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Reveal the reason why the husband cheated 10 things women must not do

From love to marriage to organize a happy and happy family, the couple paid a lot of time and energy, but do not think that after the wedding everything is complete can sit back and enjoy it, in fact the real key also lies in the couple, how to better maintain the life after marriage, as the saying goes love is easy to get along with difficult, which is very reasonable. So, when the husband cheated, women which countermeasures can not be touched, here to see it!

There are many forms and methods of men cheating, but the reasons for this are just two:

1.Men cheat because of subjective reasons

Nowadays, this society is full of temptations everywhere, and there are more women who are younger and more beautiful than you. The actual fact is that you will be able to find a lot of excitement and fun for yourself. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these.

2. Men who cheat are forced by their wives

This is something you should not like to hear when you are a wife, but it is true. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

10 things you should never touch after your husband cheats on you

1. Create a harmonious family atmosphere against your will.

Knowingly your husband is having an affair, but pretend to be in harmony as a couple. It is hard to secretly tolerate love triangles and accept that your husband is physically and mentally involved with other women, and to fake the illusion of happiness despite being in the same bed. Over time, not only painful and depressing, the psychology will also be twisted and perverted. Faced with her husband’s betrayal, the woman suffers twice as much in the siege as she does living single. Her husband ignores her existence, and other men will not be interested in her because she is married. Therefore, this type of marriage can make a woman suffer from depression.

2. Spoil yourself.

Many women think there is no better way to get back at a cheating man than to cuckold him and give him a taste of what it’s like to be betrayed.

While men have the problem of philandering, they don’t like cuckolding in their bones, and it’s naturally the biggest shame for a woman to cheat on her wife.

If you like the person you’re cheating on, you can enjoy the excitement of an affair or find a new love by having an affair with your husband.

Just for the sake of revenge on a person, and to lower yourself, and trample yourself, and in the end only hurt yourself, and later regret it is too late.

So women should find out why a man cheated on them and calmly assess whether the marriage can be maintained before deciding what to do afterwards.

3. Convince yourself with self-deception.

While not wanting other women to share their husbands, women believe in their husbands’ lies and have illusions: he cheated, just a moment of confusion, just the seduction of women outside. This will all end sooner or later. Just, the husband really loves you, will do so? The sweetness of the taste he will stop? The company is also addicted to cheating.

4. Abuse the children.

There are many women who want to persuade a cheating man to change his mind, but they are angry but don’t want to bury their marriage and family.

However, there are some philandering men whose nature is hard to change, and who take a woman’s good intentions as weakness and deceitfulness, and go further and further down the wrong path.

When a woman’s heart is full of anger, she is not a match for men, so she transfers her hatred to her children.

The woman originally thought that if a man doesn’t cherish his wife, he should care about his children, right?

They are not the only ones who have been in the business for a long time.

While the child is a man’s bloodline, he will be distressed by the abuse, but the child is also the flesh that falls from the woman’s body, using the child to retaliate against the cheating man, the greatest harm is done to the child and himself for no reason. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

5. Can’t stay away from letting go, and worried about STD transmission.

Playboys eat pots and pans and take up bowls to balance their relationships, and inevitably have philandering diseases. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public. If you are a clean woman, will you accept this fact?

6. Adding harm to a love interest.

Man cheating in addition to their own indiscretion, the interloper has an inescapable responsibility to destroy the immoral behavior of her family is disgusting, otherwise those third parties will not be like street rats everyone shouting.

When a man is taken away from someone else, the original victim must be gnashing her teeth, and it’s understandable to take it out on the third party, but it needs to be done in a way that’s not sensible, or it could easily lead to unexpected and serious consequences.

Some women think that as long as the love rival is down, the husband will naturally return to the family, not bothering to pay attention to the grudge between the couple, bent on finding the love rival to avenge the hatred, not knowing that there are not a few suspected of intentional injury crime.

While hurting a third party to avenge her husband’s infidelity is a great relief, women themselves pay a high price, and some even lose their personal freedom as a result.

7. The third party is a clear fighter.

Not willing to give up her husband to another woman. In order to give the junior color: I am the original, I just do not divorce.

The first time I saw a woman, she was a woman who had a husband. I will never let you get away with it. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

8. Accept the fact that the child was born out of wedlock.

When a woman confronts her husband with an affair, the consequence of delay is that he may one day give you back an illegitimate child, which is part of your husband’s blood and bones, and indirectly the common property of your family. This thing will threaten you for the rest of your life. “When a husband has an illegitimate child outside, this fact will always remind the wife that her husband is a man who has cheated on her. The child will become a living marker of the man’s other life outside the home – a life that is a part of being a wife that she does not want to acknowledge. This ‘love child’ makes it impossible for the wife to deny the fact that another woman exists. A mistress with a child born out of wedlock can be a bottomless pit that eats up all of a man’s time and money.”

You have to put up with your husband spending money and time on that woman for a long time, where there is also your hard-earned money. You have to put up with that woman’s breath on your husband, and can you really ignore that presence? A woman’s intuition is spot on, but there are some things that won’t really close your eyes. You want to be blind, but there are always shadows present.

9. Enduring humiliation for the sake of the children and living on the sidelines

Many women have counted their husbands’ infidelity several times, that is, lacking the courage to give up, often on the grounds that the children are small and afraid of hurting their hearts, holding their breath, just to preserve a family in name only. The family. In fact, children growing up in such a family is even more detrimental. In addition, children cannot replace the real relationship between you and your husband. Don’t shift the responsibility for your relationship to your children. When the child grows up, you complain: look, it’s because you are too young, your father and I haven’t divorced for so long. If the child asks back, I am now grown up, you want to divorce, just divorce. How do you answer, scold him for being ungrateful? Children are not the weight of your marriage.


The man cheated and betrayed the fault in himself, even if the marriage problems women can not be blamed, but also by the man to bear the main responsibility, no face is the cheater, women do not have to live with themselves.

Some women don’t think so, because they are overly dependent on men in their daily lives, and their minds are exaggerating his importance to them, and their husbands’ cheating and betrayal is like the sky collapsing, and they don’t think twice about fighting with their lives, and some even jump off buildings with their children.

While a woman’s self-sabotage can be out of sight, out of mind, but after all, life is only once, not to mention that this form of revenge is a road of no return, once put into action there is no room for turning back.

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