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Ten kinds of women’s character let your marriage frustrated

It is often said that “marriage is the grave of love”, but it is not necessarily so. The key to marital happiness lies in how the two sides operate, and sometimes the death of a marriage is not due to the fading of feelings, but the problems of people who can no longer get along. The most important thing is that the woman is often hurt by the failure of the marriage, so the woman should do better for herself and not let the marriage ruin in her own hands.

One, lack of initiative, indecisive

Women consider things The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive, detailed, but detailed and comprehensive, leading to a decrease in the woman’s analytical ability, it is difficult to seize the main contradiction from the complex head. Therefore, when a woman encounters a major event or emergency, it is easy to get busy and confused, at a loss. I don’t know what to do; I don’t know how to do it either.

Also, women are susceptible to the influence of suggestion, “see the wind is rain”, can not make the right judgment, small and large things can not get their own ideas, indecisive, everything ask men for advice, time is long, it will make men think you’re very good. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Two, selfish and irrational

Honey, who are you to tell me what to do? What makes you think I’m the one to call you? A woman loves to make small sex, in fact, this is a manifestation of a woman’s selfishness. Because of selfishness, women always want to put themselves in the “only me” situation. A little less than desired, or men are not submissive to their own, “a cry, two, three hanged”, even to the man as their own private property, to tie the man to their side. I do not know, tied to the person but not tied to the heart. Men are the masters of the world, men in the conquest of the world while also conquering women. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem.

Three, whining, temperamental

Because of women’s verbal ability, so women are naturally nagging. If a woman chatters in a man’s ear every day, “whining full belly Fang intestines break”, how do men want to go home. The woman is a “moody” animal, happy to laugh; angry apricot eyes open; sad to bawl, this unstable character, will lead to men’s nervousness.

Four, suspicious, fearful

Women are suspicious by nature The woman’s imagination is rich. The actual fact is that when a man doesn’t come home on time, he will be paranoid and suspicious. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem.

Five, narrow-minded, emotional

Women in the choice of The husband, at the same time, chose the man’s entire family. The in-laws should be respectful and filial, and the brothers and sisters should be full of enthusiasm. Not to be calculating, not to mention “favoring one over the other”, do not take their mother’s family as “guests”; and the in-laws as “thorn in the side”, the two families are treated fairly and Both families should be treated fairly and equally. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Six, greedy for vanity, dependent on laziness

Women are more vain than men. It is an indisputable fact that women are more vain than men. But excessive greed for vanity will make women give men too much, too high requirements, causing an excessive burden on men, so that men are overwhelmed and pro The story of the fisherman and the goldfish, I’m sure we have heard in the hours, that greedy, lazy woman, really give us women to wake up. It is a good thing that women should be hardworking and simple, and that self-reliance is a virtue that is advocated for women today.

Seven, weak will, fear of difficulties

Women’s weakness. It often manifests itself in the fact that women are often intimidated by difficulties. Faced with difficulties, because women lack the motivation to achieve and aggressiveness, so there is not enough firmness, decisiveness and courage in the face of difficulties. For this reason, often cowering, which will not only cause men’s sympathy, but will make men feel that women are incompetent. Therefore, women should learn to be self-empowered.

Eight, low confidence, self-loathing

Because women’s self-esteem The low self-evaluation, so that often makes the woman in the family life lack of self-confidence, always feel that they are not as good as men, that is not as good as men, this inferiority complex, over time, will make women lose personality, and even self-loathing. And this is a mockery of men, men are aggressive, he needs an evenly matched opponent. If you are too weak, he will feel that the scales of marriage are out of balance.

9. Lying and hypocrisy, lack of sincerity

I think I heard this I don’t know if it’s accurate, but it shows that women must be sincere with men. Sincere care and consideration, sincere dedication to pay, only to do “true”, in order to achieve “good” and “beautiful”. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Ten, indifferent and depressed

Life needs passion . For a man’s career, for everything a man does, a woman should show enthusiasm. Be surprised by a rose given to you by a man; be grateful for a garment he bought for you. Be good at praising a man’s success, appreciate his efforts, and soothe his pain. If you are cold as ice all day long, immersed in depression. As if others owe you as much money. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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