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Three love myths let you miss true love

How do you know who is the right partner? Most people have a view of love that is often childish and immature, and I want to share three deadly love myths that keep us from choosing a mate wisely by holding the wrong ideas about love.

The first misconception: true love conquers all

There is Love will do, and as long as we love each other very much, the marriage will be happy. As long as I love him, it doesn’t matter if he drinks, it doesn’t matter if he always criticizes me, it doesn’t matter if he’s idle, or if he’s a womanizer… It doesn’t matter, I just have to keep loving him, love conquers all.

Let’s look at the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah: they fell in love at first sight, they were a match made in heaven, both parents agreed, and everything was in place for a happy marriage, but was their marriage happy? Isaac later gave up Rebekah to a king as a concubine, and Rebekah instigated her son to lie to his father, destroying a good family. So romantic love alone does not guarantee a happy marriage.

If you believe this myth, first, you won’t be able to deal seriously with the problems in your relationship, as long as you love each other, conflicts and differences don’t matter! Second, when love fades, you think you can save the relationship if you love a little more, but the reality is that love alone cannot make a relationship last; it has to be right for each other and have the commitment to commit.

The second misconception: love at first sight is true love

How do you You know it’s him? I just know it! When my he/she shows up, I will know. The danger of this myth is that first impressions don’t always last. Many couples think that if the first impression is good, the relationship will be happy in the future, but because they don’t face the reality, the relationship will not go on. The second danger is that you may miss out on the love that will really last.

Many people are addicted to the idea of “love at first sight,” and if it’s not love at first sight, they don’t think it’s true love, and as a result, they may miss out on the true love that could be cultivated. In fact, passion can be created in seconds, but true love takes time.

The third danger is that sometimes you think you’re in love with someone, but you’re really just in love with an image. My boyfriend is a doctor, my girlfriend has a devilish body. You don’t even notice what kind of person the other person is. He may have the best track record, but his character is bad, and it’s his image that you’re in love with.

The third misconception: the perfect spouse can satisfy you completely

Many people unconsciously want their spouse to meet all their needs, thinking that if they find the perfect spouse, they will be satisfied in every way. True love is not for you to take what you want, true love is about giving and sharing. Choosing the right partner can meet many of your needs, but not all of them.

If you felt a void in your heart before marriage, you will still feel a void after marriage. In fact, the vacancy in the human heart can only be filled by the Holy Spirit if you put your life in His hands.

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