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Show love how not to be annoying?

Thanks to the emergence of twitter, many professional love workers are free from the confines of the subway, the park and the roadside, and can show their love anytime and anywhere. However, I don’t know if it’s out of sour grapes or if I’m really worried about them, but the saying “love is fast” has started to circulate. This seems to run counter to the “courageous expression of love” that psychologists have always advocated. So, should we show our love or not? The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

First of all, to be clear, show love is not necessarily divided quickly, the key depends on whether you show real love or fake love, and whether the way you “show” is wise and elegant. There is an old saying in the jungle, show love die fast, that is, show love too much will cause public anger, for the relationship plus unnecessary pressure. If you can’t bear it, over there is the end of the fast death. So, as long as you don’t overdo it and do it too much, your friends around you will be happy that you have found happiness.

Do’s and Don’ts of “Showing” Love

One, we are true to show love

Love should be expressed bravely and sincerely, because this is the way to make “from different planets” men and women to understand. The “different planets” of men and women understand each other’s psychology and feel cherished and loved. The key is to find out whether the beautiful love you show is real or disguised.

To take the most common example, we all know that many celebrities show their love for public image management and to build a positive image in front of the public. But in fact, the marriage is full of holes, the taste of which only you know. And this appearance and the fact that the inside of the serious discrepancy, so that the show love of the parties under great pressure. This is certainly not conducive to mental health, but also to the healthy development of gender relations.

As for whether this love is real or fake, the important criterion to judge it is that the person needs to be clear: do I want to express it and want the world to know it because I’m happy to be loved, so it’s real? Or because I think I am not loved enough, want to use this way to imply that the other party love themselves more? Or is it purely to render the illusion of happiness for self-satisfaction?

Two, why “show” to everyone

To sort out the line between expressions of love and showmanship, let’s break down the psychological motivation behind the show of affection a little more carefully.

1.Hot period

Without too much outside interference and It is natural for both partners to communicate their love for each other in public when they are emotionally healthy. When people are happy in a relationship they unconsciously want to show it, and the energy of happiness is like a volcano that does not erupt. And for many people who are not good at speaking and shy, the emergence of the Internet provides the best way for them to do so. So you will see that the more people who don’t normally put love on their lips, the more they often like to use the internet to show their love.

2, “I’m fine”

The subtext of “I’m loved” is “I’m good enough to be loved,” so showing your happy side on social media can certainly help you build a good personal image.

3. Showing off vanity

In some people’s eyes, having An enviable partner is a symbol of personal charm and a reflection of personal worth. Showing off is not a derogatory term, just as we want to share our joy with friends and family when we get a perfect score on an exam. It is the degree and amount of showing off that is the key determinant of praise and blame.

4. Declare possession

If you’re in a relationship and you’re not confident in your partner’s (or your If you’re not confident in your partner’s (or your own) feelings, subconsciously you want to “show your love” as a way to assert your ownership, and you get satisfaction from it. The more we lack something inside us, the more we want to show that we are rich in it, so the more we keep showing love and trying to prove that there is nothing wrong with us, the more we should often reflect on whether there is something wrong with your relationship.

Show your love gracefully

As long as you are speaking from your heart The true feelings should be expressed directly and bravely! Daring to show your love actually means how committed you are to your partner’s relationship. The actual fact is that you need to consider your partner’s feelings, if your partner is a shy person, then showing affection in public may also make him feel awkward. In private, it is recommended that you keep full communication with your significant other for five to ten minutes a day and hug your significant other every day. When the other person feels your love, the partnership will have a more positive interaction.

Never skimp on showing your significant other love, whether in public or in private, which makes each other feel secure and happy about everyone’s relationship. When times are difficult and conflicting, these loving memories will give each other the confidence that the loving relationship is at the forefront of each other’s minds.

This expression of love is natural and comes from the heart in a genuine way, not deliberately. It is still true: it is important to reflect on your motives when showing love. What are you trying to prove? Or to make up for the lack of security? Or to show off? If you just want to express your love, then express it boldly, without caring too much about what others think. Some people will not like to see others show their love frequently. Of course, living excessively in a two-person world may really make onlookers feel uncomfortable. The right thing to do is to give blessings when others are in love, and when they are not in love, they also go with the flow, which is the attitude that onlookers should uphold. This will give love a better space to grow and make it more enjoyable for the couple to go on.

How to show gracefully? The daily bombardment of various intimate photos will definitely annoy people. The single friends will see the envy and jealousy, more will not want to see. If you have a partner, you will feel that this is a show rather than a natural flow of love. If you send out a sweet with your lover at a special moment, it will reap all kinds of blessings and envy. Of course, the most important thing is to remember to keep in touch with friends around you when you are in love, not to mention full of “my boyfriend”. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

It’s not easy to get a sweet love, so the show of affection can’t be resisted. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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