Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

(Thousands of people) The first half of my life 14

After dropping off my cousin, school started for me too. My dad called a few times and didn’t say anything. Just told me to study hard and so on. I wanted to, too. But last semester was not good, this holiday I and cousin
I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that. Cousin ah, in vain you help me tutoring. I am not learning anything. Since learning to nappy B, on the things and drugs like. I want to do it every day.
I want to nail, but unfortunately the girls in the class, I am not very familiar with. I also want to go to the girls’ room, went to see the gods, I do not know that I got a good position to fix. A blocked my way.
There is no way, but to jerk off their own dick. The school year began more than a week ago, the primary examination from a new class. I was not surprised that I was assigned to a poor class, that is, age 2, class 8. I just arrived at this class and did not know anyone. I just heard
I heard from my classmates that if you enter class 8, you can’t come out again, because no one is studying and the teacher is not teaching properly, so if you teach properly, you are offending everyone. You will be beaten up inevitably. I looked for
I found a seat in front of me and waited for class to start. Who knows the teacher did not come, from all sides flew over a push of school bags. I was knocked down directly. I got up and looked back, basically all the boys were using the bag
I smashed, only a few girls are still chatting ah, makeup ah. At this time, a person at the end stood up and said to me: you fucking don’t pretend, are into the 8 class also learn a chicken hair ah. Come sit behind, to
After I cover you. The one who spoke was called Li Bing, I’ve seen him before, as long as the fight basically has him. It is said that he has repeated twice. I thought to myself, “You’re not even as tall as me, and you want to take care of me? Do you really think you are Chan Ho Nam, Chicken?
Ah? (At that time, we all learn the “Confucius”, I think everyone has seen, not seen the Baidu.) I also ignored him, and put all the bags that smashed me on the desk behind me. This time and Li Bing sat
In the back of the people at once stood up 7-8. I was scolded in a mess, probably meaning that I pretend to be a good student, a kind of words, and some said to beat me. At this time, Li Bing put on the appearance of the boss and said: all
Sit down, he is new, give him some time, in a few days he will find us. He waved his hand and told them to sit down, this really obeyed and sat down. The other boys in the class were either scared
The other boys in the class were either scared and shrinking, or pretending to read a book. The girls who were timid hid to the side, and the bold ones waited to see my jokes. (There were more than 20 people in the class, just 5-6 girls, the rest were all men. I basically forgot the names of the people.
Only a few and I have a relationship I still remember.) I thought to myself, “You guys are the goods. Put in my father’s engineering team is not even a fart. I didn’t think much about it and sat down. The day passed in a daze.
The day went by in a daze. I really can’t keep up, out of the language and history can still understand, also can learn on. The rest is simply incomprehensible, especially math, geometry and algebra. I listen to a big head. English, not to mention the.
But the English teacher is a new girl, not bad-looking. There is also a little story, I will start here, this teacher likes to wear a skirt, I forget when to start. We used a mirror on our feet
Peeking at her pants on the face to open the plate to bet money. I am the banker, of course. Usually it’s a piece of paper with a position on it and one in the middle. It says white, black, flower, red. The middle is not. meaning
The meaning is the color of the teacher’s pants, the middle is not wearing, but once did not have. Hahaha. White, black, flower, red. All are one to one. Not wearing is a compensation of ten. To really wear the blue.
or green. Then get their money back, as invalid. And later found out. The principal took us to the disciplinary office, the beating. (At that time, really hit ah, which is like the children now, let alone hit.
I can’t even say.) In the afternoon after school, I was ready to ride home. Just to ride it found that the front and rear wheels are called people to deflate. I knew in my heart that Li Bing’s group must have done it. Then I pushed my car out of school
I found a car repair point and paid to fix it and went home. To home downstairs to lock the car, ready to go upstairs. This way has been holding urine, into the entrance of the building only in the hold. I took a look and no one was there, so I opened my zipper
I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do this. I’m looking at the end of the urine, when someone came. The person who came was a girl named X Lili from upstairs of my house. The first year of junior high school and I am not a school. They are in a key middle school.
The study is good, so my cousin’s tuition she did not come. This time Lili saw me peeing, first called out. Then just stand there and look at my cock. Did not run away like on TV, and did not call someone
. Just so look at me and the cock. I finally finished peeing and got a bad feeling. In order to tell her to see more clearly, deliberately in front of her also shook a few cocks. Then only slowly put the cock back in the pants to pull on
The zipper said: this is not Lili? Just after school ah? Pretend and did not happen the same. Lili only then reacted and quickly walked up the stairs and said: Well, just back. On a trot upstairs. I
I just lifted quite exciting. Then it went home. The next day or the end of the school day, this time more disturbing, my car before and after the call with a knife stabbed a few small holes. I thought, “Fuck you, I don’t know
I think, I do not know, you really fucking think I am afraid of you. Wait until tomorrow to get my car again, one do not want to good. And went to the last car repair place to fix the car home, to the downstairs remembered yesterday ran into Lili thing.
For the fun and excitement, I did not go upstairs, waiting for Lili to come back, pretend to pee to her to see my cock. But wait for almost an hour and did not see anyone. I went upstairs and went home. The next day at school.
I went to see my car after class, not afraid of accidents, is afraid not to accident. Call me to catch and beat him to death. I took my dad home with me to leave the bat. Every time after class to see. Never caught anyone. I thought that today
I thought no one was going to get my car today, so I played soccer with my former classmates after school. When I was ready to go home, I saw that my car was gone. I nailed it. This time, I’ve played a big game! You guys really want to die. I looked all over the school
I searched all over the school and couldn’t find it. I took a taxi home. Arrived home downstairs is not in the mood to wait for Lili. Go upstairs. Arrived at home first to my father called a phone. (I remember when my dad was using the
Big Brother, we are called big brick.) Tell him that the car was stolen from the school back. My father said: all right, if you like to go buy another one, find Zhang Fatty on the line. Just the general manager of this department store.
You have met. I said: Dad, can I find my Uncle Song, help me look for ah? If I can’t find it, I’ll stop riding my bike. Can I? (Uncle Song is the chief of the city police department) My father said: That’s fine, you
Don’t talk to your Uncle Song, I’ll call him. I agreed and hung up the phone. I thought, tomorrow at school to find Li Bing, not this B foster dry I really do not believe.

