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Shopping frenzy to vent stress Don’t pay for emotions

When the season changes, there are numerous sales or mall discounts, so shopping frenzy has become a habit for many people. This is a reflection of the fact that most modern urbanites have a penchant for shopping.

A survey of domestic consumption showed that as many as 46.1% of women spend in extreme emotions. In other words, many are highly susceptible to shopping binge syndrome – “shopaholics”. They are active in the post-modern consumer era, accepting new consumer ideas and often making irrational purchases that they did not even anticipate. Psychologists believe that shopaholics often want to use shopping to vent some repressed emotions or use these material stimuli to fill the inner emptiness, in the process, because the prairie desire to swallow reason, after the shopping will begin to frustration, regret. We should and can explain and control our shopping frenzy in terms of our personal psychology to avoid paying for our emotions on a regular basis.

Psychologists believe that there are four main triggers for “shopaholism”

One is that shopaholics are mainly people who are mentally isolated, physically and emotionally impaired or delusional, trying to fill a void in their minds by going on a shopping spree. The modern credit card billing method has contributed to the development of the condition, as patients are no longer able to find out in time that their wallets have already been emptied;

second, the shopping frenzy is related to their emotional vulnerability, fantasy, and romantic nature;

third, the strong sensory impact of the advertisements set up in shopping places and the sound of the images played, and women often cannot resist these temptations;

fourth, the wrong The first is the misconception that “shopping is enjoyable”, “shopping is healthy”, and even that shopping is a cure for mental illness and depression. However, when you go home with a large pile of items, you also bring home a significant bill.

Want to get rid of the shopaholism? Then come along and save yourself.

Shopaholic 1 pays the bill for emotional healing

There are plenty of women shopaholics who go on shopping sprees to heal. From love affairs to shopping malls, Jolie is one of them. The company’s main goal is to provide a good service to its customers. But God seems to be deliberately and she is right, it is easy to find the love of her life, the other party is a party of arrogance, and finally a walk away. After the breakup, Qiao Li cried tears, listening to the song “I will never let you ruin my youth”, she stomped her feet, dried her tears and went straight to a shopping mall. She wanted to give herself a bottle of mental saline with the hustle and bustle of shopping. That night, Qiao Li had a shopping spree at the mall, not really knowing exactly what she had bought, just venting her emotions with abandon, thinking it would make her feel better, but when she got home and threw what she had exchanged for exorbitant currency on her bed, she still cried sadly.

Psychological manifestations of addiction to the pleasure of eating to buy security

Among the shopaholic women, the lost ones generally do not care about dressing, but instead have a special fondness for eating. This is mostly because since ancient times, women for their own appearance, now that the “self” is gone, their enthusiasm for the “look” has also fallen, so food has become a favorite. After the shopping frenzy will be delicious food into the mouth, not only to indulge in the pleasure of eating, the painful chewing also relieved the heart of the hate. Biologists have found that hormones determine a woman’s preference for toys, especially the kind of toy dolls that resemble real people. Women after a breakup are generally insecure, and a strong sense of loneliness is also a more serious psychological emotion. Of course, they want to have a partner with them at all times, which is enough to make her love the toy dolls in the store.

The rescue plan accepts the reality of imagining evil consequences

This is the despair The cure, also known as fighting fire with fire – the more you mentally fear something, the more you have to find a way to face it head on. Accept the fact that you can only walk alone in the coming years, the pain of despair will not let you down, but on the contrary can help you to explore your potential. When you are mentally able to move forward alone, you will no longer need to shop to escape from yourself, because, you have made yourself a friend. If you can’t let go of your boyfriend for a long time after a breakup, just imagine yourself and him getting married. Ask yourself, what would happen if I married him? The preconceptions will not make you obsessed, but will make you recognize the truth in the blind obsession. This is when you will find that what has been hurting you is not the lost lover, but the lost self-esteem; and what is bitter is not his departure, but the lost self.

Shopaholic 2 pays for balancing emotions

Azhi went on to She has been a civil servant for more than 10 years, and those who are familiar with her are amazed at how smart and capable she is. This year, her agency will select middle-level cadres into the leadership team, which is actually one of the motivations for her dedication. For several years, she has proven her ability with numerous commendations. However, Chi was unsuccessful in the final evaluation, and what she thought was invincible and smooth sailing was like hitting rock bottom, her mental balancer was in turmoil.

