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Strength and weakness is not in words “silly woman” more happy

A man likes a woman’s “foolishness”, not the IQ, but the kind of girl who looks foolish, but has a good idea in her heart. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

1.Strength and weakness is not in words, too smart women are not cute

The most despised kind of man is the so-called “wimp outside, the hero in the stove bed”. It is also a good man can not build a successful career, let it go, in front of his wife and children to show off, what kind of hero? For women, the same reason, modern society, equal pay for equal work between men and women, some strong manners in the workplace that is normal, but at home, or to maintain the nature of women. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Men are most afraid of women being calculating and overly sharp. The most important thing is that you can get to know the woman you love and understand her, and you want her to have a child’s heart, to be silly and real with yourself. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Private interactions with family and friends are different from the workplace, and it can be boring to be too serious. You should try to show your smile, show that you enjoy relaxing and accept humorous expressions. A woman’s simplicity is a definite plus in a man’s eyes, and the perfect motivation to push them to perform.

Don’t misunderstand men! The “silly” of the silly women that men like is definitely not the IQ. That kind of woman, a long time, the man will not be attractive. Men like the “silly” girl, is the kind of look silly, the heart is very spectrum of the girl. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

2, treat your husband as the most important person in the family

Women I’ve heard too many stories of successful careers and failed marriages. The strong, highly educated women in society often become an obstacle to a good marriage. Career of course, but do not forget that women have another important role – someone’s wife, not to mention that you are out there on your own, is the indispensable backbone of the company, even if your status is supreme, you can not do not know who you are. The following story is probably one you’ve heard before, so let’s revisit it.

It is every woman’s responsibility to be clear about her role in the family, to preserve her husband’s dignity and to keep his heart. Women with successful careers and significantly improved social status should especially cherish their unique female nature and be good at helping their husbands reduce or eliminate unnecessary psychological distress. From the depths of their own success today, without the direct or indirect support and help of their husbands, never in front of their husbands to take credit; even if their husbands have some irrational words and actions due to internal worries, should also put themselves in their shoes, heart-to-heart comfort, counseling and explanation, to try to take every way to make their husbands believe that although their careers are successful, but the role in family life and the relationship between husband and wife The difference is that you love and appreciate your husband more!

Frequently confess your inner pains and worries to your husband about the pressures, hardships, and dilemmas you are experiencing outside the home, and ask him for advice and solutions. This will shorten the gap between the husband and wife and close the psychological distance, thus constantly enhancing the husband’s sense of self-worth and reducing his psychological pressure.

A woman is a woman after all, and success in form alone will not bring us true happiness. Family happiness, husband pampering, we can find a sense of belonging to life. It’s not hard to get it all, the key is to let your husband know how attached you are to him.

3. There is no absolute right and wrong between husband and wife

People say “The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the market. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of information about the actual situation. Just some women, “grab the tip of the child” is used to, between husband and wife is also the same, every argument, will have to play the language talent of women, to prove that they are absolutely justified and the husband is absolutely at fault. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

One of the biggest voids in the world is arguing with people over and over again – and doubly so with your husband’s theory about your family, which results in both parties being more convinced than ever that they are absolutely right. If you lose, of course you lose, and if you win, you still lose because arguing won’t win his heart. If you refute your husband until he is red in the face and dumb in the mouth, is that a victory? No, he does not speak, but only that a big man is not worthy of a serious fight with his wife, more serious, he will think you are unreasonable and do not want to waste effort. Think about it, is a small argument important, or is your long-term relationship more important?

Mindful people have long said, “There are no winners or losers between couples; it’s either win-win or lose.” Ordinary couples, wake up a little later, but there is always a time to look back: what is there to argue about? No matter what, he or she is not their closest people? The only question left is how to pull off the face and make up.

Don’t think that women who show weakness are not capable, they bow their heads, but not all the time, those women who bow their heads are the real weak women, the key to show weakness is in a “show”. “on. The key to this is the “show”. In the treasure trove of love for women with high emotional intelligence, a smart woman reveals her innocence and weakness at the right time, and she will reap the benefits of a series of benign results such as care, love, help, trust, etc.

