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Single is a disease Single women lack of love six kinds of performance

Nowadays, perhaps because of the social climate, or perhaps because of the change in people’s mindset to promote late marriage and late childbirth, a large number of leftover men and women have emerged, especially single women. But in fact, women are single for too long is not good, many times, some psychological changes will occur unknowingly. So, single for too long, the lack of being loved by the woman will have what kind of malignant psychological changes? Today you will go with me to find out.

1. You find something wrong with all men

Being single for too long Another negative effect of being single for too long is being overly picky. You find flaws in every man around you, and in reality most of your criticism has little basis in reality. Even in men of good character, you can be fussy: not dressing tastefully enough, having large pores, not watching entertainment news, being frugal with your money ……

Perhaps you have created the illusion that you are a superior commenter. More likely, you’re afraid to pursue the opposite sex, so you’re using these pretentious nitpicks as an excuse.

2. Become overthinking

The waiter at the drive-thru hands you burger and fries to you with the words, “Have a happy day.” What you hear is, “I want you now.” When the man in the elevator gives you one more glance at the rice crumbs on your lips, you feel that passionate gaze of soul contact and immediately begin to fantasize about an erotic scene between the two in the closet. Every friendly gesture and polite nod makes you feel loved, and it seems like you’re winning every round. However, look at the ace in your hand, it’s just a small jack.

That is, unfortunately, you’re living in the delusional imagination that all men love you. Every ordinary interaction with the opposite sex is given a special meaning by you.

3. Look to the online world

You’ve given up on finding a real-life male for a partner, hoping that the globally developed internet will bring you one. Because, women who often linger online know that there are many online dating sites about relationships and marriages, and most of the time these sites are the best pastime for some lonely singles. For example, the Saker Virtual Family has attracted countless urban lonely women who know that on that site the system will automatically introduce them to men who buy four-star villas.

Such an established heterosexual relationship feels fresh and relaxed at the same time, and under the guidance of the site’s charming and subtle atmosphere, heterosexual men and women always let themselves go and talk freely. The actual online communication is also ambiguous, and will also have fantasies about each other, and will want to meet each other in real life. That’s why Saker Virtual Family is the preferred place for many single women to find a male partner.

4. Indulge in love soap operas

Admit that your biggest entertainment is a love soap opera, right? The fantasy of being the female lead with the perfect love ending. It’s time to adjust your preferences. When deceptive entertainment eats away at all your leisure, it has dangerous repercussions.

5. Manly woman strong woman

Being single for a long time will make you more and more independent and become a strong woman. The actual fact is that you’ll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do. This is enough to turn off any member of the opposite sex.

6. People think you’re gay

You never hang around men and don’t act like it. around them and don’t show interest in them, and people assume you have another sexual orientation because of it. Don’t storm out and try to make a statement. What do you expect people to think when you spend all your time spending time with your best friends instead of dating men?

Besides that, of course, there are other potential signs, and having an inflatable doll as a partner certainly counts as one. After reading the above, did you hit the mark?

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