Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

The Story of the Little Girl with the Special Operations Brigade

At that time, I had only been working for a few years, and my job was not important, but I was a hardworking person.

  One of our boss’s bosses is a big fan of the military. Likes all kinds of real guns. It’s a gun that shoots iron, not
It’s the penis and the woman’s gun below.

  It is said that in order to be able to experience a real parachute jump for the troops, many connections were sought. In the end, it really worked out.
There was a parachute practice at our military airfield, a month or so later.

  This boss also specifically looking for someone to train, it is said to be jumping from sand traps or something, feet are swollen.

  The first day I went, I realized that the airport was really big. It was a 10-minute drive from the gate to the rendezvous point. When
However, at the gate, it was changed to a military jeep. Very bumpy.

  The runway is not as flat as a highway as I expected. Instead, it was a big hexagonal shape of water.
The mud blocks were assembled, one was over 2 meters in diameter. The car was a bit bumpy to walk on.

  The plane with the parachutist was a World War II top and bottom biplane with a big front.
The cross-shaped propeller of the plane, one blade was over a meter long.

  After Boss finished exchanging pleasantries with the other leader, he began to talk about the plane with me, his wife and children. I then remembered
This is a Transport V, Polish origin, super safe.

  Later, the skydiving cadets came. It was all girls. Ask to know, this is the special war brigade. All of them.
Girls under 20 years old, just all very dark.

  Boss’s wife wanted to go up and have a look and talk, but Boss stopped her. Asked the officer who was with us, etc.
After training, ask for us.

  Just one jump out after the first takeoff. boss said it was a test jump, all experienced parachutists.
Let’s see if we can fly in the air.

  The man came down for half a day and the plane wasn’t taking off. Said the wind wasn’t right, and so on.

  Waited, for a long time. Finally started jumping.

  Look at those little girls, landing in a half crouch, collecting the chute, carrying it back, stacking it, waiting to jump again.

  Ross, on the other hand, also lands in a half crouch, then falls on his butt. The wind blows the umbrella away and he’s dragged by it.
He had to run over 200 meters just like that. Stopped with the help of others. Changed umbrella.

  Ross gave me a blank stare and asked, “Why don’t you just fold the umbrella,” and he said, “You can’t just fold that umbrella. Stacking
It’s no good, we can’t pull it out of the air, it will kill us.

  After that, every time I jumped, I did the same thing, fell to the ground, and then ran after the umbrella. Just once, I stood firm, that
It’s a show-off!

  After the jump, the officer who accompanied us, went to consult with the head of the female soldier. Agreed. Rest in them, live freely.
When they move, come up and talk and take a picture.

  I felt that they were innocent. One of them asked me where I was from, and I told them. And someone shouted.
Xiaoyu (pseudonym) has your hometown.

  A girl came running to her. Dark skin, baby face. After that, no special impression.
You know, same clothes, same hairpiece. Even the walk, it’s all pretty much the same.

  Ask me if you’re XX?

  I said yes.

  What district are you from?

  I said it was the YY area.

  She said she was too.

  She kept asking and I kept answering. Finally, it turned out that we were alumni of one elementary school and one junior high school. And
And, junior high is still a classroom teacher. Okay, I said, you’re not lying to me. The person next to her, helpfully.
That’s what the resume says. I, on the other hand, am not the one who’s close to you, since it’s such a coincidence.

  I jokingly said, you can see this, it seems that I will have to kill to silence.

  The sister, who helped me, looked at me with a scowl on her face and said, “You? All three were no problem.

  Eventually, they got onto the bag behind my back. With the approval of Boss’s wife, they dumped the stuff on the floor.
Snacks on the floor.

  These girls were really rude, and it was gone in a minute.

  I knew the army valued the hometown relationship. When I left, I specifically asked if there was anything I needed. She
Say no.

  The next day, Boss’s wife brought more snacks. I was a little overwhelmed with the back.

  This time, it was the end of the flight, they had someone to talk to their leader about something, and the tie waved
Come on over. After that, they all came.

  Xiaoyu was in the back and didn’t look very relaxed. I just grabbed some for her. It caused the little girl next to me to squeak.

  On the third day, Xiaoyu asked me if my camera could take pictures of them. I readily agreed. Thank goodness it was digital.
I took a lot of pictures of them. I left their addresses, washed and mailed them. Xiaoyu also specifically instructed, let half a month
They would be mailed later, when they would return.

  And I asked then, where else are they going?

  She said it was a military secret. Ask again and you’ll be arrested as a spy.

  I washed more than 200 sheets and Boss reimbursed me for them and sent them to Xiaoyu. She wrote back and thanked me. She even sent me a bullet shell to make
Boss liked it very much and put it on his desk.

  Since then, we have been exchanging letters. Some may ask, what era is it. Still writing letters. They wouldn’t even let me.
with cell phones. Even nowadays, in the army, the control of cell phones is very strict. Especially in combat units.

