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The 7 most scientific guide to choosing a spouse is out

The Social Science Data Research Center of Fudan University, found 80 communities and 3311 families within Shanghai, and spent half a year to answer questions one-on-one in households. The final analysis summarized a professional, scientific and efficient guide to choosing a spouse! Looking for an object should look at the money or should look at the face? How big is the risk of the old cow gnawing on the young grass? The answer will be revealed soon!

1. Reliable! Lori with an older man? Unfortunately.

Researchers have found in statistics on the age difference between post-80s couples that those with an age difference of three years or less between partners make up about 70% of the married population. In married families, respondents whose men were three or four years younger than their wives’ ages had peaks of satisfaction with their partners! Comparatively, satisfaction was lowest when the male age was seven years older than his female partner’s age. It seems that the saying “a woman who is three years older than her partner” is not a false statement. The male students, brave to meet sister-brother love it, sister will love you well. As for the combination of uncle and loli well, can only report a “huh”. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.

2, it’s better to look at your money and face than your habits.

It is said that this is a time to look at money and faces, and that the rich and handsome and the white are always in demand at the top of the pyramid. However, the results of the survey said that the three conditions that people pay the most attention to the standards of male and female objects are: living habits, character and IQ. If the IQ is not enough, then the character has to be good; if the character is not good, then at least have to develop good habits; if all have hard …… that no one can help you.

3. Families with the right family are more harmonious.

The surveyor used the household registration of both partners as the family background to examine the situation of couples. 30% of the post-80s partners did not share the same household registration; the other 70% of the sample shared the same household registration, with about 40% of the same agricultural household registration and 30% of non-agricultural household registration. The other 70% of the sample with the same hukou accounted for about 40% and 30% of the non-agricultural hukou.

The survey on the education level of both partners also shows this characteristic: 92.6% of the couples are close to each other in terms of education level, which is almost an overwhelming majority. By close, we mean that the educational level of both spouses is the same or one level different. Therefore, it is really not advisable to have a large difference in the educational level of both spouses.

4. How long is the most appropriate time to start living together in a relationship?

The survey showed that 43% of the respondents had experience of cohabitation before marriage. Of these, 30% started cohabiting within six months of falling in love, less than 40% within a year, and 15% within a year and a half to two years of falling in love.

Does the high premarital cohabitation rate of more than 40% mean that the post-80s are more open-minded than their parents in terms of sexuality? In fact, 60% of the respondents living together before marriage are engaged; 34.5% are not engaged, but have a clear plan to get married; only 5% are neither engaged nor engaged before living together, nor have a plan to get married. It is clear that most of the post-80s are still more willing to believe in the truth that “relationships without the purpose of marriage are all hooligans” ……

5. The longer you live together before marriage, the more satisfied you are with your marriage.

Of the married sample with cohabitation experience, 18% chose to get married after living together for less than a month; more than 35% got married after six months, which is the most heavily weighted group; and 25% within six months to a year. Those who have experienced cohabitation for a year and a half or more have the highest relative satisfaction with their partners. Perhaps for the sake of long-term happiness, “trial marriages” do have their justification.

6. The higher the education level, the greater the happiness.

But if you think that marrying a rich man or marrying a rich woman will make you a winner in life and live happily ever after …… that’s a bit of a figurehead. In this survey, the focus was on the impact of educational experience on people’s lives. The data showed that the higher the level of education, the greater the happiness. So, don’t always focus on money ah face ah, high IQ is the hard truth! If you have a high level of education but are still a loser for the time being, don’t let that make you doubt your life!


There is no doubt that this is the era of “daddy” and the world is that cruel. If you’re already a loser in this “daddy” game, you might want to think about how to let your child win at the starting line. The results of this survey show that the father’s education level of college and above, the proportion of high income reached half. Among them, the mother’s education level is more relevant. That is to say a highly educated mother is more important for the future income level of her descendants. If you plan for the next generation, guys may want to find a wife with a higher education than their own, in addition to working hard on their own.

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