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Seven ways to catch a man

When in love, he is always fascinated by you; after marriage honeymoon period, he is only obedient to you; but with the passage of time, women gradually aging, love entered the fatigue period, the seven-year itch slowly not far from their own… …Why not change the body a little, learn 7 kinds of transformation techniques? The following 7 transformations will definitely make him want to say it’s not easy to leave you!

1. Be his exclusive financial advisor

“Men are bad when they have money”, influenced by this saying, many women keep a firm eye on their men’s money, make them pay their monthly salary on time and watch out for their men’s private money ……

indent:2em;text-align:left;”>Women are always frugal themselves, but in the face of their husbands need to buy things is not blinking, painful to the extreme; women save the money saved for men to meet his needs; women save all the money in case the family needs from time to time … …

When a woman gives so much in exchange for nothing more than a man’s grievances, the family argues over money every day and the marriage is like a prison. The money is to be saved, but want you to be the exclusive financial adviser of men, not just frugal, so life is not interesting.

Weekend excursions and movies together, occasional coffee houses and bars with him for a small sit-down, all of these can enhance the quality of life, increase your charm index, and also make the marriage full of romantic colors. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on the actual actual actuality.

2. Be his only foodie

To keep a man’s The first thing you need to do is to keep a man’s heart, and that’s quite true. The woman in order to keep the man’s heart, every day in front of the pot, improve their cooking level, and find ways to change the pattern for the man to turn out a delicious meal. But have you noticed, you spent nearly half a day to make the dishes, the man may only hastily spent ten minutes on the matter, and will point out that this dish salty, that dish light ……

Many Women think that men should be out earning money and that kitchen matters should be taken care of by themselves, so they don’t let men touch household chores, let alone cooking. But look at the major restaurants, the chefs are almost always men, in fact, men are better at cooking than women, they just don’t usually want to do it.

To charm a man, you should be his only foodie! To persuade your husband to get in the kitchen often, no matter how hard he cooks, you should praise him and attach a fond kiss, so as to gradually cultivate his sense of accomplishment and willingly get in the kitchen for you. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3. Be a literary person

Many couples feel that Although the relationship between the couple is very close, but there are some words still dare not say out in front of each other, many words are held in the heart to precipitate. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items. Why not try being a literary person?

Take notes of the smallest things that move you in your life as a couple, so he knows you are grateful to him in body; take notes of your remorse after doing something wrong, so he knows the heartache of your face down; take notes of the good memories of your relationship, so the angry him can look back on The past bit of good and touching ……

Many times, the charm of words is stronger than the charm of words and can achieve more unimaginable results. In married life, occasionally romantic, write a letter for him, compose a poem for him, stay young and look back on the touching.

4. Be a social connoisseur

To keep a man away from you

Socialize more, you can make a lot of friends, both gay and straight, and make men worry about you and pay more attention to you.

5. Be a stylist

When you’re in love, you spend all day You go in and buy beautiful clothes for yourself; after marriage, you save money for your family, and you don’t even complain about your own puffy face. But have you ever thought that such a lack of attention to image will make him gradually lose interest in you?

People depend on their clothes, and shiny clothes can increase a woman’s charm index. Changing different clothes every day also gives a signal that life is exquisite and keeps you young and fresh in his eyes. You should be a stylist and dress yourself well every day, styling your hair and clothes differently.

By dressing yourself regularly, you are telling him that you are positive about life and love it. In addition, appearing in a polished light often adds a lot of confidence to yourself and will put a glow on his face, and the more confident a woman is the more beautiful she becomes, and this beauty of yours will be there for him to see.

6. Be an image consultant

A good image has a It can make a man fall in love with a woman in a moment, and it can also make a man disappointed in a woman in a moment. Many women live sloppy lives after marriage, do not pay attention to their image, and are willing to be a yellow face, leaving men to struggle to find a beautiful girl outside.

The famous Hong Kong movie star, Ekin Cheng, broke up with his girlfriend for a new relationship because he came home one day and saw Maggie Shaw lying asleep on the couch without removing her makeup and with a haggard face. The famous Taiwanese writer Li Ao and Taiwan’s number one beauty Hu Yin Meng divorced because Li Ao came home one day and saw Hu Yin Meng sitting on the toilet, in Li Ao’s words, showing her teeth and looking hateful. As you can imagine, whether in a relationship or marriage, maintaining a good image is a must, and you need to transform into an image consultant.

Men care more about their wives’ image, and if a man attends a lot of dinner parties, you might want to be his image consultant and learn social etiquette with him so that you can be a husband and wife in any situation.

7. Amateur singer

When the relationship tapers off, it’s a good idea to get back into it once in a while. When the relationship gradually tends to be flat, it is good to regain the touch of the past once in a while. Because the sweet memories are really the fuel for the feelings. When two people are at a standstill, as a wife you can remind your husband to go back in time to think about it. You can even ask him to talk about it at a place where we used to date together. When going back to the memories, awakening consciousness will naturally work and the two people will realize that it is time that has changed something rather than getting tired of each other.

This is a time when the little conflicts in life can be easily resolved. Singing is a great way to regulate not only your feelings but also your mood. Thinking more about the moments of loving each other, many conflicts can be resolved and you can make yourself happy even more.

Life is not static, and personal image is also ever-changing. A woman can’t indulge in a single role; you can have a million changes that make it impossible for men to stay away from you.

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