Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

The Intern Part 1

Becca isn’t doing well at work, but finds a way to excel
Between my Junior and Senior years, I interviewed for an internship with a prestigious marketing firm in town. I went through rounds of interviews before I was accepted, along with three other girls a few years older than me. It was a plumb position because it was a paid position offering ten thousand dollars and the prospect of landing a full-time job. I was so excited on my first day, arriving in a nice business suit, and I noticed the other girls wearing skirts, blouses, or dresses. I exited the elevator and walked into the office, where a large group of around twenty men worked at cubicles or frantically ran around.

The receptionist smiled and welcomed me.

“Rebecca, good morning. You must be so proud. You’re the youngest intern Mr. Reilley has ever taken on,” she said proudly.

“Oh, wow, I wasn’t aware of that; I hope I can live up to the honor,” I said, embarrassed.

“Mr. Reiley will want to talk to each of you first, then see me, and I’ll give you the team you’re assigned to. Just check in with Mr. Reilly’s secretary,” she told me.

I met his secretary and sat down; she looked me up and down before smiling. Mr. Reilly’s office was beautiful. It was a corner office with all windows, and then a door that led to another office with the windows blacked out. I heard a buzzer, and the secretary got up and opened his door, turning to me and smiling.

“He’ll see you now, Rebecca,” she said.

I walked in while Mr. Reilley was on the phone, but that didn’t stop him from undressing me with his eyes. I squirmed in my seat, feeling very uncomfortable and nervous.

“Good morning, Rebecca,” he said, reading off my employment jacket.

“Morning, sir,” I answered, very intimidated.

“You have quite an impressive profile for such a young lady,” he stated.

“Thank you,” I said, blushing a bit.

“All the girls this year are quite outstanding; it will be hard to outshine one another for the one full-time position we’ll be offering,” he said.

“He got up, walked around to the front of his desk, and sat on the corner.

“We’ll, sir. I hope my work shines through,” I said, unsure what to say.

“Well, one can hope, Rebecca, or make it happen,” he told me.

“I’m not sure I understand, sir?” I offered, bewildered by the comment.

“Rebecca, the work you girls do will all be exceptional; that’s why you were hired; you need to stand out to the managers and make yourself indispensable in any way possible.

“Yes, sir,” I said, alarmed at what I thought he meant.

“You’re aware we don’t have a dress code per se for our interns, correct?” he said, smiling.

“Um, yes, sir, I read that in the handbook,” I responded.

“Good, stand up for me,” he ordered.

I slowly stood up as he looked me over.

“Take your jacket off,” he said, scratching his head in thought.

I was like a deer in headlights as I unbuttoned my blazer, slipped it off, and put it on my chair.

“Blouse too, sir?” I asked, immediately regretting it.

“No, no, turn around slowly for me,” he said, to my great relief.

I turned slowly as he drank in my firm breasts and my sleek, sexy frame.

“You are a gorgeous young lady, the total package,” he said with a devilish look.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, turning beet red.

“Now start wearing some clothes that show off your spirit, and stop dressing like my lawyer,” he said smiling.

“Um, yes, sir,” I replied as he ushered me out, ready to talk to the next intern.

I returned to the receptionist, who gave me a packet and led me to a cubicle.

“This is yours, Rebecca, you’ll report to Ben Crumb,” she said.

“Thank you,” I said, smiling.

I was sitting there, mortified that I had asked the company’s CEO if he wanted me to take my blouse off when Ben approached me.

“Rebecca, hello. My name’s Ben. You’ll be my intern,” he said, extending his hand.

“Oh, hello, I said, standing up and shaking his hand.

Ben was tall, very fit, and handsome. He had an aura of power but didn’t look much older than me.

“Let me give you the fifty-cent tour,” he said.

He pressed the small of my back and ushered me to the copy room, bathrooms, kitchen, conference rooms, and the offices on the outer walls. Ben explained that the office with a window view was the manager’s office, but two offices were at the end of the building, separated by the bathrooms. The first office was just like the manager’s office, with views of the city and the office. The office next to it was like the room in Mr. Reilley’s office with a blacked-out window and a door from the empty office leading into it.

“What are these offices? They seem empty.” I asked.

Ben opened the door to the glassed-in office and invited me in, motioning me to sit behind the desk before spinning my chair around slowly.

“These offices are reserved for the intern of the month,” he said, smiling.