All weekend, Chi was a shopping mall favorite, spending cash and swiping credit cards, where she found the joy of being valued and affirmed, until the mall attendant told her her credit card was overdrawn and she snapped out of her shopping frenzy. Her depression continued unabated as she thought about the financial strain she would face later.

Psychological Manifestations of Losing Yourself Mentally Unbalanced

Freud said The motivation for human behavior is no more than two: the sexual impulse and the desire for greatness. What is the desire for greatness? It is the importance of realizing oneself. It is the core of what makes people human, and the source and basis of life’s values. And the frustration that arises when a person loses an election appears to be the fear of losing favor, but in fact it is the fear of losing one’s importance. Because there is no recognition, the person’s orientation can not be determined; and the loss of value recognition, the potential is bound to be hindered. This triggers a shopping frenzy becomes a weapon in the pursuit of psychological balance. A closer look at the shopaholic woman, the balance of emotions shopping often love the clothing, because she has to dress herself to cover up the loss, and subconsciously compete with others, so as to find a fulcrum to balance the heart of the loss and jealousy. The psychological corruption of women begins with narrow-mindedness, which teaches women not to find pleasure in what they have, but to find pain in what others have.

Save the solution to find a new beginning by focusing on the problem

People’s Success and happiness depend first and foremost on positive thoughts, and that is the secret of “thoughts are life”. Problem-centeredness”, also known as “matter-of-factness”, is the simple thinking advocated by industrial civilization, and it is also the necessary sober thinking when people are frustrated. By focusing on the problem, you avoid unfounded jealousy and suspicion; by taking things into account, you can soon find out the reason for your loss. Using failure as a motivation for success in this way is your shortcut out of disappointment. In this way you will understand that shopping will not be the way out of the problem. For a person in the workplace, building a sense of starting point is the foundation of your progress and can be an important weapon against setbacks. Say to yourself that no matter what the outcome is, it is a new beginning. Even if you suffer a setback, you don’t have to cover up the loss with shopping. Because you need to understand that one can be frustrated, but not defeated, and that the disappointments of this process are your experiences leading to success.

Shopaholic 3 pays the bill for stress relief

Miss Yang has been working at A major hotel has been working for 5 years, and she always feels inexplicable pressure because of the fierce competition. With the approach of the May Day holiday, the tourism industry is heating up, as the lobby manager, she began to be busy again. After three days and nights of receiving tours, she was so exhausted that she went into the shopping center after work on the fourth day without even eating a meal, trying to relax her swollen mind with the shopping frenzy. Who knows that the more annoyed the more mistakes, that night she shopped two consecutive shopping city to buy a large number of things that even they do not understand why they have to buy, until the checkout only to find that the handbag disappeared, even the whereabouts of the favorite sunglasses are unknown. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem.

Psychological manifestations to fill loneliness feeling self

Many times, the The woman who is overworked is afraid of being alone, and the shopping frenzy allows her to forget her exertion and let the “fullness” of the crowd fill the loneliness. This woman often lack of inner emotional support, when working hard is still “strong”, once the work is put down, the fragility of the heart will become the top of the dark cloud. At this time, shopping is not only a break for her, or she needs to decorate, is her desire to tell. In fact, the meaning of work does not lie in the work itself, but in the value of work to people. Likewise, if a woman lacks inner security, her shopping frenzy is not only to get rid of stress, but also to feel herself in the crowd. However, as long as you don’t have your own security, no amount of shopping madness can cover up the loss, and the shopping encounter will instead exacerbate your vulnerability.

Saving solutions to relieve stress and strengthen inner security

The world There is no stress, only fear of stress. In the end, it’s not others that everyone in this world fears, but themselves. Make a list, incorporate stress into your plan, and then do some operations research to turn the things that put pressure on you into obedient children. No matter what kind of stress, the ultimate solution relies on a person’s inner security and mental balance. For this reason it is vital to master two elements: accept your own finite nature, you can tap into your potential; accept the finite nature of others, you can give others a generous. By forgiving others, you learn to appreciate life; by tapping into yourself, you experience the joy of creation.

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