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Time wears out the passion how to “keep fresh”?

Suddenly hearing that a couple that has been together for a long time has broken up without warning usually feels very surprising when you hear about it. The lovers who are usually considered to be the most likely to enter the marriage hall, may just walk to the door of marriage but delayed to cross the threshold. Why? Time wears down passion.

It is a beautiful vow to hold the hand of a child and grow old together. The hand of the son is a relatively simple matter, see the right eyes, bravely pursue, get each other’s response, you can hold the hand of the son. What about growing old with your son? This is the desire of lovers or couples, but it is not easy to achieve. There is a most powerful enemy waiting for you on the way forward, and that is time.

Time is a formidable enemy. It can make memories blur, happy and sad are slowly forgotten, and the most frightening moment comes when a vivid character turns into a dusty old photo. The most important thing is that it is not just a matter of time.

Some people don’t have the opportunity to see it, some people don’t have the urge to see it, some people don’t have the mood even if they do see it, and he’s already out there finding fresh green apples, just like you were at the beginning, so why bother to remember the vividness of those once? And even if recalled, these memories will not become tangible in front of him, time will not be turned back. Not to mention that there are better and fresher ones.

It may be harsh to say that, but it’s true. We have to face the cruelest reality and then come to figure out how not to let women have a chance to face this scene.

Every love, there is a moment of crazy passion, but the time is long, and the people around you are long, and the initial feeling is gone. The day comes and goes, all those people those things, with eyes closed can be depicted. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Women have always sought stability, but men are different. There is a reason for a man to cheat, to pursue freshness and passion. This is his sophomoric excuse for cheating on himself, and sometimes, it is true.

A calm, uneventful lake can be annoying to watch too much. His stupidity, you think is irrational. Not satisfied in the woman around, if this time a bright landscape appears, how much determination he has? Men’s unfaithfulness and irresponsibility indeed, women, should you also do some changes to life? The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good life and that you feel happy and that your man feels happy.

So how do men and women maintain a long-lasting intimate relationship? Six key tips for maintaining a relationship that will help you and your partner get along.

Tip #1: Don’t try to keep the passion alive

Let love evolve naturally. Passion and love, fade with time, so you should put your strength in keeping your life progressing normally, paying attention to earning money and raising children. Successful relationships don’t depend on passion and love, but on the ease and joy of living together.


Living towards the same goals and directions.

Tip #2: Don’t fight for fairness

If you If you are going to argue for fairness, both of you must prepare equally for the argument, knowing that only one side of the argument will win; and when you ask yourself, is this really worth arguing for? If you consider the outcome, 90 percent of the quarrels can be avoided. That is, 90 percent of the arguments are meaningless, just for the sake of arguing and arguing to win, which is not beneficial or even harmful to the relationship. If the argument is inevitable, it should be short and pertinent, keeping in mind that you are only arguing about what you are arguing about and not about anything else.


Arguing can lead to more conflict, so it’s better to You’ll be able to face and deal with the matter more rationally by pausing and letting the emotions buffer, then continuing.

Tip #3: Don’t talk about everything

Talking about things doesn’t always work. necessarily useful. For example, if you don’t see things the same way about abortion, no amount of talking is going to solve the problem. If you talk, it will only deepen your differences and raise tensions between the two of you, so it’s best to put things aside.


Everyone has their own ideas, and we The most important thing is that you can’t force others to agree with you, but if you really don’t agree, you can try to help each other talk and think about the matter from each other’s point of view. The most important thing to do is to think differently, which is always the most needed but least done.

Tip #4: Don’t tell the truth about everything

Telling the truth requires Absolute honesty, and absolute honesty requires great resourcefulness, and it’s not easy to do. Your partner doesn’t need to know exactly how you feel or what you think about the situation. When you have to say what you feel, be careful about what you say.


A well-intentioned lie is still necessary sometimes. Because some words spoken will exist too much hidden trouble, maybe one day in the future because of these words. And it can cause even more harm.

Tip #5: Don’t spend money willy-nilly

People who can control money People who are able to control money can have power in a relationship, power that depends not on how much money is earned, but on how it is spent. You can open two different bank savings accounts, and expenses are taken out of both accounts equally, with you having absolute control over your account and your partner having absolute control over his. On a mutually agreed basis, living expenses are borne equally by both of you; you both have equal power and conflicts are naturally reduced.


Since two people choose to live together, in order to To create a happy life, the funds on the joint account still need to be discussed together, as to how much of this part of the money you are responsible for and how much the other person is responsible for is up to you to discuss and decide. But individuals still have their own needs, so individual accounts still need to exist.

Tip #6: Don’t ignore the little things in life

If you’re going to The things you worry about are always the little things that go unnoticed, such as “not covering the toothpaste cap”, and over time they can damage the relationship between the two of you. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the little things in your daily life. Of course, you need to pay attention to the little things that have a positive effect, such as giving him a surprise kiss or saying a few words of praise. The reason is that successful relationships are built on a foundation of daily care and affection.


Details make the difference, and it follows that the The power is considerable. So we must make good use of the details to add interest and happiness to our lives.

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