“Oh, wow, I want this one,” I said, laughing.

“I can see you in here every month if you put out the effort,” he said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

“Sweet, I will for sure, Mr. Crumb. What’s in the other office?” I asked.

“That’s your private conference room, where the critical work gets done.

I didn’t know what that was going to include at the time. I met with Ben, and he introduced me to the rest of the team: five young, fit, and handsome men. I wrote down their names, positions, and responsibilities so I wouldn’t forget them. I was also given a pile of work, each packet with a deadline. I spent the rest of the day figuring out each assignment and deadline, making a flow chart to plan it out, and pestering Mr. Crumb with dumb questions.

I left the office the first day at 6:30, and the office was still half full of people working. I was thoroughly exhausted when I got home, but I still worked on things on my new company laptop. Finally, too tired to read or think, I put my computer away and went to my closet to see what I could do to not look like Mr. Reilly’s lawyer. I wore a few clingy tube dresses to concerts when I wanted to show off my charms, but I decided quickly to hang that backup. I chose a black miniskirt and a purple silk blouse. Not what I’d call office attire, but it didn’t scream slut, either. I wore a purple thong and a purple push-up bra; the blouse displayed my star gazers prominently.

I slept like a rock but struggled to get things going in the morning and walked in five minutes late. The office was in an uproar as I sat down at my desk. Amanda, a Yale grad student, had called in sick on her second work day. Her manager was running around blowing a gasket. The managers all conferred and ended up in Mr. Reilley’s office for an hour. The entire office was in chaos over it. I went to work hoping my tardiness wasn’t noticed, but I was not to be that lucky.

Rebecca, please follow me to the break room,” Ben said sternly.

I rose from my seat and followed behind him, and when I walked in, he closed the door.

“Rebecca, what time do we start work?” he asked calmly.

“I know, sir. I’m sorry it won’t,” I was cut off.

“What time!” he asked, pressing loudly.

“Eight am, sir; I’m so sorry,” I cried.

“Right, and what time did you wander in today?” Ben asked.

“Eight-o-five,” I cried.

“Eight-o-seven by company time,” Ben stated precisely.

“Yes sir, if you say so,” I whined.

“And what does it say in the company rule book should happen to people who are tardy?” He asked.

“It says I should be punished. Please don’t fire me. I swear I’ll never be late again,” I begged for my job.

“Very well, Rebecca, what should your punishment be for your blatant disregard for our rules?” He paced the room.

“Whatever you think is just, sir,” I regretted saying it the minute I did.

“You’ll submit to my will then?” He asked forcefully.

“Yes, sir,” I cried.

Ben walked to a locker, opened it, and brought out a paddle that looked like a ping-pong paddle but had holes. Brad grabbed my arm and led me to the table in the room.

“Alright, Rebecca, pull your panties down to your ankles and bend over the table, stretching out on your stomach,” He ordered.

“Wait, what?” I said, alarmed.

“Do I need to repeat myself,” Ben said, waiting.

“No, sir, but isn’t that inappropriate for you to ask?” I said, my head spinning.

“Would you rather a punishment of my choice, as you agreed to, or should I just dismiss you?”

I stood at the table and shook my head, crying.

“Well?” Ben said, raising his tone.

I slowly reached under my skirt and pulled my panties down to my ankles while I openly sobbed.

Now spread your legs apart and rise to your tippy toes,” he ordered tersely.

“Ahhhhh,” I cried out loud as I rose to my toes.

“Spread your legs nice and wide now,” he ordered softly.

“Ahhhhh,” I wailed as I spread them.

He took the paddle and placed it on the small of my back, and lifted my skirt, exposing my bald pink pussy and my tight little brown rosebud. I was fully exposed from the rear.

“Nooooo,” I wailed as he picked up the paddle and gently rubbed my butt cheeks.

“One lash for each half-minute late, so fourteen in total, and I want you to count them, and if you make a mistake, we’ll have to start over, understand?” he asked.

I shook my head.

“I’m sorry, Rebecca, what did you say?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” I balled.

He spread my butt cheeks apart and looked at my sex as my face reddened and grew hot.

“Very well, here we go,” he alerted me.

I felt the paddle leave my back and heard a “Whoosh” and then a loud “Crack,” and a thousand bees stung my butt cheeks.

Agh, agh, ow, ow,” I screamed, and my body shook at the pain in my ass.

