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The early stage of love must go through these five things

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling in which excitement, joy, uneasiness, anxiety …… all emotions that two people must face. So, what is the psychology of men at the beginning of a relationship? What is in the mind of a man when he is in love? Let’s find out together.

The psychology of men at the beginning of a relationship: five types of relationship psychology of men

1. No blood is spared

These men are generally in a state of active aggression in their relationship activities, when they meet a girl who is a perfect match for their dream girl, or when the girl they have long desired When the girl gave them a glimmer of hope, their nerves will be highly aroused, so recklessly into the love campaign, regardless of blood, regardless of the consequences to the target to launch the most violent attack. The most important thing is that the company’s customers are not only the most important but also the most important.

Specifically, when a lover sees a piece of jewelry at the mall that is priced at $8,500 that she is very excited about, and our hero makes only $750 a month and currently has only $10,000 in the bank, he still doesn’t hesitate to buy it for his lover. The girl may be interested in another fashion item in the boutique worth several thousand dollars.

2. The “in-and-out” type

The in-and-out man is A typical paradoxical complex. They may have met their lover on their own, or they may have been introduced by someone else. This type of man is often too calm and composed, and shows too much worry in the relationship with his lover. On the one hand, they are in love with their lover (or simply have not yet determined whether they are in love with each other or not) and wish to join hands with her and be married together.

But on the other hand, they can’t afford to spend too much time, energy, and money on their lover because they’re not sure if they’re going to make it or not, so they don’t see the hare. The reason for this is that these men are too realistic and relatively lacking in passion for love; or they have suffered some setbacks in their relationships, resulting in a high level of suspicion and fear of being duped again.

3, self-righteous type

This kind of men tend to have talent and appearance They are at the center of public praise and therefore generally feel better about themselves. They are mostly passive in their relationship activities, but have a dominant sense of self. The reason they are passive is that the girls around him are not the ones he goes after, but they are the ones who are attracted by our hero’s charms.

In this case, no matter how good and rare the girl actually is, our hero is oblivious to it, so he develops an inexplicable sense of superiority and thinks that as long as he doesn’t give up, the girl around him will stay forever. The main character of the story is a man who has been in love with his lover for a long time, and who is always in the presence of a giver, sometimes with an arrogant attitude.

4, the underdog type

The underdog type of men generally The most important thing is that you have to be aware of the fact that you are not a good person. This kind of men usually own conditions are not very good, and lack of healthy and cheerful mentality, so confidence is not enough, inferiority complex. The most important thing is that they are not able to show their strengths in front of the opposite sex, although deep down they are very eager to have the love and tenderness of a lover.

So once someone cares enough to introduce him to a friend, he will be grateful and will cherish that opportunity more. But the bad thing is, that stubborn inferiority complex always comes and goes, lingering. When his lover has a pleasant conversation with another man, when his lover temporarily declines an invitation due to physical inconvenience, when his lover gets a promotion or a raise, the demon of inferiority complex will jump out at any time, he puts all his attention on his lover’s body, overly concerned about his lover and his surrounding people’s opinion and evaluation of himself, and over time, he will increasingly ignore his own The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the person you’re with, and you’ll be able to see what you’re doing.

5.5.The type of man who is rashly engaged

This type of man mostly disregards the importance of love and is not interested in psychological pleasure. They are more indifferent to psychological pleasure. The most important thing is that they value skin-to-skin contact more than emotional communication, and they value the end of marriage more than the process of falling in love, so they take a hasty approach to love, and as long as they fancy the girl and the girl is willing to marry them, they even think they might as well get married right away, and it doesn’t matter whether they fall in love or not.

So as soon as there is a little exogenous catalyst, they immediately ask their lovers to enter the siege. When a certain gentleman heard that his unit was to be divided into houses, he did not hesitate to go back and ask his one to get married, ignoring the fact that they had only known each other for a month or two (note! The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

5 tests couples must go through in the early stages of a relationship

< strong>1. Suddenly do not receive each other’s contact

Before falling in love, the most expected between men and women is from each other’s text messages, phone calls or social software messages it, although most of the time are just in each other The most important thing that you can do is to share your jokes and discuss new things. It may seem like a boring conversation to the casual observer, but the people involved are happy.

However, if you suddenly don’t get any contact from the other person in this situation, one person will be overwhelmed with worry, thinking, “Did I say something wrong that I shouldn’t have said? ” So countless times reach for the phone to look at it and constantly sigh because they do not see the other person’s message. When you understand that the other party is just too busy to contact you, you will also breathe a long sigh of relief and feel a great deal more at ease. This is when you understand that you can be so happy just because of a reply from the other person. It is only through this test that one realizes how much one cares about the other person.

2. Hearing that the other person has a good relationship with another person of the opposite sex

Feeling You feel that you and the other person have a good relationship together, and therefore you always think that you and the other person are in love. But if at this time you learn that the other party is close to another woman, you often can’t help but feel lost: “I always thought you liked me, is it just wishful thinking on my part?” Not only hear such rumors, sometimes or their own eyes to see, to the person caused by the blow is even greater. And it’s times like these when it becomes clearer how much you really like each other.

3. Receiving a phone call from the other person out of the blue

Once it gets to the time comes to want to know what’s really new about the other person, no matter how good they usually are at dealing with relationships, they become idiotic. “The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing. If the other person calls out of the blue at such a time, doesn’t it become all of a sudden that you don’t know what to say?

However, if you don’t answer the phone because it’s too sudden or you’re momentarily inconvenienced, you may find that you can’t get through again. The company’s main goal is to provide a more effective way to meet the needs of its customers.

4. Walking together on a deserted night road

On a deserted night road When you walk on a deserted night road, even if you have a lot of things to say in your heart, you become momentarily unsure of what to say, or you feel that talking is too much of a disturbance to the beautiful atmosphere. The atmosphere flowing between them is quiet but reassuring. This is the time when both parties will inevitably feel like “I want to keep walking side by side like this”. The two of you will have a deeper love for each other.

5, You spend more than half a day alone together

After all these stages, you may be able to feel the love for each other. After all these stages, you may feel like you’re in a relationship with a couple, but you still haven’t finalized it. But it’s too late to confess, and at the same time, you’re worried about confessing and finding out that everything is just wishful thinking ……

In the midst of this annoying tangle, it’s a good idea to find opportunities for the two of you to If you’re not aware that you’re spending more than half a day alone together, you may find that the other person likes being with you too.

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