  Later, he signed on as a sergeant and got family leave. She and one of her comrades, a woman, were invited by me.
Play for a few days.

  Actually, there’s nothing to do here. I signed up for a group, a three-day tour of Shennongjia.

  This I just found out that army girls, not so much twisted, not so preposterous, very pure and very
Straightforward and not so thoughtful. All in all, the three days with them were fun.

  It seems like their first sergeant was something like two vacations in three years. When they were on their second leave, they came to see me again.
Xiaoyu’s companions wanted to take a bath, so I took them to a friend’s bath. It was a bath, but it was indeed a bath!
There was hot spring water, brought in from far away.

  I wrapped up a small pool for them, but after a while, Xiaoyu’s friend came out, feeling a little dizzy, and looked for the
I gave her a room to rest for a while.

  Then, Xiaoyu asked me to go to the pool with her. She said, “It’s too wasteful to leave her alone. Besides, just one
Personally a little scared.

  Speaking of which, here’s the deal. It’s a bath, but I’m wearing a towel. So was she.

  I didn’t refuse, just soaked in the pool, half a meter apart. I listened to her talk about what the troops were like.

  I felt that their life was very hard and monotonous, but it was so manly that I was ashamed of myself.

  She talked about it with pleasure and showed me her scar. Honestly, it hurt me to look at it. It wasn’t on a woman.
The things that have to be.

  Some of you must be wondering after that, right?

  None! Mostly no guts, she’s a Special Operations Brigade! Understand!

  Later, she called me of her own accord, and I found out she was discharged. No second phase was signed.

  After that, it was phone contact and WeChat contact.

  However, she prefers to use QQ, which is fun. It was also, held in the army. Feeling still very childish.

  After that, her work in her hometown is not as good as she would like. The ones who came out of the army are all very simple, willing to work but a bit stupid.

  I helped her find a job as a nanny for us, more than 5000 a month. Taking care of the kids, mainly going out.
When followed by security.

  If you think it’s to prevent kidnapping, you’re overthinking it. She’s such a quick-witted person that she can prevent a lot of
Accidents. For example, crossing the street, an electric car running out of the road.

  However, remember dealing with something like school bullying, which is asking for money. She was just shaking hands, saying hello.
The kid was convinced.

  Actually, I’ve seen it before. When you use your strength, it’s either a hand or a vise.

  Later, she got married after six months to a man. I also advised her that it was too soon, and that no one was
See clearly. She said no, she’s nice.

  By the way, the man was in the PR department, what more can I say.

  But, a year later. She came crying to me. Suspected her husband of cheating. This time her husband’s business trip didn’t feel right.
Jin, the unreflective child. She was persuaded to do so in the first place.

  I’m not even sure if she knows. This silly sweet, I’ve had enough. I let her see.
Look at the marriage license, it’s on there.

  I asked my buddy for help, and he said he didn’t have a case on hand right now, and it was hard to get.

  I told him that it was a rape, and he got energized and said, “Wait.

  A day later, give me a disk. I’ve got a record of the room and a video. I knew that I would have to bleed again.

  I didn’t dare to give her a disk, afraid she would show it directly to her husband, and if it got too big, my buddy would be implicated.

  I let her come and do a good psychological comfort. Only then did she show it to her.

  The first thing I saw was her husband’s colleague.

  I asked her if she still thought about it. She said she didn’t know. Then, she called her former advisor.
Even after leaving the army, she still contacted the organization if she had something to say.

  Within a few words, she was crying and just gasping for air. I grabbed the phone, which we were also familiar with, and put the
The general outline of what happened was explained.

  Her instructor simply told her to wait for the next day to arrive.

  The next day, it did get there. I watched the video and asked my opinion. I said, “I’ve learned a little bit about this little
My son is a little white guy, a sweet talker, and a man who eats. The company relies on him for public relations. He’s been fixed before.

  Then, more than 10 people came with her mentor. One of them was nice to Xiaoyu and accompanied him.

  The rest of them, and the mentor, disappeared.

  Then, Xiaoyu’s husband, who was away on a business trip, was sent back horizontally. There were bruises all over his body, and inside the bones
Hide all right. On the back, the word “bitch” is written. The paint was special and could not be washed off.

  Later, I heard that in the hospital room, the instructor gave Xiaoyu’s husband another massage. Xiaoyu’s old
He swore to God that he would never do it again!

  And yet? That is, for half a year, the old habit was back. It was discovered by Xiaoyu. He didn’t even bother me.
After half a month of my own sleuthing, I found a room in a 7 Days hotel. I smashed the door with my own bare hands and put two naked
People, one hand in each hand, threw them onto the road, held them down, didn’t hit them, just wouldn’t let them go, and let them visit.

  If you are from the same place as me, you may have heard about this.

  Then, divorce.

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