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These 10 words are equal to men no longer love you

Did you know? Men no longer love when there are signs! When he says the following 10 things, beware, he may not love you anymore.

1: 2em;text-align:left;”>Love mostly evolves slowly from friendship, and now it has become fashionable for women to chase men, after all, it is more likely to succeed if women take the initiative. The day you tell him you want to make your relationship super friendly, he may have a reserved look and say “I don’t want to ruin our friendship”, then you should not hold any hope.

Any guy would not care about breaking up a “friendship” to get close to you, and it’s not like he’s too scared to chase you because he’s shy and has low self-esteem. The only thing he’s “scared” of is that you’re so “indifferent” to him that he won’t know how to contact you on your cell phone, email, IM, unless he doesn’t want to find you, unless he doesn’t love you!

2. “I’m busy”

“I’m busy so I forgot about it” is often heard from men in relationships. But is he really busy?

“Busy” is the most common excuse for a man, whether he’s dating someone else or socializing, and the word “busy” is a good way to get past his girlfriend. Sometimes he says busy means he’s doing something he doesn’t want you to know about, and sometimes busy just means he didn’t take your agreement seriously and forgot about it.

If he really loves you he won’t forget, because forgetting means he doesn’t care about you being disappointed. The “busy” is a weapon of mass destruction on the relationship, is a synonym for “jerk”, jerk is the one who perfumes you with busy, such a person, do you think he still loves you?


When you asked for sex and he said “I’m tired”, you were devastated and thought he must be exhausted to ignore you. Is he no longer energetic?

Eating is sexual, and men are more than happy to have sex. The fact that a man is casually perfunctory in the room, or even find excuses to shirk, only proves one thing, that he no longer loves you.

4, “We are still young”

You pressed him to get married and he said “we are still young” and listed a bunch of reasons for not getting married for the time being, what with no career yet and living expenses after getting married …… A lot of grand reasons seem to be for your benefit. The reason seems to be for your benefit, but don’t be fooled by the man’s appearance.

Many people may have experienced or seen the example of a couple who have been in love for n years and everyone thought they were close to getting married, only to suddenly break up and have one of them marry someone else in a blaze of glory. The other party may be devastated and struggling to understand: after so many years of love and effort, why can’t we “blossom”?

At this point, someone needs to give you a head start: Come on, stop torturing yourself, the fact that you haven’t been together for so many years only proves that he really doesn’t love you anymore. He just didn’t meet the object he really wanted to marry. So it’s not that you are still young or that the time is not ripe, it’s that he doesn’t love you anymore and he has no desire to marry you.

5. “I just got divorced and want to take it slow”

He has more than one woman around you, you can’t figure out his inner world, you don’t know where you are in his heart. He told you “I just got divorced and I want to take it slow.”……

A newly divorced man does need some time to re-accept another relationship. The newest and most important thing that you can do is to get a new relationship, but that doesn’t mean he can do anything wrong, play with his feelings and be ambiguous. If he likes you, he won’t be ambiguous, he’ll make his ownership of you known.

How slow is it going to be until he’s ready to accept a relationship again, and are you sure you’re the one who’s going to be with him? If he uses this excuse to explain his flirtation with someone else, it automatically translates to “I just want to use you to kill time” and “I don’t love you”.

6. “I was drunk”

“He was drunk”, “It was just an occasional accident”, “He was careless” …… When a man is caught by you that he has betrayed you, these above are the best excuses, how many of them do you believe?

There is no excuse for betrayal. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. The fact that you know that cheating in this way will break the rules of the relationship and still carry it out, you can imagine where in his mind, you should just dump him.

7, “You don’t have to care”

You see him frowning every day and ask him with concern what is making him so worried, but he turns you away with a “you don’t have to care”. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Don’t think he’s saying this because he doesn’t want you to worry, a man who really loves you wants you to be a part of his life, to give him advice and help with his career and life. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

8, “I’m going out for a break”

Men always love to play hide and seek with you and play missing. When you email, tiktok on can not see him, when you call to say off, call the office to say leave, you are worried. You have searched all the ways, but still can not find him. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Don’t spend a lot of energy trying to solve the “missing man mystery”. The only fact is that he no longer wants to be with you and doesn’t have the guts to talk to you about it. Please believe that there is no secret – he doesn’t deserve you.

9. “I’m having a hard time doing it”

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the number one problem to solve in a marriage, and it is often the cause of many marital breakdowns. Men are like that double-sided glue, one side is the wife, the other is the mother, both sides can not afford to mess with, it is not good to do. When the first marriage, the man will generally be on his wife’s side, will be in front of his mother to say a few words for themselves, to ease the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. When one day he said impatiently “I’m hard to do”, you have to be careful, because he may not have you in mind. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

10. “You’re so annoying”

Nagging is a female nature, and you will surely feel that you are talking more out of concern for him. In the beginning, he will be grateful that you care so much about him, and he will be happy to answer anything you ask him. But one day, he says, “You’re so annoying”! While you feel shocked, you have to be alert, he may not love you anymore. The first thing you need to do is to take your time and share your life with him, and if you’re bored, you’re bored and you don’t love him anymore, and he doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.

You know that he is rejecting you, cheating you, delaying you …… you still wishful thinking, thinking that as long as a little more patience, a little more accommodation, give him a little more space, a little more time …… man will change sooner or later, he will sooner or later be their own love “touch” or “transformation”. In fact, no matter what form of avoidance, it is all bullshit, because the truth is only one: he does not love you anymore, hurry up and wake up.

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