“Rebecca,” he sighed.

“wa, wa, wa, one,” I cried.

“Whoosh, Crack,” Owwww, no more,” I wailed as my tended butt cheeks exploded in pain.

“Oh, oh, two,” I shook my head in anguish.

“Whoosh, Crack,”

“Ugh, ugh, three,” I utter.

Ben gently rubbed my butt cheeks.

Oh, oh, oh, I moaned in pain.

I made it thru the fourteen lashes, my butt flaming red and bruised. I was made to stand in the corner for thirty minutes with my panties at my ankles and the bottom of my skirt lifted and tucked into the waistband so my bare red butt was visible. Managers, workers, and interns came to get coffee and bagels; I was humiliated. Finally, I was allowed to return to my cubicle, but I cried most of the day. The other interns knew something happened but didn’t have the nerve to ask me. I worked till six o’clock and got a note from Ben to stop by his office. I was sure Mr. Reilley had fired me. Ben’s door was open, but he was on the phone, so I stood there and waited.

“Yes, sir, you wanted to see me,” I sniffled.

“Yes, come inside and close the door,” he said.

I began to cry; I knew I’d blown it and was about to be fired.

“Please don’t fire me; I’m so sorry I was late; spank my bare butt again, but please don’t fire me,” I sobbed as my body shook.

Ben got up from behind his desk and helped me to a chair.

“Rebecca, I’m not going to fire you. Stop crying,” Mr. Crump said.

“Thank you, thank you, I cried.

“You’ll have to work Saturday to compensate for the time lost,” Ben told me.

“Yes sir, that’s fair,” I replied.

“And the next time you’re late, remove your panties before you enter the office and come get me immediately for your punishment.

“Yes, sir, will you be spanking me on Saturday also, Mr. Crump?” I asked.

“Do you need another spanking, Rebecca?” he asked, eyeing me up.

“I’m not sure. If it makes you happy, yes, I need another.” I couldn’t believe what I had just said.

“Very well, no panties the rest of the week till I decide to give it to you,” Mr. Crump told me.

“Yes, sir, no underwear the rest of the week,” I said, blushing.

I walked out of work feeling like I was in a lousy movie. My boss, whom I’d known for a day, spanked my bare butt and viewed all of my charms. I went home and looked at my poor bum, and it was red and dry. I rubbed some moisturizer on them and then dipped my finger into my swelling clit.

“Umm,” I ‘moaned.

I thought of my boss making me pull down my panties in the lunch room, and a shiver went through my body.

“Umm, um, yeah, whip my butt, whip my butt,” I moaned as I wiggled around the bed.

I was face down on my bed on my knees with my ass in the air, diddling my clit.”

“Yeah, yeah, get the belt, Daddy, get the belt,” I squealed as I came on my finger.

“Oh, fuck, yeah,” I continued.

I ate dinner with my mom and dad, and they asked me for job details. I told them it was tough and the work environment very strict.

My dad lectured, “Becca, do as your boss says; they know what’s right for you and the business.”

“Yes, dear, their wise businessmen submit to them,” my religious mother chided me.

“Yes, I will, I promise; I’ll do everything they tell me to do,” I told them, leaving the table.

I went up and showered and picked out my outfit for Wednesday: a short-pleated skirt that reached the mid-thigh and a sheer blouse. I slept soundly, hoping that tomorrow would be better. I got to work on plenty of time, and I saw Ben in his office with three other managers. He waved me in his office. The other managers stopped talking and looked at me.

“Yes, sir,” I said, not making eye contact.

“Well?’ He said firmly.

“Oh, yes, sir, I’m not,” I said, trying not to let the other managers in on my predicament.

“Show me,” He ordered.

“Right here?” I swallowed hard.

“Yes, Rebecca, right here,” He answered.

I slowly turned around and bent over and spread my legs, and flipped my skirt over my back, exposing my pussy and asshole to the four managers.

“Very nice Rebecca, now the other half,” He asked.

I stood up, my face beet red, and unbuttoned my blouse, opening it and showing the men my bare breasts.

“Excellent, you may go to work now,” he told me.

