Like shopping is a woman’s nature, there is a group of women who are rarely satisfied with their “trophies” every time they return loaded. “
They are often in a paradox of not buying and regretting it, and these women often mock themselves as “shopaholics”. From a psychological point of view, shopping mania and bulimia, kleptomania, like impulse control disease category. Experts say that “shopaholism” is actually a pathological consumer psychology, with compulsive overtones, and needs to receive timely guidance and treatment. So, how can you tell if you are a shopaholic? And how to prevent this mental illness?
Typical Characteristics: Buy what you like when you see it
The typical characteristics of a shopaholic – buying what she likes, regretting and beating herself up afterwards, but the feeling is short-lived and she is back in the next round of shopping battle. The inner reason for the shopping frenzy comes from the pathological possessiveness of the goods, and the inner root also comes from the external pressure. The pressure of their careers, the challenges of work, the dragging down of their families, and the fact that they can’t help themselves, make shopping one of the channels for them to vent their stress and negative emotions.
In addition, the feeling of helplessness at work and in life makes some women long for control and control over something, and shopping is a good fit for this psychological need. In addition to the “group buying” trend nowadays, many women are indulging in online shopping and are being pulled into an irrational consumption.
Two therapies to alleviate “pathological shopping disorder”
“Shopaholics” are classified as impulsive consumers who lack self-control, over-consumers whose hobby has become an addiction, and “soft-eared” shopaholics. “
The most important thing is that the company’s products and services are not only available in the market, but also in the market.
Experts say, “When a person cannot control his or her desire to consume, but enters a state of shopping addiction and compels himself or herself to consume, it is not just an overconsumption, but a pathological shopping disorder, which is widely defined abroad as ‘compulsive shopping behavior’. Psychologically speaking, it is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder that requires some guidance and treatment.
1. Reducing stress is the first step for shopaholics, and the only way to get to the root of the problem is to identify the source of the stress and find a way that works for you. The first step is to identify the source of the stress and find a way to solve the problem.
2. Behaviorist therapy, giving shopaholics a shopping plan and taking as little money out of the house as possible. And for more serious people it is recommended to communicate more with a counselor, you can make an agreement between you and the counselor, and complete one stage of the agreement before going on to the next one. Shoppers can also choose to travel in pairs, so that those around them can urge them to spend wisely.