4. Don’t overstep your authority in men’s affairs

Nowadays The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. But this pay, do not necessarily appreciate the husband. The woman is very aggrieved: I put a heart out for the family, how he still so much opinion?

Marital life, good character is not enough to have a willingness to work. Men’s personalities, temperaments, cultivation each different, for women, when you choose marriage, at least have an understanding of your husband, and have a kind of psychological and ability to do meet your husband’s requirements of the wife. Not all men like and adapt to the life of clothes to hand, food to mouth, which will seriously damage their male self-esteem. The marriage is a tango for two people who need to think about cooperating to dance it well, and if you dance only to the beat of your own drum, it is inevitable that the other person will not step on your feet.

Whether a man is tough or weak on the outside, his heart wants him to give women the security they crave, and he thinks it’s only right to protect the woman he loves, and therefore the woman should be submissive. For the beloved woman shelter, which is also a bit of man’s vain pride. If a woman shows a desire for a man’s love and strength, for that alone, he will give willingly for her and will always revel in the good feeling of being on top.

We spend our lives chasing a lover who is right for us and forming a small, stable, warm home. In a way, respecting your husband is respecting yourself. Because, respecting him means you made a wise and deliberate choice, that you have found a man who deserves your love and respect. Conversely, if you don’t respect him, it means you made a foolish choice and found someone who is not worthy of your love and respect.

5. Don’t poke holes in your husband’s well-intentioned lies

The beauty of In married life, not only do we need to be honest and speak from our hearts, but at some point, we also need some well-intentioned lies to be the lubricant of our relationship. For women, these lies are to encourage their emotionally gray husbands and add a splash of bright color to their lives; for men, the lies are to maintain their image and appease their wives’ hearts.

Men are strong and rational, and every adult male will consciously or unconsciously maintain this feeling, which is another layer of a man’s clothing, and there is no need to poke him when you are a wife, even if you know all about his bottom line. Otherwise, the enraged man will defend his dignity with more lies and a bigger temper.

When a man’s lies are for the sake of family peace, the most appropriate attitude for a wife is to be “confused”. The man in the cover-up or performance of their own time, almost all stretched to the limit. If a woman is serious, a little testimony will be able to refute the man not to stay. But smart women are happy to believe and acquiesce to it. They face the man that a bunch of piles of love promises not to refute, but they are very serious to find the warmth and happiness of love, they pretend to be confused on the one hand, but also taste the sweetness of love. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The Chinese character for “marriage”, when broken down, is the character for “woman” and the character for “faint”. The word “faint” is very interesting. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

6. Take things for what they are and accept what cannot be changed

“To love someone, you have to love everything about them, including their flaws.” This statement, although some suspicion of exaltation, but after all, explains a truth of love. When a woman chooses a man as a lifelong partner, she and he embarked on the same boat, two people get along well, cooperate tacitly, the boat can be smoother, row faster. If you have been lumpy, twisted, the boat is easy to run aground, to each person in it, brought embarrassment and injury. Stronger men need the gentle comfort of a woman. A good woman can change a man’s whole perception of himself and make him more like a good man.

Everyone has something that can’t be changed, it’s their “scars”, like your husband’s height, looks, naturally too thin or too fat body type. When you met him, these defects already existed, which is an inseparable part of him. If you can even love these flaws of course the best, then his thinness is dashing, his obesity is robust, even his baldness, is also a symbol of intelligence, the lover’s eye out of the West, there is no reason to speak. If not cultivated to this point, natural acceptance is also a good way to go. Think about it, everyone is not perfect, including ourselves, two imperfect people, together to build a perfect relationship, this is how fulfilling a thing! It is because he is an ordinary person that he is creating a sweet life with ordinary us. If he were a prince, he would have been busy marrying a princess.

One of the things that stings men the most It’s that you ignore what he gives and specifically attack what he can’t reach. The most intolerable thing for a man is for his wife to say, “Look at you, what a virtue! People who who

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