When I got to school, I put the stick in my sleeve. As long as the fight is on, I can use it when I shake. Into the class saw Li Bing and the gang were sitting in the back. I put my school bag on my desk, I went to Li Bing that
Said: Li Bing, my car that? Li Bing froze for a moment and said: your car? What car you? I said: you do not fucking pretend with me, the day before yesterday to my car deflated, the day before yesterday to puncture my car tires, yesterday also fucking took my car away.
The day before yesterday, he took my car away. You are really playing a big ah. I’m asking you, my car that? The heart thought, as long as it is said do not know, I will be a stick down first beat you down, others will not dare on. Li Bing looked at me with a masked cunt, turned his head
To his men said: Which one of you moved his car? A concealed that is, the kid said to Li Bing: Brother Bing, I deflated and tied his tires, did not steal his car, really. I was also baffled. Originally wanted to do a good thing
I can not do, how to fight? Li Bing then said to the kid: you come here. The kid walked to the front of Li Bing. Li Bing suddenly grabbed the kid’s hair and pulled it down, lifting a foot straight
Kicked the kid directly in the face, but did not stop, the second kick to the face again. So kicked 4-5 feet it. Only then let go and said: I fucking told you to get his car? Are a class of their own people you
also get? The boy only then stood up, his face was full of nosebleeds, did not speak. Li Bing said again: kick you, is to tell you to grow a little memory. You also listen! Li Bing said to his gang: to fight or rob, go to
Other classes, or go to another school. I’ll beat one of them. And turned to me and said: Hu XX, I really do not know this thing, since I know, your car I help you find, and said
Pointed to the beaten man said: Wang XX this kid, you call him a fight, out of some bad attention he line. Stealing a car this thing, he really dare not do. Wang XX also cried and said: I really did not steal your car. I had a stomach
Anger also subsided. Think they are a little too much, things are not clear to find people. A little wronged Li Bing. Said: Sorry, I was wrong, to apologize to you. Li Bing came over and took my
said: are a class, their own people, all right. But today your treat. Consider it a gift. I also laughed and said: OK, how big a deal ah. I’ll take my buddies to a restaurant at lunch. From then on I was
And Li Bing a group of people play together, and do not study. When I went to school, I brought a bag of comics, what the Seven Dragon Balls, Hokuto Shinken, Arale, the White Book of Ghosts and what to read in class with them.
Middle school and evening after school to take them to the game store to play games. Have been so play to junior high school.

