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Stay together until the old man to understand the woman to love

Legend has it that men are from Mars, women are from Venus, Mars crashed into Venus, met in a sea of people, knew each other, loved each other, fell in love to keep each other, although sometimes deep love sometimes quarrel sometimes separated, always exist is that women feel that men do not understand do not care about her, men feel that women The woman feels that the man does not care about her, and the man feels that the woman is incomprehensible. In fact, in love, the needs of men and women are not the same. Men need to understand, women need to love.

There is a couple who have been in love for three years and have entered into marriage. The two worked hand in hand to overcome the obstruction of their families on both sides, making their own money and spending it on their own, without the money of their parents and without their help. After five years of marriage, they used their own hands to gain wealth, have their own property and car, also have a three-year-old cute little boy. Just then, the woman found out that the man had cheated on her.

The woman said she could feel that the man still loved and cared for her. No matter what time of day, as long as a phone call, the man is still the same as when he was in love, the package transport. The two often go on trips together, shopping and eating together. Why? She doesn’t understand.

If there was a change, it could only be that she changed jobs. But it’s also about taking care of the family more. The higher the income means the more energy you have to put into your work, and with children going to school, parents naturally have to put more effort into their children. But lately she does feel as if he is very tired, and he does not love her as much as he used to. Now the income is reduced, sometimes ask him for money, always feel unable to reach out. As we speak, the two also have many small disagreements over money matters. But these are minor things, and cheating cannot be compared to that.

Not to say that she, in fact, most women don’t understand it either. If you love, why cheat? Before we answer this question, let’s analyze the different needs of men and women in love.

A man needs a woman to understand.

A man needs a woman to understand, to understand is to understand, to understand is to tolerate, to understand is to think differently, you read the man, and will make the man love you more.

Much love always comes to describe men, and women always use this phrase to disparage men. The man’s bones know that they are on top of the sky, standing on the ground, reason makes them more aware that they can not always live in the softness of women, they know that in addition to these they have a lot of responsibilities and obligations to fulfill, so under their strong appearance hides a chivalrous heart, but they hide their nature, only to meet specific circumstances and specific people will be released to unload their camouflage.

Men spend their lives looking for a woman who will let them unleash their nature by letting them unleash their hypocrisy. Their simplest idea is to be able to find a woman who reads their true feelings. And this woman should have a generous heart that is understanding and inclusive of a hundred rivers.

In the world of men success and face is sometimes more important than women, each man chooses a different standard of women, a man is sometimes willing to be harnessed by a woman, said to find a person who can manage him, is to find a woman who can read him, in the ruthless man Ultimately willing to be cheated by a woman for life because he found a woman who understands him.

So the Shunzhi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the sole inheritor of the imperial family Dong E Fei, after the death of Dong E Fei, disillusioned, driving away is still a mystery. So the man is not amorous, just no longer find a woman who can make him with deep love before, he is desperate.

And the opposite of that is women. The woman is a sensual animal, naturally fickle, from the beginning of life, women are the image of the weak self, is destined to be protected by men spoiled, can never be separated from men, as a child have the love of their father, grew up to want the love of men, so women need to look for a man who can make them feel safe, for a woman the safest man is their own father, but the most touching her sensitive nerves The most secure man for a woman is her father, but the man who touches her sensitive nerves the most is the man she is at ease with. A woman’s happiness and misfortune at the same time depends on what kind of man she meets in her lifetime.

The happiness that women want in this world is actually very simple, it is to have a secure love. For example, women require emotional fidelity, which is one of the sources of security. Ask the man to be tender and considerate, women will feel they are cared for. Ask the man to tell his feelings, sweet words, that the man can not leave her. This way the woman will feel loved by the man and will go from flapping her teeth and claws to a meek kitten, indicating that the woman is satisfied.

So a man can give a woman security, then the woman will become very docile, and if there is no security, then the woman will be in trouble, flailing and unreasonable.

Many male compatriots do not deal well with these behaviors of women, and it’s simple to see that like a person who is not fed, she will find a way to get her own fed. People are always in a state of semi-starvation, they will look with all their might to feed themselves. It’s just that everyone uses different methods, some use the right one to get full, some use the wrong one, and things go wrong as they should.

Going back to the case earlier, what did the man cheat on his wife for? He confessed to his wife: tired. He does still love his wife and cares about the family. It’s just that I wonder if a different person would make life less tiring.

Tired of the constant bickering with both sides of the family, he being the only son and being the sandwich. His parents are very willing to take his wife’s side when it comes to her unreasonable demands. However, his wife fights with his parents on certain matters, making the easily de-escalated state of affairs full of gunpowder again. And such quarrels and compromises are constantly occurring, over and over again. Secondly, at work, although it was going relatively well before, it was just reaching a threshold now. Wife at this time and change a relatively low income job, son three years old to go to kindergarten and consider the matter of elementary school places, house and car still need monthly payments all kinds of material and mental pressure to make him very tired. Although the two are often together and seem to communicate regularly, all this is just a harmonious and calm surface, underneath the darkness constantly.

See here, do you get it? Although it is the man’s duty to provide for his family, however, his wife’s behavior makes him feel exhausted from life. Women think I am with you, you should block the family’s difficulties for me. Just like a road, it looks smooth, but in fact the road is bumpy, every step must be careful. In the process of walking, the two slowly have a distance. The man feels that the woman is inconsiderate and does not understand his stress, and the woman complains that the man does not love him.

The man uses the wrong approach of cheating to relieve and try to resolve. Women think I did not do wrong why change, making the situation from the beginning of the slight to serious. Things have come to this point, and no matter how they are subsequently resolved, they will certainly leave a thorn in both sides’ hearts.

Whether it’s a couple or a couple, both sides actually need to communicate more and try to avoid tit-for-tat situations. More transposition, for each other to think more. So, women understand more about men and men love more about women.

Men and women come from two worlds of different species, and must not interdependent life of the world, just to achieve harmony and unity, that depends on men and women to carry each other made, but there are many men smart for a moment, confused a world, there are many women cleverly backed by Smart mistake. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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