My face was so red that it was hot as I buttoned my blouse and walked to my desk. Word had gotten out that I was in trouble, so the interns stayed away and took advantage of it. The men discussed my tiny bald twat and stargazer nipples around the coffee bar, even when I was right there. My pussy would have been the hot topic, but Amanda called in for the second day in a row, and the talk focused on her for the most part. I made it through the rest of the day unscathed and left at five, my standard quitting time. Later that night, I got an email from Mr. Crump asking where my first assignment was; it was due today.

“Oh fuck,” I yelled.

I had mixed up the dates and thought it was due in the morning, so I frantically emailed Mr. Crump.

“Mr. Crump, I’m so sorry about my assignment. I mixed up the due date. I know that’s no excuse for a bad performance. I’ll be in as soon as the office opens; finish it and email it to you before you arrive.”

Mr. Crump didn’t reply to my email, and I imagined I was finished as an intern. I would have to pull a rabbit out of my hat to keep my job now, and I was no magician. It didn’t matter what I wore. I was done. I picked out a plaid skirt that hugged my hips lower and a halter top that was a bit too short. After a restless night’s sleep, I got up early and went to work; I was there with the janitor working on my late project. I emailed it to Mr. Crumb and began packing my desk, anticipating my firing. Amanda walked in after me and began working in her cubicle as if nothing was wrong.

Amanda’s manager came in and went to his office, and when the other managers came in, they went right to his office. Amanda was called in when the managers were there, and the door closed. Ryan, Amand’s manager, was screaming at her; I could see the shock on Amanda’s face. Ryan was asking Amanda something because she kept shaking her head. When Mr. Reilley arrived, Amanda and the five managers entered his office. Mr. Reilley sat on the corner of his desk as Amanda buried her face in her hands. Mr. Reiley patted her shoulder as he spoke to her and pointed to the office next to his. Amanda continued to shake her head no.

At that point, the secretary told all the interns to go to the conference room for a video on workplace violence. I was going to lose my birdseye of Amanda. I walked into the conference room, found a seat where I still had a good view, and plopped down. Again, Ryan yelled at Amanda and pointed to Mr. Reilley’s second office. The managers surrounded Amanda as she cried, and Mr. Crumb grabbed her by the arm, and she stood up. Amanda began to undress as she cried, still shaking her head no—first, her blouse, bra, skirt, panties, and shoes. Mr. Reilley walked over and unlocked the door to the room with the blacked-out windows, and Amanda and the five managers walked in, closing the door.

I wondered what was going on in there, five men and a naked college student; what could go wrong, I thought. Whatever they were doing to Amanda, I figured I’d be next. Having your bare butt spanked in front of a room of men would be so embarrassing, but I was getting wet thinking about it. I wondered if they’d all be there to watch me get punished by Mr. Crump.

“Oh,” I gasped.

I saw Ryan and Mr. Crump walk out of the second office naked and say something to Mr. Reilley, who got up and unbuckled his pants, unzipped them, and followed the two nude men back into the room. They were fucking Amanda, not spanking her; oh my God, I thought I was going to be next for sure. I was very nervous now. My mind swirled as the movie ended, and I returned to my cubicle to work. I kept a close eye on the office where Amanda was; it had been two hours, and they were still in there. Amanda didn’t exit the office till four pm, followed by the six men. She looked disheveled and delirious, Ryan and Ben leading her to her cubicle.

I was scared that my number would be called next as punishment. I made it through the day, but as I walked out, I saw Mr. Crump.

“Rebecca, a word, please,” he called for me.

I froze in my tracks, swallowed hard, turned around, and walked into his office.

Mr. Crump backed his chair away from his desk.

“Close the door and come here beside me,” He ordered.

I shut his door, set my backpack on the floor, and stood before him.

“You know I had high hopes for you, Rebecca,” he said thoughtfully.

“Yes, sir,” I said, starting to sob.

“You’ve been here three days and disappointed me on two of them,” he continued.

“I’m so sorry. I wanted to do a good job,” wailed.

“Well, Mr. Reilley and the other managers said you were too immature to handle the rigors of a busy, successful office, but I went to bat for you,” he told me.

“I can do it, sir; I know I can,” I sniffled, knowing I was getting fired.

Well, it may be too late, Rebecca. The managers are against you now, and Mr. Reilley also has doubts. Mr. Crump said.

