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Return from honeymoon 8 things to keep the sweetness

Because pre-wedding is stressful, wedding is tiring and honeymoon is too happy, women forget a lot of things during this time, but after you come back from the honeymoon, you must start doing the following things for the sake of your future happy life.

1. Write a letter to your dearest husband

In the letter , start by thanking him for all the hard work he has done to make your wedding dreams come true. Tell him how happy you were on your wedding day, let him know how grateful you are, and tell him your plans for the future. In short, just express that deep feeling in your heart to let him know how much you love him!

When you’re done, put it in an envelope and mail it to him, and imagine how happy he’ll be when he gets it!

2. Give your mother-in-law a call for some good advice

Although you and your mother-in-law don’t live together, the relationship between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also crucial to your future life.

Wisely, you won’t turn a deaf ear to our advice. You can ask her for advice on what problems you might encounter in your future life, or you can learn her specialty, or maybe you don’t need her advice, but by all means give her a call and have a chat. This way, she will feel respected by you and will be graced by the fact that you have made her a part of your future family!

3. Thank those friends who helped you plan your wedding

In Your loved ones and friends at the wedding take the worry away from you, entertain your guests and help you coordinate your vehicle …… so you can be a beautiful and happy bride with no distractions.

After returning from your honeymoon, send them a thank you card to show your appreciation in the most sincere way possible. Thank them for everything they did for your wedding, tell them that your wedding would have been a mess without their help, and mail them the small gift you purchased on your honeymoon. Of course, helping them with their kids or pets while they’re there is a great way to get deeper into their hearts.

4. Pick out fun photos from the wedding and hang them on the wall

5. Start a new life, but don’t change too much

From single life alone to the world of two, maybe you both need to make some adjustments to your habits to fit in with married life.

On your wedding day, you made your marriage vows, signaling that you’ll be looking out for each other, sharing joys and hardships for the rest of your lives. But that doesn’t mean you have to change yourselves completely. You need to accept and report on each other’s different personalities so that you can achieve the ultimate goal of complementing each other.

Also, in the first few years of marriage, a little one will come along and you’ll have to give up a lot of habits you’ve kept for years, so don’t try to change your routine, which will seriously affect your physical and mental health.

And remember, don’t give up too much because of your marriage!

6. Keep exercising and keep yourself energized!

Many of my friends gain a lot of weight after they get married. Is it the muddy happy life that makes them broad-minded and fat? The general reason is so, but don’t you think the lack of exercise is also a very important reason?

Better get some exercise! If you don’t like to exercise, start now and find something for the two of you to do, play golf, or go swimming. Sweating on the field will not only keep you refreshed, but it will make you excited in the bedroom! Remember, daily exercise will make your life as a couple perfect in an unexpected way!

7, Never put sex before friends, always keep in touch with your best friend

Getting married into a two-person world doesn’t mean you have to give up the whole world you were in. If the 2 of you stay together every day, it doesn’t benefit your married life in terms of time.

Friends occupy an irreplaceable place in life, and they will help you escape the weight of your family at the right time and dispatch the difficulties you encounter in life. So don’t lose contact with your old friends because of him, often ask them out to HAPPY a bit, together with shopping, bubble bar. Relive the happy past together! Let them know you’re still the best friend they can trust!

8. Think of little tricks to make it easy on yourself

You may have been a willful girl, but now that you’re married and have a new role with the burden of a family, you should become a person with a sense of responsibility, but don’t let marriage make you lose your original liveliness and cuteness.

Married life isn’t all romance and writing, and you have to spend a lot of time every day dealing with all those household chores. But don’t forget to take time to relax. Reading a novel on your lunch break, or coming home and blasting a song is a great idea!

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