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The affair will be addicted to what men are thinking when they cheat?

It’s normal for both men and women to meet men and women who make our hearts flutter in addition to our partners. How will you deal with this moment of heartwarming? You will actively look for a fling or let it develop or open up and refuse? What do men really think about when they have an affair?

In peaceful times, when love often becomes the essence of life, a fling becomes a lingering good dream for men, and they keep embellishing it, deepening it, and elevating it. In order to, men to practice each sexual encounter, not so much struggle and pain, but more than a sense of mission and innocence. For example, men like to describe the progress of sexual encounters with different good words: encounter, fate, or even “fate” – encounter is irreversible, fate is inescapable, fate is not run away. Married men think that such word games can reduce their inner guilt, but men also know that this is only self-deception. Because the consequences are serious, so it has to be painful.

Men in voluptuous encounters constantly repeat the role projection of the three men, from the pain of the pig, to the pain of the Tang monk, and even develop to the pain of the Monkey King, pain to the spinal cord. Because of the erotic encounter and extreme pain of the man, almost all of us around the existence of …… erotic encounter of pain, can be the other side of the pleasure, can also be the real bitter, and even the extreme expression of hate. In the erotic encounter, different men have different interpretations, and may also have different feelings at different times. Yes, erotic encounters are like a test, and different men will give different answers.

The Beginner’s Edition of Sexual Encounter

Under the light that seems bright and dark, two pieces of

The man did not dare to speak easily, he was hesitant: in or out?

In, can he avoid his wife’s keen nerves?

Retreat, the beauty of the front like a temptation who can bear? …… dilemma ah!

For the first time, most men are a little bit scared, although there is a thief’s heart to steal the pleasure, but still lacking a little bit of experienced thief’s guts. The “first time” is a hurdle, step over, often the future will have nothing to worry about. In reality, most men can only do to do the beautiful dream of sexual encounters, the implementation of the actual, or finally did not strike. Of course, such men are not cowardly, but they know the word “cost”, they think more about the details of the encounter after all, not just the momentary heartbeat. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Upgraded version of sexual encounter

The new female colleague in the company is very cheerful The man is very gentle to look at her, although not

The man looked at her very tenderly, and although he did not offer an immediate invitation, he later treated her with more than a modicum of affection, intentionally or not.

A man who has had a sexual encounter is no longer averse to it, and although he doesn’t initiate it, he doesn’t refuse it either. In the face of temptation, he tasted some exciting sweetness, but also know the trouble of cleaning up the mess. So, the second sexual encounter, if not the prey is quite attractive, the man will not be easily shot, this time the man, in fact, still hope to get from the sexual encounter in the feelings that have not been obtained. The first thing that I would like to do is to get a good idea of what to expect.

The Ultimate Encounter

At lunch, the waitress at the restaurant With a bright face, she brought the dishes: Enjoy your meal, sir.

He was equally bright-faced. When the bill was settled, he struck up a conversation: What are your plans after work? How about having dinner together tonight? My office is across the street, I’ll pick you up in the evening ……

Remember one thing: a fling can be addictive.

A man, who has been repeatedly successful in one encounter after another, will develop a habit, and will be upset if he does not get hitched for three days. This kind of men tend to “encounter” and feelings are very clear, encounter is purely a life pastime, and does not involve emotional input, if the object of the encounter moved feelings, they will attribute this to “failure action”. In the case of sexual encounters, they are here to have fun, not to love. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

When you meet a man like this, women, don’t take it too seriously ……

When you meet a man like this, women, don’t take it too seriously ……

Classification of sexual encounters

According to the sexual encounters often seen in society, there are several types. One is for men who are philandering themselves, one is for those who can’t stand loneliness, and one is for those who are unintentionally attracted to someone.

I. Physical sexual encounters

Purely because of physical attraction or The most important thing is that the two parties come together and go their separate ways after a short period of pleasure, so quickly forgetting each other and leaving no nostalgic memories. This is the bottom of the barrel of lustful encounters, also known as unrequited encounters.

II. Passing loneliness

Both are in solitude. After a short period of mutual understanding and mutual familiarity, they find some common ground, stirring up a splash in their hearts and generating excitement, and both sides soon fall into the love web woven by illusion. When the external conditions change, the illusion disappears, and the two become strangers again. The flirtation at this level often doesn’t last long, and there are grudges and graces after the separation, and the impressions become blurred after a while.

Three, unintentional encounters

The two sides meet unintentionally, without any thought of preparation, and are met by each other. The two sides are attracted by each other’s inherent connotation or appearance, or because of a small thing that is unintentionally revealed, which resonates with both of them and leaves a deep impression in both hearts. In the course of not long light relationship, both sides did not intentionally do or say anything. After parting, the sky is far apart. And in the depths of memory, often flashing back to the scene when they met. Maybe later on they will contact each other through letters and phone calls, or maybe they will do nothing. Both sides have no intention to change the status quo of their lives, but only to cherish the good feelings of the earth in their hearts, such as the round and smooth pearls of Zhenwei in the heart. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Each of these is a betrayal of an existing relationship. If the first and the second are purely men’s nature at work, it is the opposite sex that is within reach and refuses to give up, then the third is the cheating of the mind, once there is a relationship, it can no longer be extricated.

In reality, most people hate the cheating of men’s minds, and if it is a man’s nature to chase after women, most will take a different degree of tolerance. What attitude would you take about this?

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