I was balling again, standing in front of him. He reached out, unzipped my skirt, and unsnapped it, letting it drop. Then he unbuttoned my blouse and slid it off my shoulders, and I was naked in front of him. Sit on my lap, Rebecca. He turned, picked me up, and sat me down on his lap, my legs across his lap. He took one leg and slid it off his lap, spreading my legs a bit. He rubbed my pussy, and squeezed a breast. I was so embarrassed when he pulled his fingers away from my pussy. They were wet with my sticky pussy juice, and he sucked his finger into his mouth.

“Are you willing to share this with the men in the office to keep your job,” he asked softly, rubbing my bald pussy.

“The five managers and Mr. Reilley?” I asked, scared as hell.

“All the men in the office and *********** clients we bring in for you to service,” Mr. Crump stated.

“But that would be over twenty men,” I said, bawling again.

“Yes, close to that,” He confirmed.

I fell on his shoulder and cried, and I saw two interns looking at us.

“So, is that something you’d like to do, Rebecca?” he asked me softly.

“Yes sir, if you want me to,” I cried.

“Yes, I think it will be a wonderful experience for you and the men,” he said, patting my thigh.

“Yes, sir,” I acknowledged.

“Get a pillow off my couch and bring it here,” he ordered.

I retrieved a pillow and stood before him.

“Alright, put it down, kneel on it, and then take my pants and underwear down,” he ordered.

The interns watched intently as I knelt and lowered my boss’s pants and undies.

“Do I need to tell you what to do next, Rebecca?” he asked.

“No sir, you want your cock sucked,” I answered, beginning to stroke him.

His cock was beautiful, ten inches long and not too fat, with bright fleshy skin and a beautiful purple crown. I kissed the head and licked it from his balls to the tip. I opened my mouth and took the head into my mouth, the hair on my neck standing up. The other interns watched me give my boss a blowjob in his office, and it made me hot and wanting to perform well for him. I wasn’t a sword swallower yet in my young sex career, but I was trying to take as much as I could without gagging. My head bobbed on his cock, and I felt him beginning to drip into my mouth, and I knew what that meant.

“Oh, yeah, oh, oh, oh,” He moaned and sat up as his meat jerked in my mouth.

“Um, um, um,” I moaned as I swallowed his cum as his balls emptied into my mouth.

“Oh, that was nice; get dressed, and let’s visit Mr Reilley,” he told me.

I hurried to my feet and dressed, standing by his desk.

“You have time to see Mr. Reilley, don’t you?” Mr Crump asked.

“Anything you want, Mr. Crump,” I replied.

Mr Crump left his office, and I followed as the interns watched intently. Ben knocked on the CEO’s door before walking in. I stood in front of Mr. Reilley’s desk.

“Take your clothes off for Mr. Reilley,” Ben ordered me.

I stripped out of my clothes and stood before the CEO as he spoke. He looked me over, smiled at Mr. Crump, and finally hung up.

“Come here, baby, sit on my lap,” Mr. Reilly asked.

I walked around his desk and sat on his lap, his hands quickly getting busy probing my body.

“What do we have here, Ben?” Mr Reilley asked.

“Well, sir, Rebeecca’s work has been less than stellar, and to keep her job, she’s agreed to fuck you, the managers, our clients, and all the men in the other division on a regular schedule,” Ben told him.

“My, my, that’s quite a commitment, young lady. Are you able to support that?” the CEO asked.

“I’ll do my best for you, sir,” I cried again.

“Good, good,” The CEO smiled.

“Adam, Rebecca would be honored if you’d fuck her brains out and fill her with your seed,” Mr. Crump told him.

“Oh, is that what you’d like, young lady?” Mr. Reilley asked.

“Yes sir, very much,” I replied, whimpering.

“Very well then,” he replied.

Mr Reilley helped me off his lap, walked to the other office, unlocked the door, and turned on the light. I walked into a room with a large four-poster bed in the middle covered in spotlights.

“Hop on the bed, Rebecca. I’ll join you shortly,” Mr. Reilly said.

I crawled onto the bed and looked around the room as Mr Reilley and Mr Crumps spoke. Mirrors were on the ceiling, restraints were on all four bedposts, and cameras were around the top of the bed. There was also a luxurious red satin sheet on the bed and several large pillows. Mr. Reilly undressed and crawled on the bed with me as Mr. Crump left the room.

“So Rebecca, you plan on using your pussy to keep your intern position?’ Mr. Reilly asked.

“I guess, if that’s what it takes, sir,” I answered.

“Good, you won’t be alone. All of the interns will be fucking in short order, they always do,” He explained.

