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Seven kinds of flirtation against men’s disgust

Flirting is quite important when two people are together. The most important thing is that you have to be able to get a little bit of a flirtation between the two of you, especially if you want to go further with the man. The first thing you need to do is to see the analysis from the editor.

These are some ways to use caution with men

< strong>1. Learn to speak like Lin Chi-ling

Since Lin’s debut, her baby voice has become a trademark. Because she became the goddess of thousands of men, so many women also like to use when talking to men. However, people are born with oh, pretend, occasionally use a seemingly cute, but if you keep the doll voice at all times, including when talking about business also from time to time doll voice a little, will only make you look very immature, very unprofessional …… And, some guys actually dislike the doll voice, remember to carefully observe their reaction oh.

2.2. Piss on him

If you know each other well, this is a playful move. move is kinda playful. If you don’t know each other well …… please ask if you have any manners ……

3. Even the common sense of being human

Dumb and dumb girls are really likeable, yo. But if you’re so stupid that you don’t even know the basic life skills and reasoning for being a human being, do you think any guy would dare to date you ……not even know the most basic things, men won’t feel bad about your previous life, but will think you’re not grounded as a person.

I think it’s a good idea to have a good understanding of how to do it.

4. Hot and cold

Attitude has been The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem of the problem. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. Many women are convinced that men are cheap and need to be controlled in this way. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you’re doing, and if he doesn’t take it, that’s a big mistake.

6. Pretend to share his interests in order to get in his good graces

Pick up girls this trick is better to use, but pick up boys do not use ah. Interests are not the same as normal, if you obviously do not understand but to pretend, wait until the time to be mercilessly exposed, you will lose face lost big. The man knows his own interests very well and hates people who don’t know how to pretend to know, so if you don’t know and want to know more about him, why not ask him to teach you more?

7, just send pictures without talking

What are you trying to say? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

How to flirt with a man

How to flirt with a man

Men are different from women in that they appreciate self-expression more. For example, they can understand a woman’s reserve, but too much reserve will be counterproductive. How about showing yourself in a big way? This way both you and he can get to know the real you and him.

Being reserved

If you’re a little timid and can’t If you’re a little shy and can’t maintain your confidence in social situations, then “long-distance” flirting is more appropriate for you, meaning a long-distance, fleeting sigh of relief at some “flirtatious stranger”. Sometimes you will encounter this “long line” of flirting yourself. At its most basic level, someone exclaims to you, “Oh, my, a beautiful woman”. This person is at a distance from you, so that you don’t feel offended, just amused, and truckers are happy to do this.

“Long-line” flirting is very common because it doesn’t require a lot of courage and the risk factor is minimal. Don’t be rude when flirting; your goal is to make someone smile, not jump, and don’t think it’s for men only; today’s women, unlike in the past, are perfectly capable of this kind of lightning action on a regular basis.

Adequately seasoned

If you’re not satisfied with “long term” flirting and want a more permanent exchange, consider the following flirting techniques:

If you’re not satisfied with “long term” flirting and want a more permanent exchange, consider the following flirting techniques:

Compliment each other appropriately

Compliments should be directed to the other person, not just to an object. If you say, “I like your tie.” It will confuse the man, not knowing whether you like the tie or him as a person, so you should say something like, “You look quite dashing in that tie, and it makes your eyes look extra clear.”

Learn to listen

Nod your head from time to time, and when the other person is finished You think about it for a second and then rush to answer. Because, as you may have noticed, in a one-on-one situation, the more you think about what to say, the more flustered and confused you will be, open-mouthed, conversation if such a cold spot, strive to lead the conversation to what you have already talked about, rather than rushing to start a new topic, the old talk shows that you pay attention to the conversation just now, very interested, so as to ensure that the conversation can continue, you do not always have to You don’t always have to search your brain for a great topic to drive the conversation.

Ask questions that open up the conversation

Don’t be superficial and ask deep questions The first thing you need to do is to ask people about their privacy. Questions such as “Where did you grow up?” or “Do you like to watch horror movies?” are light-hearted and appropriate, and they show that you are willing to get to know the person. Please don’t ask heavy questions that are “too big for the subject,” such as “What are your goals in life?” . You can mention that you saw him at that boring meeting, you can rehash a topic she talked about last week, you can tell him you like his new haircut, you can tell her how much you enjoyed hearing her laugh for the first time.

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