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The woman with a blue confidant is happier

A woman who has many friends of the opposite sex may have a little trouble with these friends after she has a significant other. At the same time, it will also make the woman’s partner cherish her more and better oh. Do you know this?

Women who have more friends of the opposite sex are happier

Did you know? ? It turns out that the number of male friends a woman has around her has a direct impact on how often she has sex. The Journal of ComparativePsychology recently published a report in which a team of researchers invited 393 heterosexual men to participate in a survey in which participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of their significant others and then list the number of friends and colleagues of the opposite sex around them, as well as the number of times they made out in the past week. The more women interact with the opposite sex, the more “sexually happy” they are.

Professor Todd K. Shackelford, one of the study’s leaders, said that even when there is no entanglement, men subconsciously see each other as reproductive competitors, and if they think their significant other is popular among men If they think their significant other is popular with men, then the competitive nature that evolutionary psychologists call “spermcompetition” will drive them to dominate their woman through frequent sexual encounters and drive away potential threats.

This behavior is generally described as “jealousy,” but scholars say that in addition to emotional factors, men’s subconscious desire to have the most competitive sperm and produce the most offspring also influences their behavior, and this phenomenon is not exclusive to humans. This phenomenon is not exclusive to humans, but also to many animals, such as mice, birds, and even insects.

While it’s unfortunate that the data collected can’t show which party initiated the sexual affair, the results are equally worthy of medical reference, especially when it comes to donor sperm, artificial insemination, and when in an environment where there are more men than women, men go into a “spermcompetition” state. spermcompetition”, producing far higher quality sperm than when there are many women and few men, so medical professionals can use this to get better sperm.

Are there more benefits to having more friends of the opposite sex?

Professor Apryl, a psychologist, believes that a very interesting phenomenon about opposite-sex friendships is that men and women are sincere in their desire to have friendship, a platonic, pure friendship. However, the research data I have collected shows that the two sides of the relationship usually bring a certain amount of mental burden for themselves, especially for the will lead to dissatisfaction with the existing relationship and want to get further development. A note on dating between friends of the opposite sex: don’t evolve from normal men and women to ambiguous boyfriend and girlfriend.

How would both parties evaluate opposite-sex friendships if they were mixed with emotions above friendship? A questionnaire survey was conducted on this issue, and as a result, the respondents all agreed that the benefits of heterosexual friendship far outweigh the burdens it brings. The question of whether there are more burdens or benefits to heterosexual friendships, then, is self-explanatory.

Heterosexual attraction between male and female friendships is often perceived as a burden, especially for existing relationships, but people seem to generally agree that the benefits of heterosexual friendships outweigh the disadvantages because of the satisfaction they get from them.

Warmly, men and women who want a pure friendship relationship should first dismiss other people’s opinions and stick to their own; after all, the question of whether there are more burdens or benefits to a heterosexual friendship is one that only they can take, and no one else can replace it. The same is true for walking your own talk and letting others talk.

Be careful about maintaining heterosexual friendships

A reader once A reader once asked: Are girls who have more male friends than female friends less likely to be anxious or depressed? Has there been any research on what happens to girls who have more friends of the opposite sex?

Heterosexual friendships among heterosexual people are often harder to maintain, but they are valuable in many ways. For example, if one or both partners in a friendship feel sexually attracted to the other – which is very common – then the process of maintaining the platonic friendship becomes tricky because of the inevitable sexual tension. Keep in mind that many heterosexual friendships are built on some level of sexual attraction! It’s simple: if the other person is not the type you admire, you would never rush to approach her. But the opposite sex you admire, the two would have had a high probability of transforming into a more intimate relationship. So, seeing your significant other jealous of you having a confidant of the opposite sex, would you understand how he feels?

But having friends of the opposite sex can bring joy and satisfaction, and they can also get another perspective on the world from it that same-sex friends can’t provide. For example, friends of the opposite sex can talk about far more topics than those between friends of the same sex. Women who have more friends of the opposite sex tend to find their male friends more caring, supportive and trustworthy. Also, friends of the opposite sex make themselves feel better (“their attention is on me”) than friends of the same sex. This reality can help us understand how people evaluate themselves in terms of self-confidence and self-esteem. Simply put, on a heart level, it is a way to increase your self-confidence.

How opposite-sex friendships differ from same-sex friendships

We often jokingly say that if there are few pure friendships between men and women, then there are few true friendships between women either. Because of the female population so show careful eyes, jealousy and other emotions are more likely to spread between the same sex. Research has also formalized this. Friendships between women are more or less ambivalent.

Women are competitive with each other – especially when it comes to dating. Some studies have shown that among female friends split in two, when one partner is more attractive, the other feels more competitive. Also, women expect more from each other than men. Women have higher standards for their friends, which can increase the likelihood of conflict. In addition, women gossip about each other more than men do.

On the other hand, women are more understanding, affectionate, and value intimacy with each other more than men. Women are very supportive when their same-sex friends are under pressure – a behavior psychologists call “Tend-and-Befriend”. This means that women respond to each other’s needs by forming friendships and comforting each other in times of difficulty. Friendships among women are more open and supportive than among men, suggesting that girls may be less likely to suffer from depression or anxiety.

But women express their love for same-sex friends and cherish their friendships more often than men do. So it is still necessary to have one or more close friends of the same sex at critical times.

Both opposite-sex and same-sex friends are what we need. There is a disadvantage to having less of either. So, if the number of opposite-sex friends is purposely pursued, we are discouraged from doing so.

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