Mr. Reilly lay on the bed, his long fat cock sticking in the air, and I figured I knew what he wanted. I curled up in his lap and began to stroke his cock, licking and kissing it.

“Hmm, you like to get down to business, don’t you?” He chuckled.

“Yes, sir,” I replied, taking his cock into my mouth.

Mr. Reilly gently patted my head as it bobbed up and down between his legs. I worked his shaft into my throat and sucked his cock with all the skill I had.

“Becca, for an eighteen-year-old, you can suck a man’s cock,” Mr Reilly said in amazement.

I continued to provide my best service to him and began to taste his salty precum when he pulled me off his cock.

“Alright, Becca, on your knees, face on the bed,” He ordered.

I scrambled into position and spread my buttcheeks apart for him to view my party zone.

“Oh, my, very nice young lady. Are you offering me your anus to fuck?” Mr Reilly asked.

“Wherever it pleases you, sir,” I replied.

“I see; I’ll give that tight-looking pussy of yours a ride today,” he answered.

“Very well, sir,” I submitted.

Mr Reilly moved behind me, and between my legs, I could tell my pussy was wet and ready for him. He shoved a finger into my snatch and wiggled it around.

“Oh,” I sighed in surprise.

“Fuck, are you tight,” he exclaimed.

“Yes, sir, it’s almost brand new,” I offered.

Mr Reilly took the head of his cock and split my vulva open before settling into my fuck slot. He pushed forward, and the head of his fat cock lodged in my tight opening before popping inside me.

“Oh, oh,” I cried at being rudely stretched open.

He pushed deeper into me, the walls of my tender cunt straining to accommodate the fat invader.

“Ow, ow,” I moaned.

Mr. Reilly continued to drive deeper and deeper into my overstuffed pussy, until I felt his balls brush my belly.

“Oh, oh, I’m so full of cock,” I cried.

He began to fuck me, my body lunging forward with each thrust and my poor overstuffed pussy clinging to his cock. The pace of my fucking increased, and I began to moan in pleasure.

“Oh, oh, yeah, yeah,”

“Pop, pop, pop, pop,” the noise of our bodies colliding filled the room.

“yeah, yeah, fuck me, fuck me good,” I cried as I felt an orgasm building.

Mr. Reilly, although not a young man, was giving me the ride of my young life. He drove my body forward with each stroke as he bottomed out in my pussy. And then, out of nowhere, he shouted.

“Oh, fuck, oh, oh, yeah,”

His cock jerked inside me, and his seed flooded my tight snatch sending me over the edge.

“Yeah, oh God, yeah fuck me, fuck me harder, fuck me,” I squealed as my body shook and pleasure coursed through my loins.

Mr. Reilly continued to fuck me filling me with thick, potent sperm as I regained some composure. Finally, his limp cock fell out of my well fucked cunt, and I collapsed onto the bed.

“Becca, that was some amazing pussy,” He sighed as he began to dress.

Mr. Reilley pulled out his phone and called Mr. Crump.

“Ben, please come in here,” he ordered.

I was still naked on the bed when Mr.Crump walked in.

“Yes sir, what is it? Did she perform well?” Mr. Crump asked, somewhat worried.

“Oh. Hell, yes, Ben, she was outstanding in bed, but we’re not giving her to the rank and file. She’ll be used exclusively by the managers and the board of directors. No one else is allowed to touch her, do you understand?” Mr. Reilly stated.

“Yes sir, whatever you say, sir,” Mr. Crump said.

“Tomorrow, the managers will meet in my office first thing, and they’ll fuck her. Then I want you to schedule four of the board members each day to come in and fuck her. Ben give Amanda to the rank and file to fuck, and give Becca the intern of the month office; she’s going to earn it,” Mr. Reilly said, beaming.

“Yes sir, done,” Mr. Crump replied.

“Becca, dress extra slutty tomorrow. You’re going to fuck all six managers tomorrow, alright?” Mr Reilly ordered.

“Yes, sir,” I obeyed.

I dressed and left Mr. Reilly’s office. Mr. Crump helped me move things into my new office as the other interns looked on with jealousy. I had agreed to be the CEO’s whore, and because of my poor work performance, I had no other choice. Tomorrow, I’d start my new job supplying sexual favors to the managers and the board members. I left the office and went home to find the slutyist outfit I owned.

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