as an argument when they say this.

Come on! Don’t you think it’s more like settling scores when a man counts what he’s given to you piece by piece? The same is true when you believe in his “sincerity” and also take off your pants to be exhausted by him in bed, you will wake up: so he is really “sincere” in the matter of sex!

Mantra #5: “I must not be your type, or you’d be in my arms, right?”

Good female comeback: “Sorry, I don’t understand the livestock question, do you speak human?”

What looks like a wounded puppy pathetically begging for your pampering is actually sheepishly sarcastic. Toxic men almost always have a macho mindset and feel that women are inflatable dolls without the ability to think, either attracted for money or attracted by looks. In short, as long as he has one of these two, you should meekly send him to the door and let him fish.

You think he’s belittling himself in front of you, begging you for comfort and acceptance, when in reality his subtext is “You slut, you’re still pretending with me! It’s not just that I don’t have this or that. If it happens to be to your liking, you would have washed up in bed waiting for me!”

Mantra #6: “I actually have a girlfriend, but it’s not a good relationship and I’m about to break up!”

Good girl comeback: “Ahem, why are you talking to me? You guys love to share or not, it’s not like I have anything to do with you!”

A toxic man with a red flag at home may take the initiative to “confess” to you after he first hooked up with you, to show his sincerity on the one hand, and to give him a chance to spill his guts to you about his current girlfriend, how he was persecuted and abused to the point where he wanted to hold on to her. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re getting into: 2em;text-align:left;”>Wake up! The woman who can shock a toxic man’s ability will not be small, he simply does not want or can not be divided. And you, you are just a wild food that he occasionally comes out to steal his mouth.

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