Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Three moves to beat up an Indonesian bastard

The other day to an office building interview to see a tall Indonesian on the ground in the garbage, surrounded by five Indonesian, I was very angry with the English said he told him to clean up the ground, he glared at me and came over and asked me to say again, I smiled and he looked at me, and repeated once more and added a “this time you understand? I can let him get his hands on the left hand cleverly a flip to avoid him this hand, and then pretend to walk away, he really hit the plan with a hand to grab my back heart clothes in fact, this is something I expected, he each posture in my eyes are broken. But at this time, he did not dare to open the fight only to grab me, so I will pretend that the strength is not as strong as he went with him, the afterglow saw several other Indonesians laughing gloating expression. In fact, just now in his right hand to grab my left hand when I tested his strength, I feel and I’m about the same, but in height, weight he has the advantage (than my tall head).
I think that is why he dared to be so arrogant and I provoked to fight with me, but he does not know that to fight I can give him as a master, we listen to me in detail, he pulled me into a channel in the door automatically closed I saw no one around, other Indonesians did not follow, others may also be afraid of fire and fear of this Indonesian garbage lustful power so did not come to dissuade, which is just what I want, into the channel I immediately stabilized The body, he froze, I said in English now I count to 3 in the hands of apologies not to put on the fight, he did not put. I also know that he was bent on fighting me how to let go of this is also I lied to him, fighting first in the aisle is to my advantage if in the wide open fight although also the same to destroy him but he is a head taller than me, long arms and legs I have to suffer a little loss so I decided to solve in the aisle, which is exactly why I said those words, because one is I really do not want to fight, so many years of beating people hurt people let me understand a little fight can only solve The problem of the time of the immediate occupation can not cure the root, but in front of the Indonesians he and I play them Indonesia on the Chinese riots that set he can choose the wrong pair of images, I saw his right hand grabbed firmly my back heart clothes, he is now the left leg bow right leg stirrups left hand has clenched fist I can see that the aim is my face huh kid to strike first ah I enterprises can let you as you wish ah, followed by me immediately began to count, ONE-1 I caught him hesitating and immediately stepped on his right calf in the back with a kick and stomp with my left leg, a move that I summarized as fast and ruthless. I’m sure it worked, his right leg was slightly bent forward and his weight shifted backwards, which was expected, and my right fist popped out with a spin when my left foot just stepped on the ground, so don’t be surprised, I actually had to turn my hand over and clench my fist before my index finger and wait for this one. The target is his middle of the hole. Location —— heart, this location I think people who have studied junior high school biology know that there is actually not the heart but the heart below the diaphragm that organ affects breathing And heartbeat, if the serious injury will make life. And here is very tender as long as a light blow will be painful, not to mention that I will not be merciful at this time, but I do not dare to hurt his life, which is the reason I did not want to fight with him, I know their own hands down are to harm my own fear of poor control, it is too late, my right fist accurately hit in the lower left of his chest, the rib cage between the heart under the word, the hands feel soft and unusual, it seems he did not time to defend
Even the body did not make. The other Indonesian people are more animal-like bullying people today I will pull him out of this most difficult nail with the power of one person, we know that in fact the fight here has been Can shout stop but I will not let him off lightly because just in pulling my back heart clothes after my right arm by him and I two called force when breaking away from the line. Fei said quite a lot of him at this time has been hands cupped to the ground kneeling, I want to give him the last blow, that is, he on the way to the breakthrough, my hands apart ten fingers slightly curved into a tiger claw shape while slapping to his double ear table. This move to soon spicy, ruthless in the second. I know he can’t hear me anymore, but his ears are going to ring in his ears for a while. His whole body curled up on the ground, some time his facial expression is very complex, pain, remorse, but also a little by my tease of chagrin. This is really a classic, but he can only painful hands to protect the heart, I know he is the most painful part of this time is here, but I know more here after a week will be almost well, but his left leg at least a month to walk normally. In fact, I have written so much that the process is less than 5 seconds in total. I see that he can not even make a sound out of the only convulsive shaking and rapid breathing seems to be the diaphragm is not lightly injured, the heart and lungs are affected ah, really damn beast should have this report. I also do not bother to immediately organize clothes from the other side of the exit to walk out of the channel, back to the car fire away. The mood is smooth by just want to leave the place of the matter as soon as possible.

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