Car lost after a few days, Uncle Song found me, take me to see the car. I took a look at the estimated crash, the front and rear rims are glancing, the beam is also crooked. There is no way to repair it, do not want. From then on, it has been a taxi
I went home. After a few days, this day to school, a girl in the class called Song X Li took the initiative to find me, I want to see the cartoon. I opened my book bag and told her to choose her own. During the lunch break she gave me the comics and whispered
I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get the job done. Then she went back to her place. I thought to myself, “I’ve seen it before, it’s just like that, how can it be interesting? I opened the comic and flipped through a few pages and saw
I saw a note in the middle, I looked next to no one, and looked at Song X Li, she smiled at me. I opened the note and it said, “Don’t leave after school, clean up in class, I
I have something to ask you. I thought to myself, “Something for me? What is it? I don’t care, we’ll know when the time comes. When Li Bing asked me to play video games after school, I made an excuse and gave him 20 yuan. He then took a bunch of
The people are gone. Song X Li also told the people who cleaned with her to go first, she cleaned herself on the line. I pretended to read the comics. When there were only two of us left, Song X Li walked to the class entrance and looked out to see that there was no one
The first thing you need to do is close the door. She closed the door and came to my side. I asked her: What do you want from me? Why are you so mysterious? She looked at me and sat next to me and said: I beg you something, can you lend me some money? I thought to myself, “What a big deal!
What a big deal. Why so mysterious? So I said: How much do you want to borrow? Song X Li said: two hundred okay? (At that time a man at work only about 500-700 a month) I was shocked, not
I do not have the money, but I think she had something big to use so much money? I said: what happened to you? Need so much money? Song X Li said with a smile: I can not what happened ah, I just like a set of clothes
I just like a set of clothes, but do not have money to buy want to ask you to help. I said: what clothes so expensive ah? Song X Li said: not only the clothes, but also shoes, underwear and so on, ah you borrow or not ah? I thought to myself, “What the hell are you doing?
I thought, “You want to change all of it, or from the inside to the outside. I really think I’m a fool. I’ve borrowed this money and I’m sure I won’t get it back. But the mouth said: too much, if 50-60 is okay. Song X Li said: you do not pretend to be poor.
You know what people in the class call you behind your back? I said: call me what? Song X Li said: called you Kun young master, you are famous in the whole school. After know you have money. Besides, you take a taxi to school every day. This day to play
Car on the twenty, noon you also take this Li Bing they go out to eat. How also has to be a 50-60 bar, and that’s not counting the money you buy comics, take them to play games that. If it adds up, you spend a hundred or eight a day.
I thought to myself, “You little cunt, you’re really fine with your accounting. I’ve never even fucking counted myself. Song X Li is not bad looking. One meter 6, in the girl is also considered tall. The main thing is that she
The two tits, but really not the usual big. Every time I see her running on the gym, I’m worried about her tits jumping out. I’ll give you the money you want, I want people, you’ll give me the nappy. Just say.
You inquire really clear, lend you money also OK, but you have an object with me. When I object to the money that do not have to pay back, you can not pay back, you think about it. Song X Li said directly: OK, I’m with you
The money you give me. I thought, I nappy! The promise is so fast even thought, this is to take the money after the rhythm of disavowal ah. I said: I now have no body, you also saw, the rest of today
The money is given to Li Bing them. I just left a taxi money. How about this, you go to my house on Sunday to pick up? Song X Li was not happy to hear it and said: borrowing you some money so much effort, should have known not to borrow. On the angry
I’m not sure I’m going to be able to do that. I thought to myself and I play this set? I really do not eat. I picked up my school bag to go, while walking also said: Hey ~! Just now also promised to live with me, and now for a little money to play with me.
It seems that you do not really want to live with me, just want to borrow money. Then forget it. I don’t lend money to anyone for nothing. Besides, you said it yourself, there are people in the whole school who have more money than me? Even if there is, they
The first thing you need to do is to get the money. When I walked to the door, Song X Li pulled me and said: “Oh, don’t be angry. I didn’t say I wouldn’t go to your house, I promised you I wouldn’t back out. I thought, “Fuck you!
I think it’s a good idea to talk better than you sing. I don’t have the money to take care of me, okay, just think of it as finding a long term chicken. (Chicken is equal to the meaning of prostitute) play tired of dumping it. I said: I’m teasing you, and said to hold her
The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. The nipples are small
The first thing I did was to get to the bottom of the room, but I didn’t feel the lips. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do this. I thought, “Nappy. I knew that this little slut B had already called someone to fuck. Song X Li wanted to resist
I’m not going to be able to get the best out of you. She closed her mouth, I buckled her B hand hard a force. She was in pain to scream a mouth, my tongue just
I was able to get my tongue into her mouth. I stirred her tongue with my tongue, one hand continued to buckle her B, and the other hand pulled her pants down. She was pulling her pants down, trying to stop me. She’s not as strong as I am.
I’m not sure how strong she is. In a few moments, her ass and B were exposed. I pushed her to a nearby desk and pulled down my pants to get in directly behind her ass. Song X Li while covering the back of the ass and said: Hu XX, no. This is the school, if people see, it will be finished.
This is the school, called people see it will be finished. You do not get it. I said: do not get? My cock is hard not to get that can work. Song X Li turned his head to look, see my cock really hard. I said: really can not be called people see
See it’s over. I’m not not asking you to get. Wait for Sunday, Sunday to your home. You want to get how you can. Okay? I thought, “Don’t be too hasty, if I really scared away, I’ll have to jerk off again. So I said: okay
I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but my dick is hard right now. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.
I’m really not saying, this little cunt, the cock is really good. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.
The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time. It is a good idea to have a good time. I’m going to cum after 2-3 minutes. The first thing that I did was to get the feeling that I was going to cum, so she spit out her cock and jerked it off with her hand a few times, and I came. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of hours.
The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing. Then we agreed to see each other on Sunday. And I went home. And so it was on Sunday.

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