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Ten tips to keep you away from anxiety

After the holidays, people are returning to work one after another. Some of them feel comfortable with their familiar work, but some of them start to feel anxious about their new hard work. The new year will not only affect your work and mood, but also your life. If you want to work happily in the new year without anxiety, you may want to learn the following tips to stay away from anxiety.

1. Enjoy your annual vacation. Studies show that taking annual leave relieves stress in the workforce and improves quality of life and overall happiness. So make the most of your time off in the new year by putting together a vacation plan and recharging your brain.

2. Get to work on your work emails in a timely manner. After the weekend, it’s hard not to get anxious when you open your mailbox and see a lot of unread emails. A study by the University of California shows that keeping an eye on your email inbox during the holidays and dealing with a portion of it in a timely manner can reduce stress while making you a productive employee.

3. Balance work and life well. Everyone is not a god who doesn’t eat the fires of the world, and inevitably there are all kinds of trivial things. For example, the water pipe leaks, but the repairman can only come to the door on weekdays, which will make people not feel like going to work, irritable, and may even screw up the work at hand. Management psychologists suggest that bosses may wish to set up a flexible work leave, using a reasonable transfer of time off to allow employees to have time to deal with these necessary matters. This will not affect the length of the work day, but will also produce a happier, healthier, and more loyal workforce.

4. Don’t eat lunch in the office. The fast pace of society has forced many office workers to eat lunch in the office. However, studies have shown that eating lunch at the desk can make people nervous and lack creativity. Therefore, it is recommended that office workers must eat lunch in the cafeteria or restaurant. There’s no need to feel guilty about it; it will instead improve afternoon productivity.

5. Don’t take your weight too seriously. Weight gain can make many people unhappy, but many studies have shown that being slightly chubby is a healthy and attractive figure. A Japanese study showed that people who are slightly overweight at the age of 40 can live 6 to 7 years longer; a British survey found that 87% of men prefer curvaceous, plump and rounded women. So, stop worrying about your weight.

6. Compare yourself less to the next person. Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief that steals happiness.” Many people have a good life, but a comparison with the next person, see classmates to buy a car, colleagues to buy a house, the heart of the trouble. Everyone’s life rhythm is different, and behind the scenery there are always difficult to read. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

7. Clean up your desk. The Institute of Neuroscience at Princeton University found that having papers all over your desk can make it impossible to concentrate and feel more tired. Scientists at the University of Minnesota found that people with tidy desks are more generous and healthier. So it’s a good idea to keep your desk neat and tidy.

8. Make everything “just right”. Wanting to do the best in everything often adds pressure to yourself. But this attitude can affect creativity and increase self-doubt and anxiety. So let everything be “just right,” or “the middle ground” as the Chinese say, and that’s the realm of the successful.

9. Stay away from your phone during breaks. The first time I saw the company, I was able to find out that I hadn’t brought my phone with me, which is a nightmare for many people. So try to stay away from your phone as a source of “anxiety”, especially during breaks. In fact, reading a book, watching a movie, doing a craft, or even cooking a meal is more enjoyable than playing with your phone, and you’ll be more productive at work.

10. Eat whatever you want. Many people hear their friends say it is good to eat vegetarian, they do not eat a bite of meat. But can not eat what you want to eat, the heart will be tangled, depressed. Everyone’s eating habits are different, other people’s recipes are not necessarily suitable for you. Modern psychology believes that what you want to eat is what your body needs. Therefore, don’t listen to your friends’ advice and eat whatever you want. Of course, remember not to overdo it.

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